Skip Beat Live Action

Annyeong :)

Anyone here know of the anime Skip Beat ?

It is about a girl who wants revenge on her childhood friend whom she had loved and cared for, for being ungrateful to her. The only way of winning and getting her revenge is through stardom and into the Entertainment industry. So she entered and became a newbie in Acting. She also met Ren Tsruga (I forgot how to spell last name) who she kind of fall in love with also ...... as she engages herself more into the acting industry, she realises she has a talent herself and that shes doing this for her own sake, not for the sake of revenge. She enjoys acting a lot and her true character is revealed ...........  yeah etc etc. Im not good with summaries so yeah ...... :D

Anyhow, it is a really good anime and guess what ?!




There is going to be a drama live-action of it airing on Telly!

► 9:40pm (sorry I dont know which time frame it is refering to !! TT^TT on FTV every Sunday from 18/12/2011 to 11/03/2012
► 10:30pm (again, I dont know which time frame it is refering to >"<) on GTV every Saturday from 24/12/2011 to 17/03/2012
Skip Beat has 13 episodes in total ~


It stars Ivy Chen as main character (Kyoko/Kyoto Mogami) <-- I think thats how you spell it >"<

Lee Donghae & Choi Siwon ....... YES THEY ARE GONNA BE ON IT TOO !!!! WOOOPPPPEEEEEE ~ .........

anyhow, they are staring as Ren Tsruga & Fu Shotaro ............


I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aiigo I dont have that channel >"<


Anyone know if it will be on the net ? Or YouTube? I want to download it >"<


& I dont know if you guys know this already, but I just want to say it.


Kamsahamnida for reading :)




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I will watch it for sure!