I'm hurt...

Today, I found out that my friend unfriend me on fb. I feel so hurt. You see he's a guy and he really really likes me. I told him I don't want to be with him but he said that he doesn't want to be friends. He wants us to be lovers but I told him no. He wants us to be enemies since I don't want to be with him. I just found that out today and I feel so down. What does that mean. I mean, I know I don't like him but I don't want him to unfriend me.


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Nightreader #1
It means you want to be friends but for some reason he can't handle being 'just friends'. I'm sorry to hear it *hug* Guys are weird like that. I know one who acts super awkward around me now even though he was the one who turned me down and I was the one who wanted to be just friends after :/
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Are you talking about JB?!?! Argh! That jerk! -.-
Cheer up! I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can fix your friendship with him :)