
     I feel dissed by my friends. I honestly do.

     Right when lunch started, we agreed we would eat, check out a student apartment for one of us and then study. We did the first two and had just sat down at a table when one of the three of us says she wants to meet another friend, someone close to her.

     I understand that feeling, don't get me wrong. I also wants to meet other friends as well. I have done so at other times, before coming back to these two.

     The problem is she and the other friend, a guy, said we would study now. But instead, she wanted to meet her friend and take a coffee in the city core. I was against it as we had said we would study and I'm broke, but told her to go if she wanted. Then, she and the guyfriend just went and left me there. Of course I could have come along, they did ask me. 

     I just feel, we said we would study, we all needed to, and then suddenly they just wanted to meet another girl. I have no money, I'm broke. It feels weird just sitting there while the others drink and eat. Also, the guy, I bought him food at lunch, he didn't even say thank you, and he was quite willing to leave. His excuse was that he didn't have a computer to use for his project. And I'm like, you didn't have one when we decided to study either, so that "excuse" doesn't work here, buddy.

     Therefore, I went home alone. I was not going to sit in school, feeling lonely and abandoned by friends who suggested we would study. They didn't even insist I would come along, which I was hoping they would.

     I'm not mad, I just feel quite hurt. They were the ones who said we would study, I said yes as I thought it would be fun and I needed their help. Instead, they just dissed me so easily. I know their intentions weren't to diss me, but that's how it looks like now and I know they don't feel bad about me not being there.

     It hurt quite a lot on the way home, and if they say anything at our next lesson, I will seriously give them a piece of my mind. Not be rude, but say calmly and logically that they did diss me. The girls could have met later in the evening or decided earlier they would hang out. At least so I would have known, because I like to know what might happen next.

     That's me. That's who I am.


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I understand you don't have the money since you shop online 24/7 >.> Lol

Jokes aside, what they did was unfair to you and I believe that an apology and knowing of their wrong doing can solve the problem.

It is not the biggest of problems but it was quite rude of them to diss you like that. Studying is a matter that should be prioritized above all else and I know not everyone can do that but it's the effort that counts. Take this event as something that can help you become a stronger person and a person who knows what to do if the situation was to rise again(which hopefully doesnt happen) To be honest, we are lucky to have such problems. But they are not a problem unless you make it in to one.

The same thing has happened to me before and it wasn't just once. And at first, I felt the same but I learned that learning is based on how much you strive to achieve the knowledge being offered to you and that because of that I had more time to study( by myself, but nontheless, I still had time to study)

Friends are friends and if they were really one, you wouldnt need to bring it up but instead they will. They probably felt guilty about it. I dont know about the guy though...XD

Lol if you are feeling down or anyone is ever to diss you again message me :D You're never alone unless my internet is out XD I'm here for you byun shopping voting swede :3
Wow, that's harsh ..