Stolen from Jess ♥


Write the first thing that comes to mind.

01 Hello: Hello, Hello~ (SHINee's song, not FT. Island's.)

02 Love: Hey, my Jojo, love, yes Jojo, stay~ (JoJo - SHINee)
03 Cow: My friend Kyle. Don't ask why. :)
04 Peace: NO FANWARS :D
05 Sky: Blue 
06 Mr. Big: Mr. Taxi~
07 Horror: Terrifying. 

Answer with only one word.

01 You are a: SONE!
02 You drink: Water :D
03 Your first kiss: NO D:
04 Where are you: Singapore
05 You like: SME <3
06 Hate is: stupid.
07 Love is: SME! 
08 You dream of: everythingrelatedtokpopandsometimesscarystuff.
09 You can’t spell: ... idk.
10 Your favourite colour is: black&white >:)

Answer either yes or no. No "maybes" allowed.

01 You like a boy/girl: YES!
02 You would kiss someone for $10: Yes. (provided it's not my first kiss.)
03 You’re addicted to AFF: Duh.
04 You’re addicted to notes: Yes. :)
05 Pink looks nice on guys: KEY! (aka YES)
06 You can’t keep a secret: Yup...
07 Do you have any siblings: Yes -.-
08 You know what an asterisk is: Yes, duh.
09 You dye your hair: Yup.

Write the first thing each colour makes you think of.

01 Red: Blood
02 Green: Trees
03 Teal: WTF?
04 Maroon: Ocean o.o
05 Silver: PENNY!
07 White: Innocence :) 
08 Peachy: kewl.
09 Yellow: uhhhh. sun?

10 Purple: strange things... very strange.


Yeah. I'm weird. :3


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Now that I think about it...white does remind me of innocence to an extent XD

You're so awesome :)
03 Teal: WTF?
Made my day xD
--ethereal #4
*gets glomped* Yes, I know xDDDD
I'm so much weirder than you. XD
-glomps you-