2014.03.12 || Farewell, First Love

K.Will | First Love End

The past gives you a feeling of reminisce, allowing you to drift in the feelings of melancholy or blissfulness as you take a walk down memory lane. For me, my memories always causes me to end up in tears, either out of pain and despair or out of happiness and laughter.


There are certain moments that I cherish the most. It goes back to elementary school when I attended a new elementary school for third grade and on. I was going to attend an unfamiliar place with new and unfamiliar people, no one I knew in sight. A few weeks into the school year, my teacher changed tracks, and my whole class moved to a different class, leaving me alone in the classroom with another new batch of classmates. I had to become accustomed to more new people.


That was the day I met him. Funny; our meeting was anything was smooth. We argued almost all of the time, but it was safe to say that we were friends. As time progressed, and the years passed by, it was safe to say that we were a little bit more of friends than enemies. I guess you can say that we were frenemies.


We had an odd yet unique way of communicating outside of school. We didn't talk much really, but when we did, it would be from our backyards. Our houses were one house away, so it was easier to communicate to each other via, well, backyard. It's funny now that I think about it. When one of us wanted to talk, we would, whether it worked or failed, threw rocks at each other's backyards to try and get the other person's attention. When we talked, we spoke about how our day was or just about random things. I remember when he used to tell me jokes, like those "Yo Mama" ones. There was a day when we were talking. I told him about the pet rabbit I had in my backyard, and he told me he wanted to see it. To put it shortly, he eventually came over that day when my parents weren't home to see the rabbit. I remember us chasing the rabbit just to let him pet it. He had to leave a little afterwards, and I found out the next day that my dad almost saw him on the way home. To simply put it, he made me laugh. This all happened in the fourth or fifth grade, and it continued on until around sixth grade. Never once did I regret becoming friends with him; thus, began the small seed of affection that grew during the fifth and sixth grade.


Soon enough, the class of 2016 went on to become students in middle school. We met more people, friends were split up into different teams and/or classes, and homework began to pile up. He and I rarely talked from the backyard at this point, but we would exchange friendly hellos when we passed by each other on our way to class. Eventually, those words of acknowledgement became small friendly smiles; in the end, those smiles, directed towards me during passing period, completely disappeared, and I was never able to talk to him afterwards.


During the rest of 7th and 8th grade, we drifted, never once greeting each other with the similar hellos that were exchanged during elementary school and middle school. I continuously wondered to myself, "What happened?" It wasn't until between the beginning of 8th grade to the middle of the school year that I found out he had a girlfriend. To say I was heartbroken is an overstatement. I wasn't heartbroken, just upset as to why he decided to ignore me.


Before I knew it, it was time for the class of 2016 to attend high school. From middle school, I gained new friends that I grew to love and trust. They became sort of like a backbone to my educational life, and I couldn't be anymore grateful to have such wonderful people by my side, no matter how annoying they can get sometimes.


Ever since I was young, I knew that luck, either bad or good, was following me. Sometimes I'd get lucky, and sometimes, karma came around. However, in my sophomore year, I don't know if it's bad luck or good luck.


Attending my English class on the first day of my sophomore year, I met him once again. I couldn't help but take small and short glances in his direction every now and then, desperately wanting to say something to him, let it be a 'hello' or 'how's life?'. I let so many chances slip through my fingers like water; I had every single day in the term to say something to him. Eventually, we continued to ignore each other, exchanging nothing but the rare glances that were caught between us two.


Let it be luck, whether good or bad, that I had the same P.E. period as he did during the second term of school. Though he was in the class that sat next to my class, it was just my luck that his girlfriend was in my class. I remember telling myself how much bad luck I seemed to attract to myself, but it didn't seem to be luck's fault; I was simply blaming things that had nothing to do with it. During those days, or rather every day, I continued to steal glances from him, silently admiring him from afar. Besides, there was nothing I could do.


It might be my fault, letting my chances slip through my fingers like that. However, I honestly think that there is a chance we might be able to become friends again; I just need to gather enough courage to simply say hello.


Despite the chances of being friends again, I'm going to find just the right time. I don't want things to be awkward; I don't want to become friends with these feelings that I hide secretly from him. For now, I want to forget.


So for now, I'll say, "Farewell, First Love."


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Aww, this is so beautiful. I remember feeling a similar way, but back then, it wasn't my first love. Just a friend, I'm pretty sure. Anyways, I hope you'll feel better^^
itsmemimi #2
VickyYoungmin #3
I literally crieddd =[
YYSdyno #4
Is this a drabble? or.... O.O it's so beautiful .