Awww,You Guys~

Hey,guys.. I got something to tell you guys so please scroll down..








I've d good news and bad news.. Okay I'll tell the bad one first so ready,eh?







Bad news (*_*) : I can't update for a while,just for your information.Lol hehehe

Okay for the good one (^_^) : Hello,guys. mariaqibtiyah is back! I got some Exo stories that you can erm uhum ehem read,k? I kinda shy with you all bcoz I'm not a good author.Hehe.. Please visit my fanfic,arasso?

1. I'm Staying With Luhan? (Completed)

2.I'm Married With Suho The Leader Of Exo?

3. I Love You,Kim Jong In.

4. Oops,Sorry Mr.Nerd!

5. She's Byun Baekhyun Maid,Arasso?

6. Kris Is More Perfect Than Others.

Now,I'm working out these fanfics so please support me.

I Love You,Guys. Muah muah *throw flying kiss to you readers.* Hehe,it's creepy I know. Bye.


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