SEO, ARA  


 + Arara-this nickname sounds similar to Sleeping Beauty's name of Princess 'Aurora',and this nickname is used by her friends for she reminds them of her and them as the fairies where they have to-in all measures-have to keep 'her' (as well as their) identity a secret from 'Maleficent',otherwise known as everybody else especially to the guy she's crushing on.Nickname's also used by her family because of how long and how she sleeps.
+'Baby'-It's used by her friends as well as some members of her family.Despite how she's technically not the very youngest and such in her group of friends,family (etc.),they call her 'baby' because of how she sort of represents as one.
+'Favourite little girl'-Quite long for a nickname however,is used by love interest for her by how fond he is off of her by the way she acts around him and spends quite a lot of time with him.
04/03 + 17
+ Korean (fluent)-her native language,being Korean herself.
+English (conversational to fluent)-learnt English in school,and continued learning it to a higher level,and as well as that,she went on a student exchange for about a year,learning in England.
+Mandarin Chinese (basic to conversational)-took lessons to learn the language (ongoing)  because she wanted to know how to speak,write,read and understand (etc.) the language as well as that she had to find an extra-curricular activity to do.

✧FACE CLAIM Park Hwanhui
✧BACK UPPark Sungsin
✧APPEARANCE — Ara is only about 169cm tall with quite a small and slim frame. She has a birthmark on the lower half of her arm-which in her opinion-looks like a tiny rabbit,but in other's eyes look more like a heart. Ara doesn't have any piercings apart from the standard ones which are to put earrings on.In addition to that,Ara has bright and wide dark brown eyes with medium to long locks of hair which is usually down,in a ponytail,and sometimes at random occasions,in a bun. She's known to have baby-like features with her skin being very soft as well as clear (liking to take care of her skin). She wears a minimal amount of make-up,liking to look as natural as possible,wearing bb cream,lip goss and something else (e.g. eyeliner or mascara).
✧MERMAID FORM — In mermaid form, Ara's tail corresponds similarly to her birthstone which is aquamarine along with the shell bra that comes along with it. The colour looks similar to the water/sea-it's quite easy for Ara to hide/camouflage in the waters because of it.
✧STYLE — Since Ara lives in an island,the climate/weather is usually quite hot and because of this,would tend to wear shorts and skirts,but also jeans.She doesn't wear dresses because she feels quite uncomfortable in them,and would only wear it on special occasions or whether she feels like it. Ara's fond of blouses,t-shirts and crop tops and would wear those often.She tends to wear a contrast of light and dark colours and her style is known for being quite feminine,but with a slight 'edge' to it,liking to mix in different styles to it as well as vintage,smart (etc.) With every outfit she wears,she tends to almost always wear a bag (especially backpacks-MCM) with her.She likes to look presentable and neat-her style tends to be quite simple yet fashionable.Apart from that,she sometimes wears glasses (for she's short-sighted) especially during classes,but most of the time,she would wear contact lenses.To be honest,she only ever needs them to read certain things from very far away. Her style's like a mix between ulzzangs Do Hweji and Park Hwanhui.
Examples: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 
Examples(Accessories):Bag,Shoes,Hat ,Glasses,Necklace and Bracelet

✧BIRTHSTONE — Aquamarine (Month of March). 
✧QUOTE — "I'm not a little kid anymore so, please stop treating me as one."

In general, Ara's a really affectionate person,being very warm-hearted as well as passionate to the people (or things) that she cares for really deeply even if-in other's eyes-they say for it to be small and quite insignificant. She values many things a lot and tend to be seen as very fond of things/people,almost always trying to include them into her daily life as much as she can which in people's eyes find cute and endearing whilst others find quite weird and unusual. Seo Ara's known to be quite a bright,but shy character who's known to be very quiet and awkward especially around strangers and people she's not really that close to. With her family and friends,she still carries that 'shy' and 'silent' trait of hers,but not as much. She tends to listen rather than speak thus being known as a girl of a few words usually however,there are moments in which she says a lot more than she usually does,but that only happens when she's on the scale of 'extreme' emotions-wise whether it be if she feels really excited,happy,mad,upset,annoyed,furious (etc.), but when she does speak, she's usually soft-spoken.Aside from that,she tends to be in this 'fantasy world' of hers,ignoring the reality of things most of the time,and because of this is seen as being quite careless whether it be by her actions or words-she doesn't really think straight and sometimes doesn't think deeper into a situation which sometimes would get her into trouble with people.
In addition to that,she's viewed as being childish with people such as her friends needing to protect her from danger. Ara is seen as being a very smart and well-educated person however, her common sense is quite bad and she's also quite naive in certain topics, being misled at times as well as sometimes showing a lack of wisdom, judgement and experience. Because of this, she isn't that reliable to others at times and some of her words aren't taken to heart by others even though she actually does mean it which gets Ara annoyed at times because of the way she's treated and compared to with a child, but even though she ends up being like that, she has an optimistic approach to things, thus she almost always have her way with things and get the things she wants/needs as well as that she's quite persistent and doesn't ever give up-she's determined and ambitious. Her naivety also makes her trust people too easily, and because of this, she sometimes gets betrayed, hurt and stabbed in the back at times by certain people.Apart from that, she's honest to others, wanting to be truthful. She hardly lies at all, and the only times in which she does tell a lie or two depends how big the 'thing' is. Ara's sometimes too honest for her own good that it's almost to the brink of sounding blunt in a rude tone/manner which some people have to be weary of Ara for for she sometimes can't stop herself (struggles) from talking about the truth-they actually have to lead her away from the person she's telling the 'truth' to, get her distracted (which isn't that hard for someone to do) or just cover and talk over what she was saying. Despite all that though, she's a generous and nice person, giving lots to others, but because of that, she's sometimes being taken an advantage of which isn't so nice. Being a generous person she is, she's known to be very helpful (e.g. being a lending shoulder), kind as well as well-mannered and slightly obedient (however, she does sometimes have a rebellious side). Ara's appreciative of those who are there for her, but she doesn't want to be dependent or well, make them think that she's dependent on them-she wants to be independent and be able to be someone that can be reliable and such for the actions, decisions and words that she chooses. She seriously doesn't like being treated like a child, but it can't really be helped at times and tries to prove herself continuously to people that she'll be fine by her own and that they shouldn't be too worried about her although she does sometimes like to get people's attention, not liking when she's ignored.  
Although she's sweet and all, she does have her bad side where in she has quite a bad temper. She's able to hold in her anger/temper and stuff, but once she has had enough, and someone just had to make her mood even worse after that, she will explode, and no one wants to see an angry, irritated, annoyed Ara. That persona of hers hardly ever comes out and is the complete opposite of her normal persona which is more happy-go-lucky and such. Sometimes-if things go too far-to release those emotions, she would eiter lash out on a random person about how she's feeling or get a little 'violent' wherein she hits random objects (etc.), but she wouldn't go as far as to hit someone however, a situation like that did happen before, but she's known for being sharp with her tongue. She sometimes uses sarcasm to help herself. Ara gets quite emotional and sensitive at times which leads to her bursting out into tears (usually silent with a few sniffs and other noises coming out), but hardly anyone would ever know for she hides it well-she doesn't like others to witness her weeping (even though she likes to have the little cry here and there from watching films, listening to music or reading something sad)  Overall though, Ara's generally a sweet, nice as well as a slightly charming girl and slightly likeable amongst others, but get on her bad side, then that person would feel as though they're in hell. Apart from those main traits of hers, she also known as being slightly impulsive. Also, she's known to be unique amongst others, being slightly different than the stereotypical girl, being obsessed, having interests (etc.) to 'different-ish' things such as collecting stationery and merchandise, getting herself messy with certain errands and many more things than you can ever imagine. At times, she sometimes shocks/surprises people when she goes into a 'mature' mode in which she doesn't seem to be as naive, and is seen as acting pretty 'deep' and very serious which many people aren't used to seeing which also involves those who are close with her, still not being able to get used to the sudden switch of personalities even though they may have witnessed it once or twice before.     
✧TRAITS — Affectionate, Generous, Shy, Honest and Naïve

               ✧Mother — Seo Miyoung + 45 + 4  +  Ara's mother is caring, and despite her age, the two seem as though they're the best of friends. They're known to be open with one another, talking about almost anything and everything with one another. They tend to eat out with one another, go shopping (etc.)
               ✧Father Seo Dongwoo + 47 + 2.5 + Her father's known to be quite strict to her and her brother, but that's only because he means 'well', having good intentions in his mind. Because of him working as a doctor, he's usually very busy with work and hardly spends any time with the family, but he does watch out for them. Ara and her father usually conversate about school and the future though most of the time nowadays because of her age and such-they're seen to be quite awkward with each other.
               ✧Brother Seo Jaeik + 22 + 4 + Because of their , they don't really argue with one another, but instead they're quite playful with one another, pulling jokes and such. Jaeik's quite protective of his little sister and looks out for her and vice versa, but in a different manner. Jaeik tends to spoil Ara at times with the surprise gifts (etc.)

               ✧Best Friend— Bae Minhee + 17 + 5 +  Minhee's basically like the sister she never had-knew each other ever since they were born, with their parents having known each other-they do everything together and are usually seen with each other. They love having a laugh with one another, usually on their height differences and personality for even though Minhee's slightly older than her by a couple of months, Minhee's really short (like about under 5ft tall), and because of it, people would mistaken Ara to be the more mature one, but not really. The two are protective of one another.
               ✧Friend —  Kim Myungsoo (L) + 22 + 4 + He's her brother's friend. The two became the sort of friends that became so close that they tend to sometimes be mistaken for being loving siblings. She would go to him for advice, or to just casually chat with one another about their day and such. The two are usually seen eating/drinking in a cafe/coffee shop. 
               ✧Rival (?)— Lee Minah + N/A + 1 + The two don't really communicate. Minah seems to have an interest in Yixing, and her chances of being with him is much higher since she works alongside him too, having so many things in common. The two get jealous when the other's able to catch his attention. Minah seems to do so many things to prevent Ara from hanging out with him. Everytime Minah's around, she feels quite left-out and stuff.
                ✧Misc (Enemy)  Baek Dongwoo + 18 + 0 + Again, the two aren't really that close. He's known to be the 'weirdo' who has this weird obsession with mermaids and proving that they're really real. He's suspicious of the girls especially after the field trip, and 'indirectly' tries to unravel their secret by making up schemes (etc.). Ara and some of the girls don't know that, but some of the girls do and advise them to avoid or ignore him the best as they could.

✧LOVE INTEREST  Zhang Yixing (Lay) + EXO
✧BACK UP —  Ken  + VIXX
✧PERSONALITY Yixing (otherwise known as Lay) is known to be one of the friendliest, sweetest and kindest person on Earth, and because of this, is well-liked amongst almost everyone. He's seen to always be calm, and when with him, it feels as though you're in peace and tranquility. He's a fun person to be around with, having endless and interesting conversations or having the nicest of hangouts and adventures. Although he's like that-being a passionate junior dolphin trainer-when he's working, he seems to forget about whatever or whoever, and ends up getting distracted by the sea and everything in it, and because of this, he's seen as being quite anti-social, not really socialising as much however, it is a mystery as to how he's 'connected' with so many people, having quite a reasonable amount of friends. In addition to that, Yixing has quite a bad memory, thus being a bit too forgetful, but also that he's quite oblivious and clueless to things-people find those traits of his really endearing or annoying especially to those that try to subtly hint to him something (etc.)  He isn't one to fight and argue, being more of an assertive person-he's one who tries to find a way to fix/solve things in a more peaceful way, with 'violence' never being an answer, but sometimes being the last resort. He's quite mature by the way he acts because of how he approaches to certain obstacles.
He's known to be quite a loyal person especially to those close to him, known to have never betrayed them ever, and with those close to him, he's known to be very thoughtful and generous towards them, surprising them with little gifts, being able to give a helping hand and much more. He seems to be the 'ideal' and 'perfect' guy however, he's not really all that for he does have quite a fair share of bad traits (e.g. an anger that can't be suppressed and releases quite easily).
The two met when Ara decided to go to the local water theme park which opened up fairly recently (before she turned into a mermaid), wanting to have fun, and when she decided to go watch the dolphin show (she loves dolphins) was when she first met Yixing, who was a junior dolphin trainer. She wasn't really that interested in him that much at first for she was more interested in the dolphins. It wasn't until after the show-whilst the others (crowd) went out-she went closer to the stage, wanting to see the dolphins upclose more, not realising that he was there. As she was looking at the dolphins fondly,he sort of surprised her, making her jump slightly when he suddenly asked her what she was doing. Their first meeting was quite awkward for she was very quite shy which Yixing found quite 'cute', but after getting to know each other more, they became quite good friends with them hanging out with each other more and more everyday.  
As the two got to know each other and hung out with each other more and more, Ara started developing a crush on him, finding him to be like the 'dream guy' she has always dreamt of-he almost always makes her blush. Her crush on him's very quite obvious, with a fair amount of people being able to notice it...apart from him as cliche as it may sound. He just mistakens her actions and gestures as being very friendly however, he did start having some suspicions and thoughts about whether the ideas and rumours of her actually having a crush on him was true or not when she started hanging out less to the point of him thinking that she was avoiding him which made him get slightly worried and anxious for he ended up being so used to having her around ( the girls were trying to split her away from him-the time where they turned into mermaids), but he didn't think much of it, not really realising it as much for he's too distracted and more concentrated with the sea, the creatures and everything revolving around it (sea) which is the reason as to why the other 11 had to drag her away from him because she really wanted to reveal to him that she was a mermaid, believing that if he knew that, he would finally give his full attention to her.
The two are usually seen hanging out at the water theme park casually chatting with one another before he's working and such-Ara tends to visit him when she has the time and knows that he's on duty, or if he's off-duty and the two decide to hang out, they would go to the local  shopping centre, eating out (usually street food) with one another whilst doing some of their needed shopping ,or join/attend special events with one another (which Ara has to do a little persuading here and there for him to finally agree). The two love telling each other little jokes, and have fun with one another as much as they can, but even if some of their hangouts are seen as being quite dull with the two sometimes just lying down on the ground and just looking up at the sky (for example) with no words being exchanged, they're quite comfortable with just that. Some would mistaken the two to be a couple because of their closeness and how they would treat one another, but they would just 'brush' it off (but how she wishes that them being a couple for real were true). Ara just seems to be friend-zoned by him-she really gets annoyed (but doesn't really say it) when he seems to not just get what she's trying to secretly convey to him and how he just seems to see her as a 'little sister' rather than a 'woman'. Apart from that, with him being more mature and her being more childish, they seem to keep each other grounded.          

Turning into a mermaid most probably had to be one of the best things that have ever happened in her life--it was simply amazing. She found being a mermaid fun and a nice thing, having powers along with it (she was one of the first of the girls able to control/use her powers properly, but it may sometimes go out of control when she gets a bit too mad and such) ; being able to breathe and swim underwater for a very long time. The possibilties, the many things that she can do are endless. Because of that, she wanted to tell everyone, but because of the long lectures that she was given by the girls (even the younger ones), she realised that she just can't tell anyone because of the many consequences she and the girls may end up being such as being researched and tested by scientists, but in the girls' views, it's best not to tell anyone at all and just keep it within their own little circle. With her being a mermaid, she was also able to have quite a special bond to sea creatures, and because of this, is very helpful to the staff who are in charge of the dolphin show despite not being a staff membe herself. Usually, they would kick one out for the main access towards the dolphins are mainly for staff, but they let her in because of her unofficial contribution to helping out, thus able to spend quite a lot of time with Yixing however, that's not always the case for she 'has to' be careful not to get into contact with water in public or else, her and the girls' secrets would be exposed, and the girls don't want that to happen and Ara being one that's quite careless and clumsy as well as her wanting (thinking of) to show her mermaid self to Yixing, they try to prevent her from going to the water theme park and away from Yixing...unless one of the girls are there to keep a close eye on her which she absolutely hates. Although she's pleased with the idea of being a mermaid, there are the negatives such as that she can't really go swimming or go into the water whenever she pleases to which is quite upsetting-her family loves doing lots of activities in the water whenever it's the holidays or when they're really free and want to do something fun so, seeing Ara decline those kind of things is quite odd, but they don't question it any further (but that doesn't mean that they'll stop being curious) which Ara is quite thankful for. Chores is another problem for whenever she has to do chores which involve water such as washing the dishes, she can't really do anything to avoid it so, she has to wear gloves and other pieces of equipment gear, and because of this, her family thinks that she's turning quite OCD-they also believe that she has a water phobia, but they ruled it out for they knew that Ara loves the water. It's really problematic for her to keep things a secret so, that is why the girls are there to help her handle those kind of problems, but they sometimes go too far that sometimes, they don't even realise that what they're doing is so 'weird' that obviously, someone would start suspecting that something's going on.       


He found out when-somewhere during the late afternoon or night time where it was pretty dark (one of the times)-she was able to sneak away from the girls (rare opportunity) so, that she could hang out with Yixing which was by the beach. Whilst strolling along the sandy beach with the two of them just conversating and laughing as well as looking at the view, Yixing suddenly went into the water and suggested that she should do the same too (walk quite deeply into the sea and maybe do a little swim), believing it to be a fun thing to do. As much as Ara wanted to do, she remembered what the girls said, and after a little more contemplating, refrained from doing so, and politely declined, telling him that she'll just watch him, but Yixing insisted so, he went out the water and dragged her into the water which scared her slightly. She had always wanted to show/tell him, but the situation happening to her right now wasn't what she imagined it to be. By the time the two hit the water, all was revealed and her mermaid form was exposed.     

When Yixing saw her transformation into a mermaid, he just paused. Yixing's head was so confused as to what had just happened that it took quite a while for him to register the situation into his head which made Ara become more worried, scared and anxious along with a whole mix of other emotions. Yixing was absolutely speechless and shocked however, amazed at the same time. Ara looked quite different when in her mermaid form, finding her as looking 'breath-taking', 'mysterious' and 'magical-like'--the idea of her being a mermaid was so unreal. Ara couldn't take the silence anymore, and made him break out of his thoughts when she finally spoke, asking if he was alright which he answered by saying that he was okay however, is slightly dizzy and went all, "How did--?" and all that which she said that she'll explain everything to him, but they'll have to get out of the water as well as go to a place where no one would see them which he agreed to. As she was answering everything he wanted to know whilst drying, instead of him getting scared and freaked out, he seemed to be really interested and fond of it-he found it really extraordinary, but even so,he still felt quite dizzy and confused. Mermaids were just mythological creatures-that was what he thought until now. Ara asked him again how he was feeling, and he said that he's got to go and have a little sleep and rest to sort out his thoughts. Ara felt quite negative when he said that, believing that their relationship would be no more, and he'll start avoiding her, but Yixing realising that before he left, he assured her not to worry as well as promising her not to tell anyone her secret which cheered her up slightly.
The next day or two, he went over to her house and talked over it with her once again, and told her that even though the mermaid thing is a still a bit confusing to him, he'll be there to help her as much as he can as well as reassuring her that things will be alright.  

Since the 'mermaid' incident, the two's relationship had slightly changed, with him becoming a bit more protective over her, and being there beside her almost everytime, and because of this, he started gaining this weird feelings which confused him. Eventually, he confessed at the time when Ara was planning to confess to him (he beat her to it), and the two ended up together.     

✧ANYTHING ELSE? — I loved H20 so much, and it's such a shame that they don't air it in the UK anymore...or do they? Anywho, I hoped that everything in the app was okay. Please tell me if there are any errors and mistakes, and I'll go fix it as quickly as I can! I still can't believe that there's finally an applyfic about mermaids-I've been waiting for this moment since who knows when!
+ Ara hangs out by the caves with the other girls in where they confront as well as warn her to be 'careful' not to expose their secret, but also to stop being so persistent to get Yixing's attention.
                 +Girls find out that Yixing knows about the 'mermaid' secret when they were all casually hanging out with other friends and such, and some people were having a huge water gun fight, and Yixing protected her from getting hit by the water. Some of the girls are not happy at all with the thought of him knowing.
                 + Turns out that Yixing's friends with the 'junior marine  biologist'. He tries to help the girls by lying to him about certain stuff.
                 +  Myungsoo (her and her brother's friend) comes to visit Ara. Her being so close and quite intimate with him causes Yixing to feel quite jealous.
                 + All the girls finally accept him, and thinks of things to give to him or something to thank him for helping them.
                 + Ara and Yixing go on some sort of little get-together/date of some sorts, hanging out, shopping in a bookstore and afterwards go out for bubbletea--some of the girls are behind the scenes, secretly spying on them for a little bit. It looked more like a date than a casual 'hang-out' because it somehow involved some subtle skinship unlike the other times (e.g. holding hands).
                 + A kiss scene.
                 + With so many people telling her what she should and shouldn't do, she ended up getting a breakdown of sorts (e.g maybe starts shouting, giving out a full-blown speech, breathing quite loudly in a rapid manner then suddenly fainting?)-she had enough of it.
                 + Someone (Dongwoo) who's 'obsessed' with mermaids, and is curious of the girls' discreet-like actions around water and stuff tries tricking Ara into revealing her true self, wanting to see whether his theory was correct. One of the girls or any other person notices this and steps into it. 
                 + (I think I may end up adding more if any more comes to mind ^^)
                 ✧PASSWORD — Mmhmm (the left half is for one password and the other half is for the other)

✧IS ENGLISH YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE? — Yes and no at the same time if it makes any sense (?)-- it's a really confusing story.


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