Important~~ Please read ouo

(reblogged from IrradiatorBeta)

Even if you don't want to read that wall of text that is my blog post, please go to the tl;dr. Please!

So, there's been action taken in an attempt to pass a bill known as SOPA, which stands for the Stop Online Piracy Act.

If you would like to be informed more thoroughly or it, here is the wikipedia article, but I'm going to get right to the reason why I'm sharing this: if the SOPA bill is to be passed, all forms of fanfiction, fanart, other fan-made content, etc. will be deleted. Now, it might not affect you if you don't live in the US, but think about it: fan art, fanfiction, and fansites are huge. Chances of stumbling upon something like that are pretty freaking high. And chances of getting into the kpop world due to one of these sites? It probably accounts for over 25% of the kpop fanbase. No, I'm serious.

So, even if it doesn't directly affect you, it does affect the idols. Removing fan content is blocking one very popular entrance to the fanbase of kpop, therefore indirectly affecting our beloved idols.

I don't know how much you took from this, or how much you'll believe. But come on. Help stop SOPA.


SOPA is a bill that's going to ban all fan-content on the internet, including fanfiction, fanart, fancams, and so forth. Help stop SOPA!

Sign this petition against the act! You can make more accounts as long as you have more email accounts and if you have the time.

Share this link: in anyway you can! Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Reddit and so forth.

Reblog on as many aff accounts as you can, post the link in your update A/N's if you plan on updating a shop or story anytime soon. Share the link through PM with close friends. Post the link on roleplays, chats and so forth.


I don't even know if anyone reads my blog posts anyway but this I needed to share.


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Littlemissme_17 #1
Congress is so mean
And to think I want to go there on Spring Break