Encouragement ? And other crap ..

I've been crying(/emo ikr..) a lot lately for reasons I would like unsaid (ill say this its not boy trouble.. I'm single 4ever yo!/ people are really cruel), I (j)hope bright days start coming my way I have to stay optimistic because I know something better is coming my way 

*Now the most important part of this the encouragement*

for all of the people that feel sad my heart goes to you<3

We can do it !

Lets get stronger !!


kisses~  Kayla.


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beefbros #1
Don't be sad :) I know that it is hard to be optimistic when things get tough, just don't give up and keep smiling ^^
alright, fighting...
Couldn't *** dang typo my bad :)
about that j before hope i know its there... I just could help myself keke!