Not always…

Random blog turn up!

So, I was reading a fic, and L was being a "secret admirer", and I was thinking. Not all secret admirers are good. 

For instance, my friend, let's call him J, has a "secret admirer".

So this girl, is infatuated with J.

Every day, she leaves J notes in his locker. 

Here is an example:

"Dear boo, I think that you need something of mine to remind you of me. I feel bad that you can't see me yet. Take care of it, and would you mind sleeping with it at night?"

Attached was a piece of hair. Creepy right?

She also has left pictures of J in class, and food, which he does not eat.

Anyways, J has contacted the authorities, and they are trying to figure out who is being a creep.


So guys, this shows that not all secret admirers are good. 



You should also check out the promoted fic, it's really good! Kpocalypse.



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Aw, thanks for promoting my story ^_^ What a crazy whirlwind of a day that was!