「 THE FIRST CLASS ♡ na gaeul.

baekhyun: this is all for our private yearbook, im telling you. so you phesants better answer this shiznit honestly. you dont have to give me names (except for crush huehue), just describe the following. first pov only pleasus muchos grazie

zodiac sign: "capricorn. you know, half goat, half siren or fish."

first love: "don't laugh at me or anything, but my first love was prince aladdin. who cares if it's a fictional character? i seriously loved that movie to the point, according to my mom, that i demanded to watch it at least once on the weekends during a great part of my childhood. my dad even bought me this silly aladdin doll that i still keep in my closet because i get too nostalgic when i see it. in the past, whenever someone asked my if i liked a boy from school or anyone, i would reply that i couldn't since i was prince aladdin's princess. that's it, i won't say no more."

first kiss: "my first kiss was with my friend jaeho. we were fourteen at the time and he confessed that he felt like a loser for being the only boy within his friends with having lips. i mean what the? who cares?! we were so young at the time omg and he was worrying over such a stupid thing! however, i didn't have the heart to tell him that until we were a bit older. now, let's get back to the topic. being the good friend i'm still are, i offered my lips. seeing him happy was enough to get over the fact that i lost my first kiss to a friend... i still don't regret it because jaeho never stopped being special. by fact, i lost my first kiss. in my opinion, unless i kiss someone i like, i will forever have lips ohorat?" 

classroom crush: "okay i'll be honest. park chanyeol is a friggin' walking god. he's so funny and stupid and omg he plays basketball! overly tall guys are perfect; chanyeol doesn't know how hot and derpy he is. by the way kris is out of that fact because i say so. sadly, i've done a lot of things to catch chanyeol's attention but he never budges; i guess he's too busy ogling at rahee to even notice my efforts. whatever, it doesn't mean i'll stop just because his eyes are looking at what he's not supposed to. i've got han to help me out if... something happens? (
lu han: no because i'm too busy refining my kim tan skills)."

what you look for in a boyfriend: "uhh... i'm not into those ideal types or whatever but i guess i'll have to say something (
lu han: as if you ever shut up): first, i'd like to be with an understanding guy; someone able to know my moods and being able to keep up with who i really am. he should be funny, sweet, and really courageous; i mean, i love adventures and extreme scenarios that involve sports or what not, so he should be able to keep up with my pace. i like tall guys (lu han: i knew you'd end up mentioning chanyeol) but it's okay if he's not within those standars at all; as long as he's taller than me i guess it's okay? also, the guy must buy me food whenever i get hungry without complaining about how much money he spends on fast food; i just love junkies, don't judge me. oh! if he's a fit guy or at least has the decency to visit the gym on the weeks, that will give him tons of brownie points. sporty guys are eye-catching!"

something you want your (future) boyfriend to do: "i want to jump out of a plane with him and do any other activities that gives you a near-death experience. i mean, aren't those things exciting? you don't get to enjoy life everyday plus, if i end up dying, it'll be with him. okay, let me be more specific; i want him to fulfill my eccentric wishes that ranges from going to amusement parks just to chill out a scare clowns away, to mount climbing or parachuting; just whatever requires courage and  makes you feel the adrenaline. please dear boyfriend, we must at least jump out of a plane one time!"

the perfect date: "anything will do. the place should be nice but whether it's expensive or not, i won't care. having him by my side is more than enough; what else could a girl ask for? maybe i'm that cool."

- now, that wasn't so hard right. well done, pet, well done xoxo baek


hiyeom ♡



-yinghua / 7 / Eli

name: na gaeul (나가을)
xiao gaga ::: lu han sometimes calls her like that due to her obsession with lady gaga and well, the first syllab of her name gave him so brownie points for being "creative". his english pronounciation is just so cute.
girin (기린) lit. giraffe ::: being one of the tallest girl in school (and being that tall in sk) gaeul kind of sticks out of the bunch. It was some idiot who wanted to ask her something and ended up yelling "yah girin!" because he didn't know her name; it was also partially her fault for turning around. Now it's stuck within the school population and gaeul must die with that name.
princess / baby sis ::: exclusively used by her older brother, dokyun.
birthday & age: 12-28 & 19
hometown: seoul, south korea
where she grew up in: los angeles, usa (moved back to seoul at age thirteen)
korean (fluent) ::: (gaeul: are you seriously going to ask?) self-explanatory.
english (fluent) ::: lived in the states until she was thirteen and ever since she came to seoul, gaeul has never stopped perfectioning her english skills.
mandarin chinese (conversational) ::: started learning the language as soon as she met the chinese gang from seungri high. gaeul was more like forced into it by her very own best friend (lu han: her ghetto english won't get her anywhere. chinese is the new engurish / gaeul: aint' gonna listen to yo' trash nigga)
ulzzang& back up: jiwon & yeri

appearance: for starters, gaeul is labeled as one of the cutest girls out there and she hates it to no end. with pronounced cheek bones, cute bangs and "fatty" cheeks, who wouldn't think she looks young and almost like a little girl? in general, gaeul has never really took much care of her appearance until both her brother and lu han demanded her to "women" up a bit. a natural brunette -dyes it either lighter or darker sometimes-, gaeul's hair is long and reaches until just above her chest area. she usually keeps it slightly curled at the end; although it can also be seen wavy or just plain straightened. buns or ponytails aren't some sort of style for her; since gaeul is pretty much running around or doing sports in general, it's kind of obvious -at least for her- to keep it wrapped up. for make-up, eyeliner and lip gloss will do; don't push it, lu han is still in the process of making her more feminine. Even if it's rare in south korea, unless you're born to be a model, gaeul stands at 172cm (
gaeul: seriously, that's not even tall) and weights 55kg thanks to her never-ending visits to the gym.


style: gaeul is a er for shorts. sure, jeans or skirts are okay but the amount of times you'd see her wearing shorts can be uncountable. it's partly because she feels more comfortable with them, and the other part is just to show her toned legs. she doesn't fret over tops; plain tees, long-sleeved shirts, or nice blouses are part of her growing wardrobe -lu han and her brother's fault- so she'll always find something different to wear. gaeul loves wearing cardigans and blazers as a compliment to her outfits, believing that she looks up to date yet classic. for shoes, gaeul opts for flats, sneakers or combat boots; she's never been a fan of sandals, much lesss of heels. jewerly? earrings, necklaces and/or rings; gaeul only wears bracelets on certain scenarios (
gaeul: i wish i could dress like momma monster but i can already feel my friends' rejections / lu han: you go that right).


personality traits:

(+) courageous, venturesome, conciliatory, clever, forgiving, energetic, confident, sociable, aspiring, creative
(-) conceited, procrastinating, outrageous, impatient, irascible, possessive, loquacious, compulsive, abrupt, demanding


✰ shut up and let me go: extremely independent and hot-headed, na gaeul is someone not to mess around with. her words are as sharp as a samurai's sword and she isn't afraid of telling anyone the truthest (?) truth. one should think twice before deciding on how to address her or how to starts a conversation because as soon as you step on the wrong side, you can't whine about how bad she was.

✰ naruto uzumaki desu: being irascible is one thing but crazy basically defines her; gaeul loves getting into the deepest sh*t that goes around just to have a spoon of what every different difficult situation mean. her arms and legs have tons of scratches and a few scars thanks to her never ending curiosity.

✰ sailor moon?: before, she used to speak while swearing at the same time; a horrible habite se picked up after hanging around a boy with a potty mouth for a while. as of now, gaeul only swears when she's angry or out of surprise (gaeul: holy look at that huge mole on her nose!). her brother has been trying to get rid of these fool words but gaeul isn't that giving either.

✰ she's a troublemaker: the truth behind why most of gaeul's friends end up in detention or getting scolded by their parents since day one until today, is all thanks to her. she can't sit around for too long if there're possible victims walking around to pull pranks on. one time, she and jaeho managed to dumb a bucket of ice-cold water on a fellow classmate on gaeul. her brand new phone, sadly, died that day.

✰ i want coconuts and bananas out of my life: gaeul absolutely hates these fruits and no one can force her to eat them because she'll end up feeling nauseous and on the verge of vomiting. her mother tried it out once when she was about seven and gaeul literally emptied her stomach. her father concluded that it was gaeul's mother's fault for eating too much banana split with coconut ice cream when she was pregnant with her daughter.

✰ ain't gaeul bond without a reason: most students wondered how gaeul managed to befriend the whole soccer team from seungri high when both the all-boys school and taewan high where separated when she met them. the deal is that she always managed to sneak out with both lu han and jaeho's help to spend recess or some time after classes. by the end of each day, the coach would send her back to her school.

✰ wendy's, mcdonalds, papa john's: she's a huge fast food lover. during a week, gaeul would eat them at least three times if it wasn;t for her taecyeon oppa's hard training regime. gaeul also has her own way of eating burgers: first the french fries and half the coke, and then the burger along with what's left of her beverage.

✰ crybaby but shhh: gaeul has an emotional side than no everyone is aware of. though she doesn't mind other's opinion, what her loved ones say or think about her has an impact on her. her brother once yelled at her for accidentaly getting lost and arriving much later to their home and gaeul felt extremely guilty for worrying her fmaily. she spent the rest of the night crying in her room.

✰ otakuness at 101%: a proud otaku that shows her love for animes, gaeul is known for both colecting manga and for not failing to miss a new episode of her favorite anime. her personal list contains: shingeki no kyojin, naruto, death note, one piece and bleach. she'es always open for suggestions and generally, will accept and watch most of them.

✰ boys boys boys they love me: gaeul finds easier interacting with boys rather than girls. she somehow has a backgrouns as of why: she has never been close to her mother and has always spent a lot of time with her father and older brother; that's probably enough explanation. however, she does have a few gir friends; just not as much as she does with boy friends.

 pa pa pa parazzi: a hardcore fan of lady gaga, gaeul has attented at least three concerts of her momma monster with a bit of difficulty since she, when she was still on the states, was young and the staff is always cautios regarding minors and the "not safe for young" performances. thanks to a cousin who went with her to all three concerts, gaeul managed to see one of her favorite artists onstagae. gaeul has all of her albums up to date.

 he chopped his arm off in such an unfashionably way: gaeul's favorite movie genre are both horror and drama, but the former is her all-time favorite. she has never gotten scared of a horror film; in fact, she has even found some both stupid and comedic due to the lack of visual effects.

✰ my milkshake ain't bringing no one to my yard: having a poor dating background, gaeul has only dated once and it was during middle school. the funny part? no kisses were shared and the relationship last for only a week. the boy, kim seokjin, broke up with her because he found out that she wasn't cute enough to be with him. that was gaeul's first heartbreak and if it wasn't for her friend jaeho, she would've pursued seokjin until he begged for forgiveness.

✰ my little kids: gaeul has two dogs; a german shepherd named momo and a husky named eskimo. dogs are her favorite animal and she goes as far as to treat them as if they were human beings (gaeul: um, they are / lu han: no... they aren't).

✰ omg it's so hot someone call the doctor juseyo: gaeul absolutely hates feeling hot; she'd rather wish for snowy days everyday because when hotness attack, it also affects her temper. on another note, winter makes her feel the happiest peson of the whole world. that's why anyone can spot a happy-go-lucky gaeul being all nice and tolerant during winter that it's so scary. in the classrom, she would randomly demand someone to turn the air conditioner to its fullest, effectively earning a few disapproval from classmates.

✰ party rock is in da house tonight: still hasn't gotten the chance to go to clubs due to her not being legal yet, but that hasn't stop gaeul from enjoying great parties at friends' houses (random friend's mother: with fruit punch and no alcohol!). she has to admit that partying is great and she loves them; waiting for being legal can't get more torturing, in her opinion.

✰ anti-aegyo campain: gaeul is one of those who finds aegyo creeping and very much unappealing. to add to her bad luck, her whole appereance screams cuteness and no matter how tough she acts or tries to look, in the end the sight shows a sweet-looking girl trying to act scary. but, and thanks the lord for giving human being with actual brains to use the double sense of everything, gaeul has used aegyo to her advantage and thanks to it, she has succeed with plans of getting something she wants.

✰ outdoors activities ftw: though being much known for being explosive, gaeul has no trouble socializing with others even if the interaction ends in an argument. exploiting her rather friendly side at the best can be mistly seen during camp activities or anything that pretty much mixes both sports and tons of people.

✰ either by myself or with others: gaeul doesn't really mind if she finds herself alone some days. there're times where she wants privacy and time to reflect on her actions or her current situation. however, that doesn't mean that she functions the best like this. either like a lone wolf or surrounded by sheeps, gaeul can work well in both situation, but it also depends on what is all about. for example, she can't work by herself in subjects like math, science or sports, but wouldn't mind if it's a subject like english, where she can fend for herself and do well.

✰ trolli gummies are the best:  she doesn't have a sweet tooth but when gummy worms or any gummy candy appears in front of her, she'll devour them in a second. a fun fact is that she tends to carry around a pack of sour gummy worms, her favorites, in her backback; however it's unlikely that she'd share them with just anyone.

✰ gym wait for me: goes every single day to the gym; she'd rarely miss the chance unless her whole day is packed with assignments. the hours spent over there are usually from three to five, depending on what she's supposed to do according to what her trainer, ok taecyeon, prepares for her.

✰ get those away from me: balloon's are her phobia so those who know her wouldn't be surprised when they see gaeul completely freaked out over the sight of them. how she got the phobia is unknown, but it might be due to a clown scaring her by popping a balloon right next to her by accident when she was eight.

✰ may be tough but look at this babies: flat-chested girls are rarely interesting. there was a time, when gaeul was going through puberty, that she though it was okay to be like that since it'd be easier to play sports and whatnot. when her then-crush and current ex-boyfriend, voiced out his opinion about the matter, gaeul ended up changing her thought and wishing to have s. thankfully (gaeul: or not since they get on the way), she's a c cup.

✰ i'm so-so... okay you know what i mean: although forgiving others isn't much trouble for gaeul, when roles are switched, gaeul finds it hard to apologize. it's because of her conceited self that rarely lets her see her wrongdoings, but not fixing this big flaw of hers has created troublewith others, including her family. lu han, someone who's humble, has been helping gaeul to overcome this bad trait.

✰ yness yehet: talking about and anything else related to is is like a common topic for gaeul. for those friends who are much more conservative,  she loves to tease them about "so you want the d/v?" and other dirty jokes that cause nothing but laughter to her. her favorite partners for this are both jaeho and jongdae.

✰ music makes you lose control: music is very important fo gaeul and her life is continuously filled with lyrics that related to her current moments. if there's silence, she'll blast some rock or pop; it all depends on her mood and to what her friends would like to hear. she also has the habit of singing random songs out of nowhere but tends to be conscious about it since no everyone is always open for some bad words. she doesn't have an specific grupos she likes over others; however, she's in love with the killers.

✰ driving in cars with boys: gaeul knows how to drive and even got her licence. the bad thing is that her father wouldn't let her drive by herself as of yet because she drives too fast for his liking. not that she minds, yet, because why going to school driving? for university, though, she expects her parents to be flexible with her.

✰ ideal man of her dreams: doesn't have an ideal type but if someone makes her choose who she'd marry: her choice would be her taecyeon oppa. she pretty much mentions him everyday and boasts about his awesomeness.

✰ where is our next stop?: with her family, she hasn't travel that much; just back to the states and jeju (gaeul: that's another country, i freaking swear), by herself, her parents have sent her to summer camps in canada and london. however, she wishes to make a tour in europe with her family some time in the near future.

✰ don't make me stand in front of them: gaeul has mild stage fright; for her is kind of scary seeing a lot of eyes watching her every movement as if waiting for her to make a mistake. she isn't welcoming to projects that requieres her to stand up and talk to the class. it isn't that visible unless one pays close attention to her slighty quivering hands and eyes blinking rapidly. she may be confident but no one can avoid that feeling of nervousness that appears when we talk to others onstage.

✰ pretty jewerly: piercings are pretty cool and gaeul made sure to adorn her ears with some of them. she has three on her right ear and two on her left. if it wasn't for her brother hearing her out about wanting to get a navel piercing, she would've done it. too bad he constantly keeps and eye on her in case she has gotten yet another perforation.

school life

 (하나): gaeul does extremely well in physical education; in fact, there were times where she would sneak to the seungri boys' court to play soccer with them (only to be kicked out by the coach in the end). other areas were she gets good grades are: biology, arts and history.

 (): she absolutely hates maths and physics; they're the reason as of why she gets low B's.

 (): in general, she gets B's the most; that's the lowest she gets. She also gets some A's from her most liked subjects.

 (): gaeul usually arrives late at class because on her way, she usually stops to talk to some people or to mentally prepare herself for a long day.

 (다섯): skipping classes may sound tempting; who wouldn't like to ditch some boring class and do whatever they want? surely gaeul would, but she has never done it and doesn't plan to. getting decent grades is in her mind plus, if she skips a class where she isn't good at, that means extra hours of studying and catching up.

 (여섯): when talking about seating arrangements, gaeul prefers sitting at the back. in every class there's this "dangerous corner" where those sitting there are usually class clowns, troublemakers and whatnot. gaeul is part of them even if she avoids causing ruckus in class.

 (일곱): she hangs out with the troublemakers and jocks the most. that doesn't stop her from befriending people from different crowds.

 (여덟): has more boy friends than girl friends (jongin: noona buys us chicken so i can't deny her friendship / gaeul: keep confessing and i'll make sure you'll get the avian flu).

 (아홉): gaeul tends to fall asleep in literature class.

 (): the girl is pretty smart; gaeul wouldn't have trouble getting good grades in those normal subjects, or at least getting a decent grade on those were she . the thing is, she isn't that interested on being regarded as one of the smartest of the group. others are pretty much aware of her brain but seeing that gaeul is in her world, the would brush her off and his is what angers her to no end. gaeul is known as being very competitive so, when someone challenges her, directly or not, expect some tough fight.

 (열하나): gaeul is part of the soccer, volleyball and athletism team. she recently joined the drama club to fulfill lu han's request.

 (열둘): homework is usually done at night -technically morning since 12 AM says otherwise- or at early mornings when she arrives at school. this is  due to the fact that gaeul doesn't organize her school schedule and priorizes her personal time.

 (열셋): she's currently debating about which career she should choose. her options are law, medicine and architecture.



father / na sanghyun (나상현) / 48 / detective
personality: one should probably guess that for mr. na would be all strict and uptight since he's a detective and  deals with all kinds of bad people. it's actually quite the contrary; he's liberal, easygoing and far from preventing his own children to do whatever theywant as long as it's correct. he's the type of father who wouldn't care if he's embarrassing his daughter by boasting about how he keeps giving her the "goodnight kiss" or by showing other parents his kids' baby photos. mr. na gives in easily and it would never question others' actions unless he finds them suspicious. his jokes are far from funny but the way he tells them and the facial expressions he make are enough to laugh even though joking about a dead old lady isn't right. gaeul considers him as the best father of the whole worls not only because he's her own day but because the way he fights for always keeping his family together is quite honorable and sweet. perhaps he's not the most understanding parent -or human being in general- out there, but at least he knows how to give his fair share of advices; his opinionated-self shows wisdom and experience. he isn't one to judge a book because of it's cover; he analyzes those around him and especially those that hang out whit his children because what he wants the most is the best for them. at last, he is known for being extremely supportive of his loved ones' decisions; mr. na believes that someone works best when they do what they want with enough support and love from others.

interaction: there's no denying that gaeul's her father's little princess and loyal minion. since she was a little girl, she always loved and preferred her father's company instead of her own mother's because they had a lot in common and mr. na never deprived her for achieving or doing what she wanted. little gaeul was seen going out with her father and older brother because their "father-son" meant that they were supposed to fun activities and she just wanted to join to have a good time. that soon escalated to "father-son&daughter" bonding time because gaeul wouldn't miss the chance of spending quality time with her father. their relationship is very close; mr. na is the typical protective father but never fails to give his daughter privacy and time for herself and her friends without being constantly interrupted. he has taught her about what's good and bad so he trusts his daughter's decisions and supports her to the very end. he's quite jealous when it comes to the boyfriend subject and it surely takes a lot of effort frim his part to not send his son after gaeul to report him about her whereabouts (sanghyun: we promised no boyfriends until you reach the thirties / gaeul: am i a nun or what). both father and daughter are playful with each other and they love to troll others because that's how mean they are. gaeul would never be able to stop her father from pampering her; though it's not that she doesn't mind much.


mother / kim minjung (김민정) / 44 / doctor
personality: quiet, femenine and modest, mrs. jung is, along with her son, one of the quietest member of the na household. she's a women that can look out for herself and her children with or without the need of having a man around. being self-suficient is part of her calm nature even if at first glance it doesn't looks like it. mrs. jung is kind and understanding; she's the ideal housewife that south korea strongly approves of. she's most known for her hability to solving the worst situations without stressing over it; her sharp mind added to all those experiences life has set for her surely have helped her overcoming those difficult situations that not only have happened to her but to also her loved ones. she may not be that much of a talker, but that doesn't stop her from being friendly and approachable. mrs. jung knows how to read people but would never point out what they need to change or their flaws in general because that's just mean and utterly rude. being gentle and soft-spoken are traits that other people love about her, and that's why she'd keep stick to them no matter what; after all, she loves helping others and brightening their days with nice words and actions. though unlike her husband, she's somewhat unsure of letting her children do whatever they want without her approval, as she has a conservative side that tends to make itself known in certain circumstances.

interaction: gaeul's relationship with her mother is far from being the "perfect" mother-daughter connection that most would like to have. if one should have their mother as a confidant or number one person to run to when in trouble, then gaeul would say otherwise: she's been distant from her mother since she was a little girl and from the looks of it, it'd take time and enough initiative from both parties to strengthen their filial bond or, as gaeul would say, creat one since there wasn't a connection between them to begin with. mrs. jung, just like any other good mother would do, never fails to start a nice conversation with her daughter about her day or personal life in general, because it hurts seeing that her only daughter is far from acting like one, and it feels as if gaeul has never wanted her as a mother. for gaeul it's all about "dad this" or "dad that" and for others is kind of weird that she rarely mentions her mother. anyone can wonder if mrs. jung is out of the picture or something like that. however, that doesn't mean that gaeul doesn't love her mother; it's just that not getting along for almost her entire life with her has estranged gaeul from her. if it wasn't fro mrs. jung's attempts of scheduling bonding times with her daughter, this relationship would've been drifting into oblivion. all of this is mainly because mrs. jung has always been wanted for gaeul to do activities she deemed as appropiate for a girl, and to at least show more interest to girl things. she would often oppose to her daughter's decisions and this is why gaeul sticks to her father and pushes her mother away.


older brother / na dokyun (나도균) / 23 / medicine student
personality: dokyun is the epitome of extreme overprotectiveness and spoiling brother. taking after his mother, he's quiet by nature and very humble; dokyun has never boasted about his skills or personal achievements to others because he believed there's no need to. his modesty level passes the 100% limit and no one can change this side of him no matter how much effort is put. studious and a hard worker, dokyun has gained what he has by doing it by himself and with little help; he rarely asks others to lend him hand because he feels that as long as he's capable of doing something, he'll do it until his both physical and mentally able to. he isn't shy but he isn't one to be that much of a talker either; nonetheless, that doesn't prevent him from being amicable towards other, or to easily befriend anyone. his career choice wasn't chosen by him just because of his abilities within the area, but also because he loves helping others around. seeing people struggling or suffering is more than enough to break his heart, so he'll always try his best to stop the pain by doing whatever it takes. his heart wavers easily; dokyun has been taken advantage before and by the looks of it, he doesn't seem to understand that evil people lurk around every corner. he gives and doesn't mind if won't get anything in return; knowing that he does his duty is enough to satisfy him. as stated before, dokyun is extremely protective over his love ones, especially of his sister and mother since he considers women to be fragile and in need of protection (gaeul: not me. i've showed him that i can fight with any guy / dokyun: no).

interaction: dokyun is the kind of brother who rarely lets his little sister be. he's constantly asking about gaeul's whereabouts, about who is she with, what she's doing, if she's alright, etc. to make him leave her alone, it takes a lot of convincing not only from her but also from her friends and there are times where their father has to step in and stop dokyun's incessant worry. all of this started after gaeul accidentally got hit by a boy her age when she was under dokyun's care several years ago. he was already protective of her when she was born, but took his duty to another level after seeing his sister getting hurt without him noticing. he felt so guilty that couldn't face his parents for a few days due to embarrassment. that being said, gaeul has gotten used to her brother being all over him and deep down, she appreciates with all her heart the passion he puts into preventing her from being in danger. however, there're many times were she would argue with him nonstop because she needs privacy and breathe from time to time (gaeul: more like every friggin' day). dokyun can either let or be or not, but in the end it's more like the former since his little sister is one of his ultimate weaknesses and what he wants as an older brother is seeing her happy (dokyun: i'll be fair and let you return home before 8pm). the only reason he doesn't mind having lu han around gaeul is because he once mistook him as a girl and now he has to be as nice as possible towards him.

friends, etc: 


close friend / kim jaeho (김재호) / 19 / student from seungri high
personality: jaeho is gaeul's long lost twin brother. if they're different in some aspects then it's thanks to all those holy saints in the heaven. this boy has no limits when it comes to executing pranks on other or getting in trouble in general; this is due to the fact that jaeho is a firm believer of "do whatever you want before you die - anonymous" (jaeho: i so didn't make that up, i swear) so he sticks to this phrase at its fullest. he's a joker b nature, and it takes a lot of self-control to prevent yourself from either choking him in order to prevent lame jokes from frying others' minds, or to remember to take a breath after a super ridiculous -yet funny- comment. being a natural charmer and a famous ladies' man, jaeho has ways of getting whoever he wants in a matter of minutes; his good looks add brownie points to his tactics, and his flirty aegyo sure does wonders. in general, he's a moron with a golden heart that can trip over his own foot (jaeho: it only happened once / gaeul: i always record your falls in my phone and let me tell you that it has happened more than five times) and embarrass himself if he doesn't think twice before opening his mouth; his casanova ways are just part of who he is, though being stupid is a much better word to describe him.

interaction: gaeul met jaeho during their middle school era; a year after gaeul moved to seoul. she was roaming around taewan academy's area while her mother busied herself with the school's principal to talk about gaeul's transfer and all that. the girl then spotted a small group of boys (she deduced that they were from another school since taewan was only meant for girls) playing soccer and decided to ask them if she could join for a bit. surprisingly, jaeho (apparently the leader of the gang) accepted her request and from that day onwards, the two became almost inseparable since they realized how many thing they had in common (lu han: hello? i'm getting jelly here / jaeho: /snorts/). if it weren't for the fact that lu han got the title of "best friends forever), no one would doubt that jaeho would've been the one filling that place. both of them have a balanced relationship: a fair share of fights and good moments full of laughter. gaeul stepping into his life has made a good effect on him; she  has helped him in momentes where he needed some help, and has fulfilled her role of being a great firned at its fullest. jaeho is the type of friend that's very cautious around his girl friends; especially if a guy decides to mess around with them in any way. in short, he wouldn't hesitate to raise his fist or get in trouble for the sake of protecting a female friend; that is, if she's very special for him. he has done it before for gaeul, and would keep it up because she's too precious.


gym trainer and gaeul's exclusive oppa / ok taecyeon (옥택연) / 24 / bodybuilder
personality: suave, charming, flirt... the list of "overly ual" traits can go on for describing taecyeon at first glance. knowing his true colors doesn't take lots of efforts but one should keep in mind that he'd only show his true self if there's trust and friendship between him and that person. he's incredibly warm and a natural hard-worker; taecyeon loves doing everything with his own hands just to prove how capable he is and how worth his efforts are. his outer appereance can trick anyone ino believing that he has a bad boy aura or that he looks pretty much conceited and egocentric. in fact, he's one of the friendliest men out there that wouldn't think twice before offering a hand to those in need. a dork hidden under defined muscles and a hot face, taceyeon's heart is as pure as gold and really soft; aegyo is one of his ultimate weaknesses -cats are the other weakness- so it's easy to buy him over with puppy eyes and pouty lips. a funny fact is that while girls and women alike would die to be acknowledge by him, overall, taecyeon is quite awkward with the female population unless they show some "strong charms" or share common things (gaeul: know i know why we talk, oppa).

interaction: it's no surprise that they met in the gym, really. gaeul was around seventeen at the time and was looking around for a personal trainer; she didn't want to exercise by herself because in the end, gaeul knew she'd laze around. one of the managers of the gym offered to introduce her to some of the vacant trainers; however, none of them caught her attention because if you ask her, they lacked certain things she wanted them to have (gaeul: some of them looked like s, i didn't want a female trainer, and judging by their personalities, they were either boring or too uptight). luckily, taecyeon was lurking around and heard gaeul's argument about why she couldn't find someone good, and offered to be her personal trainer despite having two other girls under his watch. that didn't last long though; those girls couldn't keep up with the training so in the end, gaeul had taecyeon for herself (gaeul: mine mine mine). in general, their relationship is the typical oppa-dongsaeng where taecyeon will always make sure that gaeul is alright and prevent her from gettin into trouble. no one would ever guess that romantic feelings are involved because one, there isn't and there won't be anything more thant their current satatus, and two, the way they act only shows a brother figure keeping track of his little sister. one thing for sure is that gaeul is jealous and somewhat possessive of him; it may due to the fact that taecyeon reminds her  of her brother in some ways, but she just won't say why. taecyeon, on the other hand, dotes on gaeul since she's the little sister he always wanted; he jokes around with her and buys her small gifts to show gaeul that se can count on him whenever she needs (taecyeon: okcat oppa to the rescue! / gaeul: assa!). 



— first choice:
lu han
— second choice: park chanyeol, kim junmyeon & huang zitao

relationship: bffs / shopping buddies / 'the heirs' parody makers and most loyal fans (lu han: /manly stare/)

 get your ugly face out of my way: people can say whatever they say about the "haneul" duo (gaeul: that sounds like an ordinary korean name. it's "galu" / lu han: disgusting), one thing for sure is that they're more solid that arnold schwarzenegger's muscles; and that's a lot if it came from gaeul's mouth. lu han is forever stuck on gaeul's side, and vice versa, and there isn't much that he can do; no that he finds her company overbearing or tiresome but there a day where one doesn't find them fighting is like kim tan without eunsang. as much as they try to bite each other's head off, they both love each other and it'd take more than a silly fight to break them apart for a few days. whoever said that a girl needs another girl to tell her secrets because that's how things are supposed to go around according to society, is downright wrong because gaeul's best friend is a friggin' guy that has already donated both of his shoulders for her to cry on, and also his ears to listen to her deepest thoughts (lu han: i didn't lend them, she tricked me!). in front of everyone, bickering or insulting each other is a sight one can see everyday; the special traits are only kept between themselves or, sometimes, it isn't much of an issue to let their friends see how much they care for the other. lu han knows that gaeul's temperament is quite a handful, and not just anyone is able to tame (gaeul: am i an animal, ?) her or prevent a vulgar verbal fight from arising if she's being physically held back. he's basically in charge of of keeping gaeul's temper at bay but this is an action that doesn't go unnoticed by her. if anyhting, she hates it when others order her around because gaeul is gaeul and yeah. not that she gets irritaded if it's either lu han or jaeho forcing her to calm down; they're both special and the former is his siamese brother or something along that line. they pretty much joke around, throw a few harmless punches around -lu han being much more careful because he's against hitting females- or start silly fights over nothing that soon ends up with them double up with laughter. gaeul loves calling lu han by ridiculous names such as "lolita, lulu, marilyn monroe, etc" even if he threatens that she'll pay for it because the worst he can do is getting her "jealous" by buying sehun bubble tea instead of her. both are known for randomly acting out scenes from "the heirs"; whether at school halls, cafeteria, outdoors, and even in front of a big public (gaeul: if lu han weren't shy, it'd take me less trouble to convince him / lu han: it's not that i'm shy, i just don't want to embarrass myself out there! no everyone is a wild chimpanzee like you). they're also known for being gym buddies and not failing to miss any running marathon done in the city. gaeul has tried to buy him another set of dumbells since lu han's pink ones, with hello kitty stickers, mind you, are too horrendous and ridiculous for her reputation (gaeul: i can't be seen around you if you carry those stupid dumbells with you / lu han: they make me look manly!). finding out gaeul's incredible strenght was quite a surprise for him! lu han would've never expected that a cute-looking girl could hide a beast inside her. he quickly learned two things: one, that the "never judge a book from its cover" phrase is hella truth; and two, it's not a wonder than anyone can gain lots of strenght when they have such a beastly-looking and all-muscles trainer like ok taecyeon.

✰ wait, i haven't done my homework: the fool around, yes, but when it comes to school duties lu han establish a rule that they "shouldn't let their fun interfere with schoolwork". gaeul was a bit skeptical at first since she couldn't careless about detention or lowering her grades since the lowest she can get is a B. however, seeing that her best friend wouldn't give in because unlike her, he cares about his precious grades, gaeul decided to follow his stupid command with no guarantees. whenever they have projects, lu han would rather avoid grouping with gaeul. it's nothing personal and she both knows and accepts it; the thing is that they have had a few experiences that let them know about how unfit both are when it comes to working together: the worst of all was when a biology essay was due for less than a week and lu han immediately said that he wanted to be gaeul's partner. that was around the time where none could foretell how bad their decision was. conclusion? they ended up staying awake all night, the day after the essay was supposed to be turned in, at gaeul's house trying to finish (lu han: more like, doing everything from zero since we haven't had done anything until that day) the essay with coffee and doughnuts as their companion. why their chemistry is bad? there isn't much to tell; i mean, two best friends together equals fun and tons of slacking around. not everyone is lucky to have a best friend with an uptight side that puts a stop to them. after that and other smaller incidents, lu han decided that it's best for them to work separately if they ever want to graduate. that doesn't stop the deer from helping his best friend when she comes to school seemingly not knowing that there was homework or an exam; he helps her to quickly do her homework, has some quick study session before an exam and even lets her copy from him during it. the affection lu han has for gaeul, despite his policy, would never mean that he'd never help his bestie when she's into some sort of trouble. outside the classrooms but still within the school, anyone can spot them playing a friendly soccer match wither by themselves or with a few friends, pulling pranks on others -more like gaeul while lu han pretends he saw donald running around- or doing whatever comes to their mind. they pretty much do everything together that isn't related to grades -unless gaeul needs help with some subject-. the development of separating school tasks from their moments has helped them much more that they could've imagined. as soon as the bell rings, everything related to responsabilities go straight to the dumpster (gaeul: unless it's thursday, cos there's still friday).

✰ i love you oo: when getting into gaeul and lu han's relationship, one can see that even if they act like pals and all that, their love for each other is rather cute although exclusive. for starters, these two are avid shopaholics; it's no wonder that they have already established that on fridays and saturdays they must go to the mall no matter if they end up buying nothing. just walking around and spotting really nice outfits or accessories will do for them in case they don't have enough money to buy; their "emergency" plan is to either hide whatever they want from the sight of others until they come back to buy it, or run back home and fecth the money because when will life give you the opportunity of buying limited edition dr. martens shoes or aviator glasses that makes one look like one of versace's models? exactly. it's no wonder that some workers have already came to know this duo from the amount of times they've seen around; not like they mind much the rumours about them being children of a real state owner, or those a tad more worse that say that they're homeless and planning a robbery. gaeul's parents are very fond of lu han; in fact, he's the only male they have let sleep at their home without judging that society doesn't view as "right" the fact of a boy sleeping at a girl's place and vice versa. it's self-explanatory how much they approve of their friendship by seeing this. gaeul isn't a follower of lame pajama parties or such, but she has invited lu han over to watch movies and junkies for the whole night without interruptions -save for dokyun who's the only one that still doesn't approve of their closeness-. there has been cases of lu han having heartbreaks or asking for tips in order to ask a girl out where gaeul has been seen visibly jealous of the thought of her best friend being snatched away from her. she doesn't give the best tips when it comes for dealing with a pretty and girly girl; lu han tried one of her advices out one time and his poor date  wants nothing to do with him anymore. a jealous gaeul is a very possive gaeul. she gives lu han privacy and all but it has a limit; when she sees that he's talking to someone that gives her uncomfortable feelings, she's blunt and pretty much rude with them to the point where she would force herself into their conversarion or act like a total mean girl for them to never stayr around lu han for a long time (gaeul: five minutes is more than enough). lu han can either get annoyed by this or find it cute depending on his mood and on how far gaeul goes with her actions. some people have misunderstood -or not- gaeul's actions for "love"; some claim that she has developed a crush on her best friend and she denies this to no end. it doesn't help that lu han gets all sweet -when he thinks no one's looking- and pampers her from time to time with food or whatever she craves for in the moment. heck, he has even bought her pads for god's sake and this action didn't go unnoticed since the gossip queen, baekhyun, saw the whole ordeal (baekhyun: my eyes! dammit) and spread the juicy news everywhere. if anyone spot them in their love dovey state (ex. cuddling, linking arms, forhead kisses and such), they can easily come off as a couple because hello? don't they claimeto be "buddies" and all that?. out of her friends, gaeul shows him love and affection the most because lu han is the only one who had bother to help her through her hardest times, has managed to stay by her side even if he's angry at her, has spent his money on her needs, and pretty much has given almost his all just for her. they don't know why others tease them about it since that's what good friends would do to each other, in their opinion.

(+) kind, cheerful, passionate, friendly, playful, active, genuine, hardworking, helpful, modest
(-) airy, insecure, gullible, distractible, childish, indecisive, shy, careless, clumsy, obvious

love line:

✰ it all started with exercising and hello kitty: surprisingly or not their first meeting occurred outside school. it was friday and taewan academy -being still separated from seungri high that time- previously announced that due to maintainance, the school would be closed for friday. gaeul took this news the greates since she could finally go to her precious gym and meet her taecyeon oppa after postponing all her gym schedules for the week thanks to the amount of schoolwork she had to do. thay day she decided to spend almost the entire day catching up with the training she missed during the whole week. as soon as she arrived, she quickly went to taecyeon to get started; only to get her hopes down because he wasn't there, and one staff member told her that he would be arriving around two hour later. a bit skeptical as of why he didn't text her first (gaeul: because i'm oppa's only girl), gaeul opted for leaving him a message saying that she'd be around the treadmills' area. on er way, she accidentaly pumped into a guy who was, by the looks of it, leaving the weight room. she had to admit that he looked handsome with his slicked hair a glistening body; however, she couldn;t help but notice the bright pink dumbells he was carrying with him. gaeul isn't one to openly laugh in others' faces but seriously, pink dumbells in a gym where beastly men would never in their life dare to caryy anyhting pink? gaeul couldn't contain her laughter for more than a second; she laughed so much to the point where she could feel her abs refining. on the other hand though, the guys wasn't having any of it; he quickly, while blushing, demanded her what was so funny and why she would laugh about someone whom she doesn't even know. the stares from other people where gettinga bit overbearing she the guy dragged a still-laughing gaeul towards the treadmill area where they could argue in peace. wiping her tears away because "omg pink dumbells!", gaeul pointed out the source of her laughter and asked him why did he buy those things. the guy responded that color didn't matter and if anything, it made him look manlier since not any man wouldn't care about be seen with those. gaeul was about to retorted his statement when "are you ing kidding me?! hello kitty stickers omggg" and laughed again; this time for almost three minutes straight. the guy merely grunted and stated that some girl friends where the perpetrators and that he couldn't get rid of them because he was being threatened. gaeul waved him off, already taking a liking to the interesting guy, and introduced herself. the guy, grunting but accepting to shakes hands with her, introduced himself as lu han. they ended up working out together for the rest of the day; they talked about a few things and realized their schools were close. gaeul told him that it'd be cool to meet after school since she was friends with a guy from seungri high, kim jaeho, and she often played soccer with him and other friends after class. lu han agreed as long as she stopped making fun of his precious babies. they ended their day exchanging phone numbers.

✰ how things started between us: gaeul's wish came true because no longer than a week later, she saw lu han once again. this time, she spotted him haging out with a few boy on the seungri high's sport field. jaeho called her earlier, saying that he wanted to meet her to talk about an important matter regarding a crush of his, and told her to meet him on their usual spot: the soccer field. seeing her close friend already waiting for her, gaeul quickly went over lu han's side to greet him; it was all out of consideration because while they weren't exactly friends, at that time, the least she could do was to say a proper "hi, how is it going?" to him. unbeknown to her, lu han had already spot her making her way towards him. with a secretive smile, he decided to act all surprised and stood up to return the greeting; their conversation didn't last for more than two minutes with a whiny jaeho calling over gaeul and effectively interrupting their small session. however, as soon as gaeul started walking away from lu han, the latter told her not to leave and play a small match with him afterwards. smirking, gaeul agreed as long as there wasn't a pink ball just like his precious dumbells. it was pleasent for both of them to find out how much they have in common; aside from their love for soccer or sports in general, most their preferences of other areas also match and their difference is only based on personality and a few other details. it was disappointing tha they didn't attend the same school -again, at that time- because when one finds out how much they can talk with another person, what they want the most is to spend time with them. lu han and gaeul kept meeting day after day where they slowly but surely where growing accustomed to each other's presence and they could finally label their relationship as "friendhip". over a small period of a few months; lu han got the chance to learn about gaeul's explosive self that totally contradicts his own, her flaws, her general tastes, family, etc. same thing for gaeul; she quickly got a hold of lu han's whole self, though quicklier that he did with her, and she could fully grasp 99% of him -the 1% being his love for pink-.

✰ because we're best friends forever: it's no wonder that in less than a year, both announced their "best friends" status to the whole world even if they gave a about it. it all escalated quickly due to the strong impact on made into the other's life; close friends? sure why no, they clicked instantly after all; best friends? after lu han spotted gaeul crying one day, alone, he offered to hear her out and help in any way he could. that was an action that didn't go unnoticed to the girl since she has never let herself being seeing crying -no even jaeho has seen her like that-, so letting lu han access to her personal life without making an excuse about how "she wasn't crying but had something in her eye" was a huge step that connect the bridge between being "close friends" to "best friends". ever since then, gaeul and lu han arranged different kinds of meeting after class -more than they did before- such as soccer matches, having some ice cream, and their favorite one, going to the mall. no one was able to separate him; not even some of lu han's friends that wanted him to go back to how he was because gaeul was practically his world; or jaeho, gaeul's koala, who was more jealous that he should've been since it takes a lot to remove his close friend from lu han's side. the next stop for gaeul was introducing lu han to her parents and it went just like she wanted to; they loved the first impression he gave them and knew for sure that him around gaeul meant no trouble. gaeul's mother even noticed how much they appreciate each other so that was enough for the members of the na household to accept lu han as part of the family. gaeul also got the chance to meet lu han's parents, and while mr. lu was all smiles and accepting, lu han's mother wasn't that warming until much later. they got used to doing almost everything together; from homeworks even if they had different things to do -it all changed when they became classmates thanks to the co-ed plan-, movie nights or "pajama party" as lu han likes to call, pairing during sport's day, shopping, washing each other's hair... wait what? (gaeul: no, we don't see each other if that's what all of you are wondering), and other activities that range from productiveness to stupidity. as killing a cockroach with water pistols together is much more effective than a simple stomp. the best part of their friendship was when seungri high and taewan academy decied to form a co-ed school. with that being done, lu han and gaeul were more than happy that they could finally share not only a school, but also a classroom together. the fun doubled up.

✰ wait, namja/yeoja chingu? hell no: now currently in the same class and under everyone's scrutinizing gazes, the haneul duo's interactions are more visible than they used be before. however, while they act like total morons and pranksters, they tend to be careful of not showing how much love devoy they can get. no that it has worked. the first incident was when gaeul had her period and forgot to bring pads and painkillers to school; her agonizing and moodswing where driving almost everyone around her crazy except lu han who has past knowledge about her cramps. he offered to sneak out of school and go to the nearest pharmacy to buy all the things she needed, and he also add a pack a sour gummy worms to his list as a bonus. the little strategy, that they planned thoroughly in order to go unnoticed by others, sadly reached baekhyun's eyes who happened to almost collide with lu han on the latter's way to the.. girls' bathroom? and... pads? yeah. because lu han was in such a hurry that he didn't wait for the cashier to hand him a plastic bag. baekhyun, being the little diva he is, followed lu han and hid behind the nearest wall to solve the mystery as of why and for who he was carrying those pads. his little mini spy game didn't last long as soon as he heard gaeul's (baekhyun: hell yeah baby) voice booming through the area and pleading lu han to hand the pads and painkillers over since she was in a very uncomfortable situation. it also didn't help that after she left the bathroom, her hormones where demanding some sort of affectionate gesture and lu han, being the caring guy after all, hugged her and rubbed her arms in a comforting way. their secretive action ended up in almost the whole school's ears thanks to baekhyun as his big mouth. that was the starting point as of why most people now believe they're a couple or at least have the likes for each other; heck, even some teachers joined the cause and at least two female teachers secretly ship them -according to minseok-. at first they made it clear that whatver happened between them was personal and all-exclusive; now, though they still hide their cute moments, how much they care if others see them like that doesn't matter at all. regarding othr students' assumption about the true colors of gaeul and lu han's relationship, it's been denied by both by claiming that being affection to your best friend means nothing and that they're just either jealous or dying to find people to gossip about. even jaeho, who knows well that his close friend isn't dating her best friend, can't help but to also question their true relationship because, what kind of male friend kisses his girl friend without a hidden intention? yeah, sure, skinship varies depending on the person but generally, it's not just any "friendship" that allows those kind of gestures unless either of them are taken but doesn't mind that. no one can deny their inseparability and "affection" (minseok: love) they ooze for themselves. gaeul is in complete denial about whether she feels something different for her best friend since his friendship comes first. on the other hand, lu han knows that he, indeed, is attracted to his bestie but so far only minseok knows about his hidden feelings towards gaeul while others... can make up whatever scenarios they want.



scene requests: 
— lu han getting jealous of taecyeon when he sees gaeul giving him the puppy eyes and being all sweet.
— jongdae and gaeul having a session of ert stuff purposely in front of others.
— gaeul having a fight with her mathor and asking lu han if she could stay at his place for the night. he agrees and both watch "frozen" with gaeul resting in lu han's arms.
— gaeul arguing with one of the chosen girls.
— minseok and lu han talking about when lu han will finally confess his feelings to his best friend.
— gaeul's father picking her up in school dressed in a james bond outfit.
— chanyeol having a small talk with gaeul, who kinda blushes, and lu han doesn't look comfortable.
— confession scene.
— (( i'll add more late i swear but now i'm dying from sleep ;u; ))

suggestions/questions/comments: omg forgive tHIS APP AND DON'T LOOK AT THE DATE. i had so much fun filling this out and i truly hope for you girls to like her! there is a lot of competition, should i be worried? ;u; though i put efforts into this app so i'm not that scared ;n; goo-luck choosing the girls, i really want to see this story starting and all!

this is the end: oh sehun



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