

Hello can i help u

Yes i just saw something illegal!!

Ok what's the problem?

Someone's trying to kill me !!

Oki girl tell me where're u?

I'm home ...I-I just passed my exam & backed home....He...just...

Dont worry girl nothing will happend i'll send the help ...just stay with me okay 

Plz do something ....its too hot here...I-I cant even breath 

Dont panic no one could hurt u ...tell me where's he now?

He's gone 2mins then gone!! 

Good did he touched u 

Ofc he did he touched my cororo i'm sweating ryt now

Cororo!! & in 2mins!! 

I know ryt!! He has that effect & the worst thing i'm not his only victim!! 

Do u know him ? Do u know his name?

Yes its KAI - Y KAI eveytime he did his things my cororo won't stop 

Oh that cororo again but what do u mean every time?! This isn't the fst time!! 

Ofc not he's doing it everyday everywhere in anytime ...he won't stop...i'm so damn lost ... no one can stop his crimes!! 

We will ...we're here to save u ...u're not alone

he's growling everywhere dancing like a wolf & doing his damn things in front of that damn camera !

So he's using a camera , dont worry we always have that kind of sick guys 

No he's not a sick guy he's a hot one 

Wait is he a bf?! 

I wish,  i know i can't have him even if that body needs him 

Okay girl is there something i'm missing here!! A bf or a friend u need to tell us more details 

Well he's my bias my UB 

Wait what're u talking about what do u mean ?!

He has D.O  & u can't imagine how much they do

Who's that?!

The mother

His mother!!


Oh  does he has a brothers sisters anyone to find?

He has 9 brothers a tall father & 2 mothers sometimes three 

What!Seriously ?! What kind of family is that! 

Well even if he has Mothers he only see his D.O kiss his D.O touch & make love with his D.O 

But u said that he did it with many girls like u 

Yea touching me w/o touching me ...oh my poor life

 seriously u're not helping me girl...u confused me

l... just stop him okay

actually i wanna see this guy but dont worry we will

U can the whole youtube is talking about him just his name & u  'll see his crimes!! Be carefull about  ur eyes 

Girl who're u exactly ?! 

I'm his fan!! 

U what!! Ok give me sec i'm calling  991 i think i'm gonna kill someone 





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OMG. WHAT? That was hilarious. Can't blame you for feeling that way. Kai is seriously a life-ruiner and ehm, "touching me without touching." LOL. Cutie.