Explanation about the college in 'The Choice'

Hey guys!

Here’s the explanation of my weird description about college for The Choice. First of all, it may contain a lot of awful grammatical faults, I'm sorry!

The thing is that I’m not studying in a college, and I will never in my whole life. I’ll know how part of it (only lectures hall in fact) looks like in a year and a half (hopefully) but it won’t be in a college, just in an engineering school with 200 students at maximum ^-^.

Actually I’m doing a kind of studies that only exists in France, which involves one class of 20 students for the first year, and one class of 20 students for second years. However, even if I knew that studying in college means more students in one class, I didn’t know how many classes could be so I settled for 4 (You’ll see soon the 4th!) Also I’m not switching classrooms so they won’t neither (let’s be lazy for once! Maybe I’ll make them buying a coffee machine, like our class did…) and we have a teacher 10/37 hours and it’s a lot when this teacher is exactly like Mr. Lee (of course it’s not his real name, I’d be embarrassed if he find this out ^^’). All of his appearances and probably jokes existed (unfortunately). And I’ve just remembered that we start school on September, have “winter holidays” (2 weeks only) with exams on February and finish on the beginning of July so we have 2 months of “summer holidays”, and if my memory is exact South Korea and Japan starts during spring. Here they’ll be starting in September (I already planned everything and thought about it after…)

I am also aware that I can put a lot of comma while writing, sorry if it’s disturbing you it sort of became a habit for me…

I’m going back to write the fifth chapter now for this weekend! I hope you all enjoy this story, and don’t hesitate to leave comments with your thoughts on this story! Love y’all!


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