pray for mh370

hey guys. this will be messy so its really your choice to read/not. forgive me for any typo errors, i am currently on my phone. so, tge title says it all right? im pretty sure all of you have known about this mh370 incident. so im not gonna elaborate much. im pretty sure youre bored to read all about it already with such confusing news and points/facts that contradict each other. may we all just take a moment and pray for this aircraft to be found? i have no relatives on that plane but some people that i know have. as a matter of factly, one of my friend's i know online, her mother was on that plane. and she's only seventeen. we're the same age. im just really sad by this fact, she texts her mother every hour of the say, hoping for a reply. can we all just take a moment and pray for fellow passengers and crews of mh370? despite what our religion are, can we? may we just take a small of two minutes time or five minutes to pray for them? put yourself in the victims' families shoes, imagine how they'd feel. how devastated they are. im just hoping for a miracle. i know we all are so lets just join hands and pray for this missing aircraft to be found soon! just please.


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omg. yes. we absolutely should! :(