Tagged by LovinBlack

Tag Quiz: 

1) Post the rules

2) Answer questions given by tagger, and then make 11 new questions

3) Tag 11 people and link them to your post

4) Let them know that they've been tagged

Not gonna tag, since I've done these before... You guys who read can do it instead! ^^

1. Who is the first idol who comes to mind when I say, "K-POP!"?

CNBLUE. Luhan. I dunno... haha


2. Look to your left, what do you have there? (LOL>< I seriously dunno what to ask)

My arm? Lol jokes. My tablet


3. Do you have a fave storybook or fanfic? List them down^^

Seriously? Omg... I have so many. Let's see...

BAP Oneshots II by purplekpop (and the first one as well!)

His Barcode Tattoo by krismatics (a current fave, it's pretty interesting even though it's sehun... :L)

Hello to My Twelve Headaches by MamaShrimp (omg, funniest story I've read!)

The Marriage Life of Mr. Byun by sundaysundaes (It's a good drama one)

Of Dragons, Pandas and Insanity. by Taoschlong (really cute KrisHo and Baby EXO)

Taming the Beast by exoism (Best chen fic ever. Ok, maybe. I have another chen fic fave too)

These are just some of my faves. I have a WHOLE LOAD more. but yeah. these are my fave.

And books. You don't want to get me started. dear god no.


4. What do you see yourself as in 10 years time?

Luhan's Wife. Mrs Lu. HAHAHAHA. No. That's a way too far ahead dream... /le sigh

I'll probs be doing some office job or something... Or travelling. That's be nice. Or working in S.Korea. :D


5. What kind of super power would you like to have?

Freaking telekenesis. I really wish I could do things with my mind. So basically awesome mind power/s. HAHAHAHA


6. If you meet one of your kpop on the streets.... What would you do?

Grab them, bind them and drag them home with me, then keep them with me at all times. I'd probably let out a little squeal and ask for a selfie and autograph ^^


7. If you have to define your life into one word, what would it be?



8. Sunny day or rainy day? Explain your choice.

Rainy day~~ Don't you love the sound of rain? The pitter patter? Haha, I love rain. ^^ Except when I'm outside that is...


9. How's life? (I'm seriously, insanely bad at making up these questions=.=)

Pretty screwed up. And hectic. Since I still have exams next week... so MORE STUDYING!



THREE~ ^^ I like that number~ HAha. I'm so weird


11. What'cha think about me(LovinBlack)? (I'm dunno anymoreT^T)

I love your rant blogs. I dunno. The GIFs are pretty descriptive themselves. Haha, I bet you could write a story from them.

Here are my eleven questions~ They're pretty random...

1. What's your favourite food/s?

2. Do you read any books? Got a favourite one?

3. If you received a million dollars, what would you do with it?

4. Favourite song?

5. Your bias bumps into you on the street, causing you to nearly fall. He/she catches you and helps you stand up. What do you do next?

6. Do you have a favourite word? What is it?

7. If you could bring three things with you for the day, what would they be?

8. What's the strangest, weirdest thing you've ever heard of?

9. Complete this: If I were an animal, I'd be a ________?

10. What are you good at?

11. Favourite hobby?

Yeah. I TAG YOU! hahahaha




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LOL>< at your number 6! Ehehehehe... The cross out ones *waggles brow* I saw that~~~
Keke... I'm being weird again!