Preserved Roses || Black Rose || Min Jinhyuk


Min Jinhyuk
skylar66 // skye // active rate (9.8)
» black rose
NICKNAME: Jinnie-mainly the white rose calls him this as his term of endearment, Umma-the rest of the group members call him this, mainly cause the White Rose has convinced them to.  
DATE OF BIRTH: December 23, 1991
AGE: 22 (turning 23)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Busan, South Korea
LANGUAGE:Korean-fluent,Japanese-intermediate(learned in company)
» Showtime
POSITION: Main Vocalist
FANCLUB COLOR: #9933cc - Violet
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Personality Traits: Naggy, Strict, Motherly, Calm, Objective, Kind, Scary, Sarcastic, Extremely Guilty, Independent

If there is one word that can describe Jinhyuk it would be naggy. This guy can nag about just about anything, from how the others are dressed to their behavior to even something as small as how they are sitting on the couch. He is a huge nagger when it comes to someone's posture, and will make sure that those around him are standing or sitting up straight and have the perfect posture. Even though there is a dad in the group he acts more like a child than some of the younger members, leaving Jinhyuk to be the bad guy when it comes disciplining their "children" as the leader likes to put it. He is also rather strict when it comes to his fellow members, and will make srue that all the rules are followed. He is seen kind of as the enforcer of the group, the one member that no one can fool or get away with. If you're up to something then you better believe that soon enough he will find out who's behind the plan and who's involved. Of course this also means that not even the white rose can get away with his schemes, although more times than Jihyuk would like to admit, the leader can talk his way out of trouble. 

Despite his strict and nagging ways, he really does love s, and thanks to a certain someone has been deemed the Umma of the group. He does a lot of things behind the scenes for them, such as cooking and cleaning up afterwards. Jihyuk doesn't ask for anything in return for his taking care of them, because it's just something that he does out of his nature, and is almost like a daily task. He's in charge of waking them up and making sure that they are all ready to go to where ever they need to be that day, and that they'll get there on time. He will have some problems with the morning however being that he's not a morning person at all, maybe that's way he's so good at waking the others because he means business and will take no nonsense from anyone. For the most part Jinhyuk is a rather calm individual and doesn't really get upset about much or if he does then he can usually calm himself back down. He tries not to show his true anger to the other members, and tries to make sure and not worry them, especially the leader. Being friends with the other guy for as long as they have he doesn't want to worry him with his problems.

Jinhyuk is an obective person and isn't the one to take sides, even with his other members. He is also known as the mediator of the group because he is the one that will dissolve any conflict that they may have with each other. He doesn't let how he personally feels influence how he makes a decision, and will listen to each person's side of the story before making up his mind and telling them what he thinks they should do. Though most of these interventions that he will mediate usually end up with Jinhyuk calling them both stupid and forcing the two parties to hug and make up with each other. No one said that he gave good advice on how to resolve conflict, only that he was good at stopping it. Of course coming from his motherly nature he is exceptionally kind. For most things he gives in a lot to the other group members, most of the time being the yellow rose and the white rose. And when the two join forces and gang up on Jihyuk he knows that he will never win against them. He dotes on all the members, though more so the maknae than the others, that kid does a lot for everyone else in the group, so he should have someone look out for him as well.

Jinhyuk has the reputation of being the scariest member of Preserved Roses. Being the mother of the group one can expect that it takes a lot to get him annoyed even more so actually mad, but when he does be warned. When he is though everyone avoids him like the plague because he will say mean things, which he'll feel really guilty about later, and at that point and time not care about who he may hurt. Jinhyuk also lets off this black aura that works as a singal to other people that he's not in a good mood and you should just stay away from him. His nagging and strict attitude increases when he's annoyed, and he goes almost on a rampage nitpicking at whatever he can find wrong, which is a lot easier then one would think. When Jinhyuk is with his friends or talking with the white rose he actually is extremely sarcastic, and always has a smark aleck remark to whatever has been said to him. He is very intelligent and uses that to his advantage when coming up with comebacks and remarks. Jinhyuk tries to keep it in check and use his sarcasm in moderation but sometimes he can use it too often or be rather harsh sometimes though which causes him to be really sorry afterwards. 

To say that Jinhyuk as a guilty conicous is an extreme understatement. When he's in one of his annoyed moods or says something that hurts the other person he will beat himself up over it even if that person has already forgiven for it. It's easy to tell when he's feeling guilty about something because he will have the most pitiful look on his face, and won't be nagging like he usually does at the dorm. Though getting him to open up about it is quite the task in itself. He can become so guilty that he's gets on other's people's nerves with his constant apologizing and it'll take all of your self-control not to shove a candy bar in his mouth. Of course that doesn't apply to some, most, of the memebrs who will easily shut him up before he irritates anyone else. His is an independent person and isn't used to depending on others, this sometimes makes him seem detached and standoffish, but in actuality he just doesn't know how to depend or even talk to someone else when he has problems. Jihyuk is the guy that was always taking care of others not the other way around, so he's used to facing his issues by himself as a way not to worry those that he's taking care of. 

» Background

Jinhyuk was born in Busan, South Korea. He around 2 years old when his twin sisters were born, Minji and Hyeri, and even at that young age he was still extremely protective of them. He didn't let anyone but his parents get close to them for the first few years he stopped when he started school at 5. As a child he was always calm and loved books, even then, so he didn't have many friends through elementary or middle school. Being a rather lonely child his parents decided that putting him in some sort of class or lesson might be a good way for him to open up to others, so they put him in piano lessons. Jinhyuk immediately seemed to bond with the piano in a sense, and was quite the natural picking it up alomst instantly. He loved to play for his sisters, and they seemed to love it just as much always laughing and giggling whenever they went with their mom to pick him up from practice asking him to play what he learned that day. Though it didn't really help with him when it came to making friends at shcool, but he played with his sisters whenever he was done with homework and chores. He was the typical big brother that protected his siblings. He was starting middle school when his youngest sibling was born, a little brother, Yuhan. Just like his sisters he was super excited to have another younger sibling to take care of and play with.

Around the same time that his brother was born Jinhyuk found his love of singing. Though he didn't click with singing as well as he did with the piano, but that didn't stop him from practicing and singing to his heart's content, to the dismay of everyone else in the house of course. He started babysitting his siblings when he first started high school so that his parents could have more time off, but that meant that he had to learn how to cook. It took him a couple of times of burning food and creating a smoke hazzard in the house, but once he got it he realized that he really did love to cook. It was sometime when he was in high school when he learned about idols. His sisters were talking about some new boy band and about how much they thought this band was awesome, so he made the huge mistake of asking them what were they talking about. They spared no details, going in depth with the details of each individual member, something Jinhyuk could easily lived without. After his 'talk' with the twins the gears started turning in his head about if that is something that he might want to try, but he dismissed that thougt rather quickly laughing at himself for even thinking something as crazy as being an idol. It was his last year of high school at the age of 18 that he was reminded yet again of the possiblity of him being an idol. There was some sort of audition happening in town, and his sisters had begged him to take them so they could go and watch all the singers. Of course all it took to get him to agree were a couple of puppy dog eyes and he knew he was doomed to say yes.

At first everything was fine, and Jinkyuk thought that he was actually going to get through this without a problem, well that was until he heard his name called as the start of his audition. Sighing he looked down at Minji and Hyeri with a raised eyebrow, Minji was grinning sheepishly, while Hyeri gave him the most pitiful 'forgive me' face that even if he wanted to Jinhyuk couldn't be mad at him. Minji was already behind him pushing him towards the stage, at first he didn't move but then he made the mistake of looking down at his sister, and her face said it all. Sighing again he went and auditioned, and he easily passed and was accepted to Revolution Entertainment. As one can imagine his sisters were beyond excited squealing and laughing all the way back home. His parents didn't share the same views as them however, which was to be expected. They had only hoped for the best and most successful life for their oldest child, and had a very hard time accepting this idea of him going all the way to Seoul to presue a career that may not ever set off. His mother had heard about how harsh being a trainee was and absolutely did not like the idea of her baby going through such a hard time. Well that was until Jinhyuk mentioned that he wasn't going to accept the offer to begin with, then her view seemed to change ever so slightly. His parents started talking amongst themselves that maybe it wouldn't be so bad for him to do it, if it meant that his some what anti-social behavior will lessen ever so slightly.  

So after a lot of deliberation, talking, and much convincing on both sides, Jinhyuk found himself in Seoul now sharing a room with several other trainees at Revolution Entertainment. His first couple of years were rather brutal, between the constant training sessons, having to deal with the other trainees, and not to mention the different classes that he was taking on top of all that, it was rough. Jinhyuk debated on many different ocassions whether or not he should just quit and go back home, get into a college and follow the path that many people his age do, but everytime he called home and talked to his younger siblings their excitement and encouraging words stopped him every time. He just couldn't handle dissappointing them, especially since they were so happy and excited about their big brother being an idol. He spent a lot of his small free time to practice his dancing seeing as he wasn't very good and was always messing up and sort of became a distraction to the other trainees that were also practicing. It was during this time that Jinhyuk met the white rose, though they were trainees for about the same amount of time they didn't actually meet till a couple years later. The white rose had decided to help the poor guy who couldn't even follow a few simple steps, and ever since then they've been really close friends. Jinhyuk was surprised when he heard about the new boy group that the company was debuting, even more so when he was told that not only was he going to be in it, but so was the white rose. It was a good surprise though and he was actually looking forward to the new group, not that he was going to tell anyone that of course.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Reading (it's relaxing, and seems
    to make him fall asleep)
  • two: Quiet Places (again, it's really relaxing
    and gives him the time to think without distractions)
  • three: Piano (just something that he's always
    liked ever since he was young)
  • four: Cooking (he has a real talent for it, and
    loves to cook for others)
  • five: Chocolate (his secret love)
» Dislikes
  • one: Anti-fans (he doesn't understand why
    some people can be so mean to someone they
    don't even know for the simole reason just
    because they can)
  • two: Being interrupted when he's sleeping (he is
    kind of a demon when he wakes up in the morning)
  • three: Messes, Unorganized rooms and spaces. (it
    erks him beyond believe and he just has to fix it)
  • four: When the leader purposefully makes a
    mess and then leaves it (Jinhyuk knows he's just
    being a troll and he shouldn't let it get to him, but
    of course it does)
  • five: Coffee (he's more of a tea person, and just
    can't stand the taste of coffee)
» Fears
  • one: Pulling the team down (he's scared to
    death of this and practices as much as he can to
    prevent it from happening)
  • two: Jinhyuk is clausterphobic, and doesn't really
    like being in cramped places and closed up
    places (he also tends to leave doors open when
    he leaves a room) 
  • three: He is afraid of heights and has a hard
    time when he has to travel in a plane (he refuses
    to take the window seat when he does have to fly)
  • four: He is also extremely afraid of bees (he's
    also deathy allergic to them)
  • five: Being misunderstood (he sometimes has a
    hard time telling others what he's feeling or thinking,
    and is scared that he will accidently push someone
    away when he doesn't mean to)
» Hobbies
  • one: Playing Piano (he's very gifted, and loves to play
    it as often as he can)
  • two: Cooking (He loves to bake, especially brownies)
  • three: Reading (when not nagging other members,
    or cooking you will find him with a book in his hand)
  • four: Writing (he usually writes small short stories, or
    poems and has a lot of notebooks filled to the brim
    with them, but he will sometimes write songs though
    he doesn't show anyone)
  • five: He also loves to play puzzle games (from sudoku
    to tetris he loves them all)
» Habits
  • one: He'll tap his fingers on the table or his lap when
    he's thinking hard or confused about something
  • two: He also has a habit of shaking his leg when he's
    sitting, which may bother the person next to him
  • three: Giving in to the other members (though he is
    mainly known as the scary umma, he has an extremely
    hard time saying no to them, especially the yellow and
    blue rose)
  • four: He has the habit of checking all the members
    making sure that their clothes are on right, and that
    their hair isn't messed up, or if anything is out
    of the ordinary
  • five: He tends to fall asleep when he reads, so
    he'll sometimes be streched out on the couch or curled
    up in a chair, with his book in his lap
» Trivia
  • one: He has a huge weakness for chocolate (a
    weakness that the leader has no problem bribing 
    him with every chance he can)
  • two: When around the dorm he will wear his glasses
    instead of contacts (x)
  • three: He still has a Busan accent when he talks, and is
    very self-conscious about it. Comes out most when
    he is starteled, or when he's angry. (It's a huge
    warning signs to the others)
  • four: He is extremely OCD, and cannot stand messes.
    If he so much as sees one, he will spend the next
    several minutes trying to clean it up, making everything
    once again spotless.
  • five: He is actually really clumsy, and is usually dropping
    things or tripping over air. Thus he isn't exactly the
    greatest dancer in the group.
  • six: He is the oldest of four, so he is used to taking
    care of others
  • seven: Jinhyuk has a stuffed teddy bear that he's
    had since he was a toddler and keeps it on his bed
  • eight: He has a secret love of dramas that he refuses
    to let anyone know about ​
  • nine: Jinhyuk has this weird mom sense (what the
    other members call it), where if anyone is thinking of
    an idea that they know they shouldn't be doing,
    he will know and show up, effectively scaring them
    out of their plan
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
BACKUP: Kiseop U-Kiss

Kiseop's Personality - Traits: Bright, Considerate, 4D, Clingy, Over-Critical, Gullible

Kiseop is definitely a bright person. When he walks into a room you can just feel the happy enegry radiating off of him, so much so that it can be really contangious. His smile is so infectious that when you see it you can't help but smile back even if you're in a really bad mood. He is always wearing a smile, and is hardly ever seen without one. Kiseop is also bright in the sense that he is really smart and intelligent. Although a lot of the time he doesn't seem like it, usually spazzing and running around like a crazy person who had his life threatened. However dispite that he really is smart and has done really well in school, not to mention that he knows a lot of random trivia that obviously will be of no use in the real world. Kiseop is also a rather considerate individual and is always looking out for others more than himself. He is very aware of other's feelings and what he could say may possibly hurt them, so he is extremely careful and cautious as to not do that. Making sure that he's a bother or nuisance is also something that he is constantly thinking about. He doesn't want to be the one that is pulling the team down, and practices extra hard to do so.

When describing Kiseop one of the main words that come out of everyone's mouth is 4D. He always seems to be in his own little world, and though he is extremely considerate to others that doesn't stop him from being in his own little crazy world of spazzyness and rainbows. Just the tiniest thing could set him off into a spazz fit of crazy madness screaming in his high pitch dolphin squeel busting everyone's ear drums. It also doesn't help that along with all his spazzy spazzness that he is so extreme OCD that it could rival Jinhyuks. Everything has a place and when it's not there not only will he spend the next two hours fixing but another four to complain to whoever moved it because he obviously said not to touch anything and just leave it where it was. Kiseop is most definitely clingy, to s, his friends. and family. If he knows you, even more so when he's close, you can expect him to cling on you is some way, shape, or form. This can be kind of a hassle for the person being clinged on because Kiseop will not let go for any reason, even if it's a good one he will not care. It is honestly the only time that he will not consider the other person's feelings.

This guy has a tendency of being over-critical. He constantly thinks about the same thing over and over and over again until the point of a mental meltdown. Not even joking here he seriously thinks of things, most of the time trivial things that he doesn't have to think about as hard as he does. It may have the simplest answer but he makes it so complicated that the simple task has now become the most difficult task on the planet that now no one can but him can finish it. Of course this also applies to how he sees himself being in the group. He will work extra hard and practice later than is required because he honestly feels that his skills are not on the level that he needs or feels that he thinks they should be right now. Unsurprisingly Kiseop is very gullible, and has a problem of believing whatever his friends tell him. It makes him quite the easy target on every occasion, though it usually ends with him pouting and ignoring you. Whether or not that's a good thing is all in the eyes of the beholder. He likes to believe others and more times than not he will give them the benefit of the doubt, which usually just leaves him sad and depressed that he fell for the same trick, again.


White Rose Interaction:

Since these two have been friends for such a long time, not to mention the fact they see each other every day 24/7. Their relationship strangely enough is a lot like a married couple would react. Not that it helps in any way that he insists on the members calling him dad and Jinhyuk mom. The White rose is presisent with his play of house and really does believe that they are the parents of the other three. Though it does seem to show that maybe what he's insisting isn't so far off the mark afterall. Jinhyuk will deny it with every fiber of his being if asked, but he has an extremely hard time saying no to his friend. The combination of the whinning and the faces he gives the poor "umma" is too much for Jinhyuk to stay firm with his decision, and gives in more times than he probably should. These two are usually bickering playfully at one another most of the time, which makes for an interesting scene, mainly because in the middle of their "agruement" they give up and just start throwing random phrases at each other trying to get the other to break the other's concentration, hereby making them lose the supposed competition that was taking place. It's easy to tell that these two are extremely close even when looking at them from afar. It's the weird way that they complement each other so well that no one really can complain or ask about their odd friendship. The White Rose does like to troll Jinhyuk in any way he can, and most of the time he will move things around to mess with his OCD, or purposefully wake him up because he knows that even if Jinhyuk gets mad and yells at him, in the end it's only Jinhyuk who will feel bad. Sometimes he feels bad for his pranks because it really does stress the other out, but that distress is the source of his amusement so he still does it half the time.  

Interaction With Kiseop:

These two met by chance randomly while Jinhyuk was still a trainee, and hit it off almost instantly. The two of them first bonded over their equally bad OCD habits and how no one else understands the severity of moving things when they shouldn't be moved. Other than that though they are total opposites, but that ever so wonderful saying "opposites attract apply to them whole heartedly. Maybe it's because Jinhyuk grew up with three younger siblings, as well as being in charge of the others that he can easily handle Kiseop's crazy and spazztic shenanigans and antics. Even more with the fact that he can even calm him down when he's like this, usually for the benefit of the surrounding peoples ears. They get along really well and being the same age helps a lot with them being closer, though it did take Jinhyuk a while to adjust to all the touchy feeling that is Kiseop. A lot of the time even now he will have a hard time, and casually untangle himself from Kiseop's grasp, but Kiseop being Kiseop he re-attaches himself almost instantly. Jinhyuk has tried asking him to stop and give him some personal space, but every time he does Kiseop will give him the saddest puppy dog face that Jinhyuk has no chance of ever denying. Seriously the face he makes could make anyone tear up and just want to take him home, it is truely something that should be feared. 

The white rose is always teasing his friend whenever he sees them together and tells Jinhyuk every time that he's gone soft and is totally head over heels for the other. Jinhyuk being his usual quiet self refuses to let the other get the better of him and never takes the bait thrown out by his so called "best friend". But anyone who knows Jinhyuk can definitely that he has a soft spot for the other Idol, even though he desperately tries to hide his feelings and says otherwise. Like most things not all of their interactions are so well maintained, and despite Jinhyuk's patient nature there are times when even he can't stop himself from shaking his head and walking away without a word. There have been many occassions with Kiseop's 4Dness that Jinhyuk just cannot comprehend or even begin to understand where on earth the other is coming from. Quite a few times he had found himself losing his temper at his friend saying mean and hurtful things, and then just storming off angry. Jinhyuk always feels really guitly afterwards, especially with how sensitve Kiseop can be, but can never find a good way to apologize so instead beats himself up and over thinks it. Everytime though Kiseop will show up with an apology cake or a cute text message saying sorry first for his behavior, which only makes Jinhyuk feel worse, way way worse. He still has no way to show the other one how much he really does appreciates him and values his friendship. 

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I'm really sorry that it's so long! Please let me know if anything is wrong or if I need to change anything. I really had a lot of fun creating this character, and hope you like him too! Good Luck on the story and I hope that a lot of people apply.
PS. Totally shipping the Black and White Rose just saying....
SCENE REQUEST: Maybe them being guests on Running Man 
PASSWORD: Revolution Entertainment  (Sorry about the song mix up.)
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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