
My mom is mad at my sister and I for some things that happened last night. And now she won't talk to us... .____. 

I feel like a horrible person even though this is just another problem that doesn't seem like that big of a deal and I feel like she's just exaggerating a little too much. 

Why is my life so stressful?! Like, you don't even know how much I hate silence treatments or feeling like someone is ignoring me. Ugh. 

Oh hai Cas☺


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My mom is like the opposite of your mom, she's really childish and tbh most of the time I take care of her instead of the other way around -.- but trust me, wait for her to start talking to you guys before you do anything you might regret later on, maybe she's stressing about that thing more than both of you, so try to take it easy hun :)