♒Swept Away Application♒ Seoji









FULL NAME: Park Seoji

D.O.B : March 3


OCEAN OF BIRTH?  Indian Ocean



FaceClaim: Seo Ji Hye
Back Up FaceClaim: Park Hyojin
Style: She doesn't have any birth marks. Her ears are pierced  two dermal, a rook, and double lobe, and anti-tragus peircings. Her eyes are chocolate brown and her eyelashes are very long. 

Tail/Fins: Her tail is mostly an aqua color, that turns into a frosty blue towards the end.

Clothing: Marmaid: 1 2 3

Human Form:1 2 3 4 5 6

Landwalker or Waterdwellar? Even though she is from the sea she'd rather be on land. The Ocen doesn't provid for her chic look. Nor does it have as much going on.

Siren: Seoji has telepathy she can read everyones thoughts, and talk to them through their thoughts. Thisdoesn't scare sirens, it takes them by surprise but doesn't bother them. Humans on the other hand, well she uses it to pick on them. If they they think dirty thoughts she acts like the girl filling their heads with her voice driving them crazy.

When she's not driving every one crazy with her telepathy, she's playing her ukulele, and hanging out with her pet Jojo a squirrel monkey.


Personality: Seoji isn't a shy person, but she's quiet. She tends to zone out during long conversations, but doesn't really need to pay attention to it because of her telepathy keeping her in the loop. When Seoji wants to talk she talks a lot. she has a lot to say when she has an opinion. She smiles a lot and is really friendly around people who can make her laugh, or buy her fancy things. It's really shallow but she's used to being treated to nice things.

As fun and nice as Seoji is she can be really stubbon and a bit of a brat. She whines when things don't go her way, rather then use a whiney voice that people/sirens can run from she uses her powers to whine directly to her head. Especially if they start to walk away then she shouts in there heads. Sirens have learned to not walk away to endure her whining until she leaves on her own.

She hangs out with quiet people because they are less likely to upset her. Her bigest down side is her temper. When she's angry everyone, and everything know it. She doesn't have to yell to get her point across she just throws something, often coconuts. She's very picky and very easy to upset on certain things. Like being Picked on she can't stand it.


  • Fashion
  • Food
  • Jojo
  • Sun bathing
  • Playing her Ukulele
  • Shoes
  • Palm Trees
  • Relaxing in a Hammock
  • Music
  • Cute Things


  • Getting Dirty
  • Being Teased
  • People trying to catch Jojo
  • Long conversations
  • Rainy Days
  • Being Alone
  • Raw food
  • Being Cold
  • Bad Smells
  • People who can't take a joke


  • Singing
  • Ukulele playing
  • Sun bathing
  • Shopping
  • Redecorating


  • Making faces when bored
  • kicking sand on people


  • Heights
  • Bugs

Interests: Shopping, fashion, and animals from the surface world are all things Seoji loves.
Background: Seoji grew up in a wonderful home. She was surrounded by her family, never left by herself. She didn't mind it though, since she was the only girl to come from her family. Her eleven older brothers constantly complemented her and spoiled her. Making her very confedant in herself. Her family never stayed in one spot for too long they liked moving and travinling the ocean. Seoji wasn't fond of moving from place to place, but did because she loved her family so much.

One night after resting in siren citys finest underwater hotel, her brothers took her out to sink a ship for the gold and jewelry. She did her part in singing the ship into a wreck, as the ship sank and her brothers took care of the sailors and collected what they wanted, she heard a cry, she swam up to the ship to investigate. Once on the last floating part of the ship, she found the cause of the crys. A small squirrel monkey, trapped in a cage. Seoji grabbed the cage putting it on a floating plank of wood, and swam to shore with it. After transforming she broke the cage releasing the monkey, she tried to set him free, but he clung to her. She tried reading him mind, but it didn't work on him like it does sea creatures. She knew she couldn't leave him alone on the island. She put him somewhere safe giving him food, then went to tell her family that she didn't want to leave siren city. Her family, though sad, allowed her to stay buying her homes before saying their good byes.


Family: Kim Ming  // Looks 43 // Mother // Traveler // Accepting-Kind-Bright-Loving-Sweet // 10
Kim Jason // Looks 45 // Mother // Traveler // Full of Knowlage-Cunning-Brave-Loyal-Strong // 10

Kim Gyu Rok // Looks 28// First Brother (Oldest)// Fun-Caring// 7

Kim Seung Bin // Looks 27// Second Brother// Thoughtful-Quiet// 4

Kim Do Min// Looks 26// Third Brother (older twin)// Clueless-Self Absorbed// 4

Kim Hyuk Min// Looks 26// Forth Brother (younger twin)//Cheerful-Fun// 7

Kim Joon Ho// Looks 25// Fifth Brother// Strong-Smart// 4

Kim Chi Hoon// Looks 24// Sixth Brother// Geeky-Quiet// 7

Kim Tae Bim// Looks 23// Seventh Brother// Musical-Brave// 4

Kim Jun Yeon// Looks 22// Eighth Brother// Careless-Rude// 2

Kim Yu Ha// Looks 21// Nineth Brother (older twin)// Winey-Whimpy// 5

Kim Seon Yu// Looks 21// Tenth Brother (younger twin)// Proud-Strong// 4

Kim Nam Soo// Looks 20// Eleventh Brother// Playful-Smart// 8


Friends: Song Chan Ho// 20 // Friend (Human) // Libranian // Smart-Nice-Silly-Shy-Quiet // 6

Jojo  // 4 // Best Friend (Monkey)// Fun-Nice-Silly-Loving-Sweet // 10


Living Quarters: Under water: Living room, bedroom, master bedroom, bathrooms.

On Land: Out side look, living room, bedroom, master bedroom, bathrooms.


Love Interest:  Zitao, Tao
(Back Up Love Interest: Suho)

Personality:  Tao's a very nice guy, who likes nice things, and wants to be reminded he hansome, especially more then Kris. He's not shy and doesn't hide his feelings, he expresses them very well. Tao has high standers for people, and often they don't meet those standards when they first meet. Luckily Tao get's to know people before writting them off completely. When he looks at himself in the mirror he's so proud, no one can compete with him, until someone complements Kris, then he's taken back and wants to know why they thought Kris was more handsome then he is. As confident and self absorbed as Tao can be he is very carring. He looks out for his friends and often when he finds something nice he'll  give it to one of his friends, just to brighten their day.
Tao is also very strong, and althletic. He was trained in martial arts so long he doesn't remember when he started training. So when he's interesed in a girl he asks a lot of questions that are important to him. He finds out if she has good taste in clothing, if she thinks he''s more handsome then all of his friends, and if she works out. As shallow as it seems, he does look at their personality too, especially while they answer. He learns more from their subtle actions then their words.

First Meeting: Seoji was woken  from her nap suddenly by monkey screams, "Jojo what are you screaming for?" She swung out of her hammock. The Moneky jumped up and down and tapped her legs and ran back and forth on the deck. "Okay," she groaned, "I'm going." she followed Jojo down to the beach. Jojo ran to a boy laying on the sand, the waves hiting his feet. "Jojo," she grumbled, "Is he alive." she got closer. She looked down at him, "well, he's breathing," she patted Jojo's head, "I'll get him, and you can get the bananas okay?" she laughed. The boy rolled over on his back, "Hey handsome," she combed his black hair out of his eyes, "I'm going to take you and make you feel better." she smiled. He glaired at her, "No." he whined, 'It's not like I need her help. I just want food. Cake. Cake sounds good.' She smiled after hearing his thoughts, "That's too bad, I guess I'll just have to eat my chocolate cake all by myself." She stood up turning her back to him. "Wa-wait," she looked back at him sitting up, "you have cake?" She helped him up, "yeah come on." she threw his arm over her shoulders helping him walk, "I'm Seoji, this is Jojo, he found you." Jojo climbed on to the boys side holing onto his pants. He looked down at him, "You're a monkey," he smiled, "I'm Tao, thank you."; they walked into her house.

Interaction: Seoji didn't pay much attention to Tao when they first met. Seoji treated him like a brother since that's what she was use too. Tao was more interested in her, she dressed nice, calls him handsome when getting his attention, and cooks for him. Seoji started to fall for Tao when they went shopping and he picked out a necklace to go with her outfit. It not only fit her style but brought out the brown in her eyes, and made her nervous. Tao made her feel special something she's use to, but not from someone she hasn't known all her life. She grew more intersted in Tao, one day she found herself wondering about what he was thinking of, but refused to find out. She made things for Tao bought him things made him smile. Tao made her laugh and practiced martial arts together. Tao fell for her quickly, and wanted to tell her, but she surprised him with the news of her being a siren. Seoji, who was almost certain he'd leave her forever was surprised by his reaction. Tao didn't freak out he was calm saying "It doesn't matter. If you're human or mermaid I don't care. As long as your happy I'm happy. It doesn't matter too me. Who you are is what matters to me." Seoji confessed she was in love with him, and he returned her feelings.


Any questions?  She turns half human for Tao.
Scene requests?  The shopping trip.
Password: <3 Tao <3



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