Can I get your attention please? ^^

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Yo friends!

I'm here to promote the Exo Oneshot project again :)

What is is about?

well,its a oneshot project at which you will write a story of the member of your choice (the members that are still available that is).


What kind of story?

Its about where you imagine where will they be within the next ten years.Still working in the industry? Or doing other stuff?Having a family perharps?or still single?Thats all your choice :D Let your imaginations do the work 

                                                                                                                                                                                                   (click on the pic to go to the story)

How does it work?

You comment which member you want to write about and we will reserve him for you.

after you finish writing the can pm the author (soyjac) or the co-author aka me :)


some of the people who reserved the members back out.So,there are still other members waiting for you guys to write stories about them XD





I am currently working as a graphic designer at Purple Line ~^=^♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧

please visit the shop hehehehe

Its still hiring designers if anybody interested :>


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I want to write for Chanyeol but huhuhu
I can do Kai ^^
I'm so tempted to write one for Kris. Hahaha.