
1. Open your library (iTunes, Media Player, iPod, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...

Opening Credits :
I Hope- FT Island
good, good.

Waking Up :
Ring Ding Dong- SHINee

First Day of School :
Because I Miss You- Jung Yonghwa
well, maybe, ''because i missed you?'' lol.

Falling in Love :
Take Care, My Bus- Jang Geun Suk
LOL, WUT? love not for me? XD

Fight Song :
Heartbreaker- G Dragon
BAHAHA, i'll break a nose, not a heart XD

Prom :
The Boys- Girl's Generation
Fitting? a bit.

Life :
Love's Way- SHINee
hahaha, it makes sense.

Mental Breakdown :
Clap Your Hands- 2NE1
uhmm, it kind of would help. i guess..

Driving :
Love Light- CN Blue
am i going to be staring at the driver next to me at a stoplight or something?

Flashback :
Gee- Girl's Generation
well, Gee.

Getting Back Together :
Stranger- SHINee the person is a stranger? i thought it would be the opposite..

Losing Your ity :
Shout Out- SHINee
O_____O well technically, i probably WOULD shout out. >3>

Wedding :
I Will Promise You- Jang Geun Suk

Birth of Child :
Breathe- G Dragon
well, he WOULD be taking his first breaths..

Final Battle :
Ready Or Not- SHINee

Death Scene :
Kimi Ni Todoke- Tanizawa Tomofumi
well, the translation of the song's title is ''Reaching You'', isn't it? so i guess it fits..

Funeral Song:
Mr. Taxi- Girl's Generation
isn' that a bit too happy? lol

End Credits :
Hot Summer- f(x)
the year ends with winter..but summer takes the cake here!


LOL. it was very interesting.


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hahahha, that's what i was thinking XD
maybe the dead person died in a taxi accident XD
LMFAOOOO!!! MARLEN XDDD U AND UR MARLENESS. BWAHAHA... all the songs fit perfectly :33..... Except for Mr.Taxi? O.o

..maybe u died cuz of a taxi accident. BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. wait... That's not funny x: I'm sowee. XD

....invite me to ur funeral o.o <3
Funeral Song: Mr.Taxi XD