writing a new fanfict

A-yo! Whaddup!!! Haha.

Finally my midterms already finished, and I can back to my real world (?)

And a few days ago I started to write a fanfict.

EXO fanfict ofc, Kai and Sehun will be the main male cast (it's not ff btw),and it will be angst,fluffy and too (xD)

I always write fanfict but it's never been finished -..-'

So, now, I'm going to serious for this fanfict. I will make chaptered fanfict, maybe it's about 35 chapters? Is it too long? I'm still wonder how many chapters I will make.

But my english isn't good ;o;


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Yeay, fighting~ fighting~
I'll read your fanfic and subscribing too~ fighting
I know the feeling of unfinished fanfic. I think it would be better if you just let the story flow and don't think too much about how many chapters will you make...hehehe....Good Luck!^^