On being obsessed with Photoshop...

So I have been on a photoshop-fanfiction-poster-making rampage these last couple of weeks. I am glad to see that my work has gradually improved from its incredibly horrible start, but it still needs a lot work. Here are a few of the things I've made, including some stuff from a while a go that has nothing to do with fanfiction (just right click and view the image in a new tab for the actual size of the image):

Sweeter Than Candy edited 1 The Nerd Herd edited 1 bkg2proto edited 1Checkmate edited 1breakinghearts edited 1A Little Game Called Love edited 1beauty and her beastsUnfinished Business edited 1Urban NoiseUrbania

Alas, my trial for photoshop has run out, so I will be using GIMP and since I am new to the program, it might take me longer to make stuff. However, if anyone is interested in having me make something for them, just shot me a PM and I will hook you up. I have a deviantart account with some other stuff (photography and some other photomanips) so if you want to check that out too, feel free. The link is in my AFF profile.


Till next time,



PS: As someone so kindly pointed out to me, my username is missing an "i" which would make it the japanese word for I love you. However, I purposely left it without the "i" because when I was first learning about the Japanese culture, I always mispelled this word, and I wanted my username to be a tribute to my little curious bad-spelling self. It remeinds me to use spell check, too :3


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