Love Advice Maybe?

So, let's go to the point...

I have a massive crush to a boy who's like three classes away from mine.

Why do I like him?

Physically ;

he resembles Oh Sehun, and I really thought I would stop at it and would never mention him anymore. But this is going further, really. As I was saying, he resembles Oh Sehun so much it makes me happy to have my bias clone near me (not really clone thou, my crush has a darker skin than Sehun).

I watch him from my class frequently, at first I wasn't going to make this a big deal since I just met him at a art festival commitee's meeting and I quickly saw him as a clone of Sehun and I like that.

The next thing I realize was, I think God wanted me to play a little more and have fun, I have always bumped into each other in school's events (not always though), and the more I see him closely, the more I get to know his physical features and why does he look like Sehun.

He has the similar sharp jawline as sehun, and his eyes seemed tired (and I am willing to shut out the tiredness) but they shaped like crescent moon when he smiles, his lips are thin and he has a funny chin which, however, makes him more good-looking.

His hair, he has his front hair up like a rice spoon (pardon me, I don't know how to describe the hair lol) and he looks handsome.


Personality ;

So the meeting was not really the first occasion where I met him. I've met him before, maybe many times, but I've never noticed him because he's that kind of person who is quiet to the world and fun in his own way, and I want to be in his way.

He was almost chosen to be the president of the student council but he's not, but however, it showed that he has a high sense of responsibilty and I didn't sense it at all at first but lately, I do.

He's the vice president of his homeroom, he joins school organization, he's religious (way too, somehow) and he's smart too but he's still friendly and not introvert (at least that's what I think) and how could a person be that perfect? I mean, seriously? How could you be so perfect and make me not fall for you?

Today the school's headmaster told us students to clean up the school together, the girls are told to clean their own classrooms while the boys help the teachers in the field. And for I myself chose to just play around because if too much people clean up then it wouldn't be so clean anymore, not to mention I like to play around with cleaning tools.

I looked down to the field and watching him walking back and forth in a hurried pace and serious face, while joking every now and then with his friends. But when most of his friends (almost all the boys in his class, I believe) went upstairs to their class, he kept helping cleaning up the school and I was fluttered... well I don't know what to describe my feeling. Maybe proud?



I really like him.

I personally claim that I am the kind of person who is expressive toward my own feeling and straight-forward. But this time, I am just unable to do that, like everytime I see him, I am stunned. He's not that handsome, because handsome could make me bored, he has a sweet sweet face that I like so much.

I think he knows already about me who likes him T          H         I       S much and I don't know but I am so shy whenever I'm around him (that's not my nature).

And as if God wanted me to play even more...

The school decided to replace our classes, so my class stood just across his class and are connected by a steel bridge and the it is sooo damn close, like everytime he needed to do something involve him going to the teacher's room, he has to pass my classroom and I'm thankful for the existence of the stairs beside the bridge just behind my classroom so he doesn't need to walk pass my class if he wants to go to the canteen. Terribly thankful!


But that I've told you that he knows already that I like him...

truth be told

I have never done anything to get to know him, not even a single chat, not even anything.

Because I am so scared that he'd shut me out and break me (like seriously, I like him that much)


And dear friends,

I don't know what had gotten into me that I'm writing this and I do realize this is not a right site to tell about my love life but I just need advice because... I don't know what else I should do to get him giving me attention.


Please give advice :"> thank you very much!

I love you <3


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Lunash #1
aww puppy love.. I would love to feel this kind of feeling again :)))
You are still young so you should enjoy this admiring moment and not rush to confess. If you want to get closer to him, maybe you can befriend his friends at first and the foremost, you should place yourself as a friend in his life bcs god knows he probably gets turn off if some girls chasing him and claiming him. as his friend, you can give him more attention to him than his other friends so he can get the "signal". and if he gives you positive signal back, you can confess to him. dont worry, if he avoid you after you confess and break your friendship, he's not that good of a boy to begin with and not worthy of your heart dear ^_^
Maybe you should start as friends and not rush into the whole confession thingy...that way, you can know him more and so will he know about you. Who knows? He might like you back^_^
The next time you bump into him,smile..say hi :)
lol I dunno if it'll work but like you said...he's a bit shy so maybe you should make the first move(?)
Just give it a shot! You won't lose anything,right? And take it slow ;)