❝mymy❞ -----〈 Rian — Hwang Ri Yeon 〉

hwang ri yeon
kpoploveerxoxo // kristy or rian // 10/10
» related
NICKNAME: Riyeonnie, Sweetyeon, mini Sica, Baekhyun's lost twin, Sehun's Bubble tea twin, Baby Girl,Yeonah, New year baby
DATE OF BIRTH: December 31,1997
AGE: 16
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul,South Korea
ETHNICTY: Korean-American
HOMETOWN: San Fransisco,California,USA
LANGUAGE: English[Fluent],Korean[semi-Fluent],Japanese[conversational]
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Charismatic "Sweet Ice" Pearl
POSITION: Maknae,Lead dancer,sub-vocal
FANCLUB NAME: Rinaddicts
FANCLUB COLOR: #ff3399#ffcccc
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?


>Introducing Rian >Ri Yeon is a sweet bubbly girl who can be a trouble maker sometimes. she is really charismatic Onstage especially on cam , she is really playful and a bit childish offstage and offcam but she never fails to try and cheer others up;specially her friends.she is very shy around those she doesnt know that well specially if she hasn't met them yet, she may look innocent but do not underestimate her for she is a troublemaker and can be evil when she wants,but doesn't really harm others. She is a very kind and sweet girl! Ri Yeon is like a happy virus,she is very bubbly & Playful.She never likes seeing one of her friends get hurt or see them sad..it upsets her so she does her best to cheer them up. she is very sweet and always gives words of encouragement for others so they can continue to go on with the things they like despite the bad things..Whenever she performes she is really serious but still has the playful attitude,she trolls her group mates sometimes but mostly becomes this hyper type who is really playful and pulls pranks when she's bored.she can become lazy sometimes and if someone tries to fight with her she will talk back to them not caring what she says but only does it privately, she can be bossy sometimes and ignores those around her when she's in a bad mood,she can be a bit sensitive but does her best to try not to be too sensitive.She can also be self centered sometimes but thinks of other's too.

Ri Yeon can be clueless and a bit lost sometimes but comes back to reality when it's explained to her,she is very obidient and very respectful to her sunbaes especially to those older then her.she cares alot for her group members and always like to make sure that their okay;Ri Yeon has a carefree attitude which others like most about her but never dare to try and make her mad/angry for she will show the other side of her.She is a bit of a trouble maker and becomes evil when she wants just for fun but she never goes too far,people often see the cool,calm bubbly sweet side of Ri Yeon and are curious of what she will be like when she's not like that.She really dislikes being bored but can be a perfectionist when in training.Ri Yeon loves aegyo!but only doesn't do it often.she can be a bit of a fashionista sometimes but it can help ther members when they can't decide what to wear for an event . she respects her dongsaengs and even help them when they're confused about something, RiYeon is very outgoing and can start a conversation with others easily though she can be shy. if one of her friends need someone she'll be there to comfort them or just listen to them, If someone tells her a secret her lips are sealed. she will not say a word at all, she can become a cold person when she's not in a good mood but tries her best to be her normal self even if she just wears a fake smile to cover it up. she knows she's not perfect and thats what she likes most about herself. she can be stubborn and doesn't often pay attention to what people are saying depending on her mood ..

(> My Other Side > Although she tends to wear a mask from those people around her,The masked her seems to be arrogant,cold and quiet but many still adore her even if she's like that.When she is lazy she will not do anything but still does something to get her lazyness away..Her confidence seems to be 50/50 but sometimes higher,if someone talks to her and their conversation starts to get boring she would start showing this expression of boredem and some would think of it as her being rude and cold as ice but all they need to do is break down her thick walls to see the real her that is totally different from the masked her that shows no emotions most of the times making herself become stronger.She can also be a bit of snob sometimes and tends to have a short temper too which can make things become very difficult for her,When something happens to someone close or important to her she tends to worry about them too much but would be calmed down by one of her group mates.It isn't like her to be very quiet at times,she is actually a bit loud in the dorm,she is cheerful and outgoing.She is independant and doesn't like it when people especially her family worry too much about her since she is the maknae in their family;she likes to groupmates about many things just for fun..But she can become very spoiled when it comes to things.
When it comes to expressing her feelings she tends to be a bit awkward and cannot easily express it but in the end she tells them how she feels.If people ever try to make her mad she will become this arrogant kind of girl that seems heartless and y but it depends if she gets treated right or not.instead of Judging someone by their appearance she judges them by personality.Ri Yeon can be dorky like SNSD's Taeyeon and tends to always take photo's of special memories that can't be forgotten to her.

>The Sweet One  She is a really Sweet and optimistic girl! She is often misunderstood as a very dramatic girl but in truth she isn't that overly dramatic.She treasures her special people in life very well that when a promblem comes along in their friendship she would easily cry because she loves them alot..she is shy at first and seems just like another cold city girl but she is very sweet and caring.she is a shoulder to lean on and would help in fixing others problems but she sometimes hold a grudge on people for a very long time.She is the type that would laugh easily,just say a small joke and she would laugh.She's a very strong girl but if also afraid of the world which people would often about,she doesn't speak of notice the person that has put her in a bad mood for a long time and is the type that would rather have them say sorry in person than in text;she hates it when people accuse her for no reason which would make her say all these things uncontrolably.When she loves someone she really will love them and it isn't a lie,she will try to help with your problems even if she see's herself as weak most times..In other words she really is just another sweet girl.

» Background

Ri Yeon was born in Seoul,her mother is an american fashion designer and her father owns a company in Korea.She has an older sister who is currently learning to be a bussiness manager.She had lived in San Fransisco when she was 3 with her mother and stayed there until she was 13,Her mother currently had a bussiness running in San Francisco and they needed her back for help,Byunghee told her that she can stay there as long as she wants but to also bring Ri Yeon along,knowing that her mother Serena wanted to bring Ri yeon along.Being brought there at an early age,Ri Yeon didn't have much of a hard time learning the english language and she would often be brought to her cousin'Tiffany's place whenever her mother had to go on a bussiness trip or she couldn't bring Ri yeon along with her.But it was fine because Ri Yeon enjoyed Tiffany's company and Tiffany enjoyed taking care of Ri Yeon.When Ri yeon was in elementary,she was one of the most popular people there,they admired her for her Talent,beauty,and Brains.Though that doesn't mean that she wasn't bullied,she was bullied but only for a short amount of time because Tiffany found out about the bullying,She was called names,pushed around all because of jealousy.. She took Singing and dance Classes when she was in Grade 2 until grade 6,She also had gymnastic classes when she was in grade 3.Ri Yeon joined the school's Netball,Volleyball and touch footy team when she got an interest in sports and was taught how to play The guitar,piano and violin when she was in grade 5.Some people said that Ri Yeon was an active child and soon she started gaining interest in music; She took interest in some kpop songs too,She loves Destiny Child's Survivor,Brown eyes and cater 2 u and even choreographed her own dance to "Survivor". When she was 11years old she joined a singing and dancing contest and Won 1st place!, When she was 13 she and her mother went back to korea and Ri Yeon was so happy yet sad too,but she was really happy that they got to be a complete family again.in High school,She attended SOPA where she met new friends and got to see her childhood friend again,She was Casted by one of SM's Recuits when they spotted her shopping in Myeongdong with her cousin Tiffany,she automatically joined and although her father didn't want her to become an idol because he would have no one to inherit his bussiness,he tried to understand what she wanted and just went along with it.She became a trainee for SM at the age of 13 and though it was tough she managed to get through it with the support of her family and friends.During her trainee Years she started becoming insecure and spoiled because she would always get compared to Tiffany,Tiffany of course was known worldwide and loved by many;but ever since she did a shout out to her cousin,several fans started searching about Riyeon and started comparing her,She would do anything to prove herself that she is nothing like tiffany but it's really hard because there were just too many comparisons in her way.Eventually she became spoiled and cold too.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Photography-She has loved photography ever since she was a child
  • two:Dancing-Her love for dancing is like her love for photography
  • three:Singing-she was inspired by many artsists & Idols
  • Rapping- She got into rapping when she started hearing hip hop songs
  • Acting- she wanted to be an actress before
  • Pastel colors- She just loves soft but calm colors
  • Printed Leggings- It's eye catching
  • Shopping- she had always loved shopping
  • Cotton Candy-She loves this sweet sugar since she was a child
  • Ice cream-It helps her feel better when she's upset
  • Chocolate-it's her favourite
  • Stuffed Toys- She has a collection of stuffed animals & Plushies
  • K-Drama's- She wants to try acting with actors like Lee Jongsuk,she loves to watch them
  • Variety shows-It just makes her laugh,Especially Running Man
  • Babies-she loves how cute they are
  • Bubble Tea- SHe just loves it
  • Fashion-She loves looking into new types of styles
  • Food- She can be a shikshin like SNSD's Sooyoung
  • Social Media-she loves to update her social media accounts
  • Music-she will never stop loving it
  • Rikkakuma-it's just too cute!
  • Totoro
  • Pororo
  • starbucks
  • Amuzement Parks-She loves going there for fun but she hates the haunted houses
  • Ice Skating
  • Eye Liner
  • Dream Catchers
» Dislikes
  • one: peaches-she just hates the taste of it and the smell
  • two: pears-like the peach she also doesn't like the taste of it
  • three: fake "innocent" people-it annoys her how people fake their innocence ex.the person has a bad attitude but acts all innocent
  • four: sasaengs-they just won't stop
  • five: snakes-it creeps her out alot
  • six:bugs-she hates it especially when they crawl on her
  • seven: wild animals-she's afraid of them
  • eight: citrus perfumes-the smell just makes her dizzy
  • nine: storms-she just doesn't like it when it storms
  • Ten: bad weathers-it annoys her
  • eleven:   liars-she can tell when someone is lying to her
  • twelve:  backstabbers-she hates people like that.it just annoys her alot.
  • thirteen: people making her angry just for fun-it's annoying how people would use her feelings against her
  • fourteen: clowns-she finds them scary
  • sixteen: dull environments-it makes her feel akward
  • seventeen: bittersweet foods-she dislikes it's taste.
  • eighteen: confined areas-she can't breathe well in confined areas
  • nineteen: thick make-up-she hates wearing too much because it makes her look fake..
  • twenty: haunted houses-it scares her
  • twenty-one: zombies-she's afraid that they would come to life,even if it's just a movie or a game she doesn't want to watch or play it.
» Fears
  • one: Heights
  • two: Haunted houses
  • three: SNakes
  • four: clowns
  • five: Zombies coming to life
» Hobbies
  • one: Photography
  • two: Composing
  • three: playing Guitar & Piano
  • four: Singing
  • five: Dancing
  • Six: Drawing
» Habits
  • one: Biting her lip-a habit of hers since she was 12
  • her lips-to prevent to from drying
  • Crying when she gets mad-it just really fustrates her &
    upsets her when she gets really mad but doesn't want to
  • Running her fingers through her hair-she does it
  • Stuttering when nervous-she just gets really nervous
  • Zoning out or DAydreaming-She does it without notice
  • twirling her hair when she thinks deeply-she does
    it unconciouslly.
  • stomping her feet when she's mad
  • Biting her thumb-she does when shes nervous or worried
» Trivia
  • one: She is the Cousin of SNSD's Tiffany
  •  She is really close to the member's of SM Family
  •  She is afraid of Snakes or any other really wild animals
  • She absolutely love the color Pink!just like her cousin
  •  She is an A.R.M.Y (BTS), EXOTIC , SONE ,Inspirit & an ELF
  • She has a phobia of  Haunted houses, this happened when
    she was in grade 7,
  • She knows how to play guitar & piano
  • She Won a singing and dancing contest in the US when
    she was 11 years old
  • She was given a Samsung Mega by her mother
    when her clothing brand was a success,
  • Tiffany gave her an IPhone 5 as a good luck charm
    that she'll debut
  • She is an idol Ulzzang or Trainee ulzzang
  • She took dance and singing classes when she was in grade 2
  • She is really close to f(x)'s Krystal,sulli and Victoria,
    Girls' Generation and EXO
  • She was part of the School's Volleyball,netball and Touch
    footy team in Elementary school
  • Her favorite numbers are:88,16,20,1,12 and 29
  • Her favourite fruits are: Apples, watermelons,
    strawberry's, mango's,banana's and oranges
  • She hates Peaches and Pears
  • She is currently a model for her mother's clothing brand
  • She has 2 dogs named Vanilla and Cream ,
    Vanilla was given by tiffany and cream was given by Kai
  • She is very flexible
  • She likes taking photographs of "special" moments as a
  • She has a habit of biting her lip
  • She can zone out from time to time or tend to daydream
  • She is afraid of Falling from high places
  • She keeps a journal,that she writes in whenever
    she doesn't know how to express her feelings
  • She is afraid of clowns
  • she doesn't do well in confined spaces,
    she has trouble breathing
  • She has a fear of Zombies coming to life
  • she loves cute things
  • Has a 21 inch waist
  • like sooyoung she loves food too
  • She knows how to beat box
  • She attended the same school as EXO's Kai and Sehun,
    Miss A's Suzy,f(x)'s Sulli and many more other artists
  •  She was Mentioned in BTS's album in the thanks to section..
  • Her English name is Krystal Blaire given by Tiffany
  • She likes Destiny Child,Alicia keys and beyonce
  • She is a former Ulzzang under cherry koko
  • The snsd members treat her like their own dongsaeng/sister
  •  she is very good at fan service
  • She was given a shout out by Myungsoo during the OGS
  • She loves the minions from despicable me
  • She would sometimes be called Mini Jessica
  • If she wasn't an Idol she would want to be a Photographer,
    an actress or a fashion designer
  • she likes having her hair long and would never cut it above
    her shoulders
  • She likes the Thai Actor Mario Maurer after she watched
    crazy little thing called love
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
UALITY: straight
LOVE INTEREST: Jeon Jungkook
BACKUP: Kim Jongin | Kai

Jungkook can be a very charismatic person when he dances on stage with the rest of BTS but when he's off stage he can be this playful,fun loving guy who is really caring and sweet also very shy and playful. though he can be a bit lost at thought sometimes he can be very protective and is often shy around some fans but never fail to show them his charismatic sweet side.he cares a lot for his hyungs and those close to him and would often do his best to cheer them up! he can get jealous easily and doesn't really show what he feels that much. He is very warmhearted and can sometimes have this arrogant attitude, he can be a perfectionist from time to time, he treats everyone well but has a awkward time expressing how he feels,he is sweet and charming and cares a lot for his hyungs being the youngest in BTS.he has a rather cold appearance but is a really nice guy and kind to others although he isn't that open with those who isn't that close with him yet..he never likes it when he's friends get upset and tries to cheer them up. He doesn't show his emotions that much and often likes to tease people about many things but never goes too far. He can also be a bit cold towards those who he isnt that close with yet but once you become close with him he will start treating you right.he tends to be a bit dorky sometimes but still is the fun loving guy.He's the type that is shy and can get easily embarrased with simple things but just laughs it off in the end.He can also be a bit clueless and tends to be a bit lost but it will eventually go away once it is explained to him.He has this habit of zoning out from time to time.Jungkook is really passtionate about dancing and singing also,he is the type to practice really hard but takes care of his health.


they both often have skinship and often tease each other about many things too.they also tell each other some corny jokes which makes some confused..Jungkook and Ri Yeon are like brother and sister by the way they treat each other but people know their relationship is best friends but people think that they act more then that due to their sweetness around each other.. They treat each other like more then just friends sometimes.jungkook can be very protective of Ri Yeon though,he hates it when she does things out on her own without anyone knowing,although he knows that she is an independant girl he just get a weird feeling as if something will happen to her.Ri Yeon and jungkook both have the same passion for dancing and they get along really well because of their understanding,They would meet up most times whenever they have free time just to catch up and tell each other about their day even if the talk to each other almost everyday.He is her shoulder to lean on whenever she would cry;He hates seeing her cry because it hurts him too and eventually he would do eveything he can to make her smile again.One time when she just couldn't take all the comparisons between her and tiffany she felt like running away and so Jungkook brought her to all her favourite places just to calm her mind.No one understands him better then she does,She can completely read him like an open book so whenever he has a surprise on he would have to act really well for her to believe, although he can get jealous really easily when he see's her with another guy.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: HI!:) Here's my app ^^ i Hope you'll like her~ sorry if it's long.If there's anything the needs fixing please do tell me ^^ good luck in the story! and i hope i'll get chosen :3

     Afterschool's First Love,Falshback
    Ailee's Heaven,U&I,I Will Show You,Evening Sky,Singing got better,I'll be okay
    f(x)'s NU ABO,Pinocchio,Rum Pum Pum Pum,Hot Summer,Electric shock,Ending Page,Goodbye summer,Pretty girl,Beautiful stranger
    SNSD's Gee,Oh,Into The new world,I Got A Boy,The Boys,Telepathy,Baby Baby,Promise
    TaeTiSeo's Twinkle,Baby Steps,Love Sick,OMG
    APink's My My,Wishlist,Lovely Day,NoNoNo,U You,Hush
    Hello Venus's Romantic love,Do you want some tea?
    Sistar's Give it to me,Follow me,So Cool,Loving U,Alone
    SISTAR19's Ma Boy,A Girl inlove,Gone not around any longer
    4Minute's Whatever,I my me mine,What's your name?,Hot issue
    Wondergirl's Girlfriend,Like This,Nobody
    T-ARA's Day by day,y Love,Cry,Lies,ROly Poly,Lovey Dovey
    T-ARA N4's Countryside life(Jeon Won diary)
    SKarf's Luv Virus
    SECRET's Poison,YooHoo,Shy Boy
    Girls' Day's Female President,Epectation,Don't forget me,Twinkle Twinkle,Hug Me once,Something
    Dal Shabet's Be Ambitious
    KARA's Step,Damaged Lady,pandara box
    IU's Someday,These Red shoes,You and I
    Hyolyn's One way love,Lonely

Miss A's I Don't Need a man,Hush,Bad girl Good Girl,Breathe,Goodbye baby,Step

    Hello Baby
    Romantic and idol
    Running man
    invinsible youth
    Let's go dream team!
    Happy together
    The beatles code


Jungkook tries to confess to Ri Yeon but was interuppted by Kai

  • Kai and Ri Yeon have a day out at lotte world
  • when Jungkook finds out that Kai and Ri Yeon are together he gets really jealous about it.
  • Jungkook follows Ri Yeon and Kai to Lotte world
  • Kai confesses to Ri Yeon on the ferris wheel but she doesn't know what to say and ends up kissing Ri Yeon
  • jungkook sees what Kai did and gets really frustrated about it
  • Jungkook and Ri Yeon get into a fight and He ends up confessing to her
  • She goes to ask Tiffany,Krystal and Luhan for help about what she feels.
  • EXO & MyMy have a day out at the beach
  • Kai apologizes to Riyeon for his actions and Riyeon accepts it
  • During their trip to the beach,Kai invites RiYeon to watch the sunset with him and she agrees
  • She finally realizes her true feelings and tells him about her crush on Jungkook and hopes that they can still be bestfriends
  • He smiles about it and says that he's happy for her even if it hurts
  • He tells her that she should go and talk to him and she does
  • Kai gets jealous about jungkook and Riyeon but conceals his feelings
  • He ends up asking Riyeon about her true feelings on him and she tells him about her little crush on him
  • Kai shows up and ends up fighting over her with jungkook because he couldn't conceal it anymore;she gets upset about it
  • Riyeon decides to go back to san fransisco for a while without him or jungkook knowing..only the members and some other SM family
  • Krystal ends up telling kai & Jungkook that RiYeon will be having a short summer break in San Fransisco to clear her head and that her flight is today
  • They goes straight to the airport without caring if people recognize them and they see's her straight away.
  • Jungkook hugs her from behind and tells her not to leave because he needs her;Riyeon tells him that she just needs to clear her head for a while and will come back with kai watching from afar
  • He tells her that he'll be here waiting and starts singing 2pm's "comeback when you hear this song" she just laughs about it and gives him a kiss before boarding the plane with tears
  • When she comes back She sees Krystal,Tiffany ,Luhan & suzy immediatley with no other then Kai& Jungkook
  • She is shocked to see him but hears them start singing comeback when you hear this song.
  • Kai finally accepts her feelings and tries to move on but they will still be bestfriends
  • He apologizes to jungkook and tells him to take care of her or else..
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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