I Dreamed Of KIMJONGDAE yesterday!!!! >


Guys!!!OMG!!!! I dreamed of Kim Jongdae yesterday! <333
The dream.....
Me and my family are going to a restaurant to eat lunch. 
After eating lunch,we walked out from the restaurant and decided to ride a cab to go home.
Suddenly,a guy with black t-shirt and dark blue jeans walked pass us and smiled at us.
I think I remember who's that.
After the guy's gone from out sight,I suddenly remembered.....
EXO's Kim Jong Dae? CHEN????
I gasped.
All of a sudden,a taxi stopped in front of us revealing Chen in the taxi,
Chen said that he hailed a taxi for us in front there.
So my mother thanked him. (MY MOTHER DON'T KNOW WHO IS HE ACTUALLY)
I took this advantage to shake hands with him and take a photograph with him plus an autograph before going into the taxi,
When we got into the taxi,my mother asked why I need the guy's autograph and photograph.
Then I asked my mother do she actually know the guy,
She shook her head
I tell her it's actually EXO's Chen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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