
You guys must already know about this...let's pray for the victims

everyone still searching for them

hopefully there fine

This is first time this thing happen as Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has good record for safety


btw I thanks to all country whom helping :)

hope they will find them


I know about this since 11a.m

when I went down to eat

My family was watching the news on tv...CNN news


It has spreading throughout the world

Victoria f(x) and Lee Min Ho also pray for them :')

so let's pray for them~


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I heard zhoumi also pray for the victims
Let's pray for them~
My dad says there is four possibilities that the plane was lost.

1. The plane flew low so the radar can't detect it, but if that the case, the plane would've arrived to china already...so the plane doesn't flew low.

2. hijacked . When the plane got hijacked,it possibly flew in other way..so that's not it.

3. exploded . when the plane exploded,the radar can't detect the plane at all. so the plane maybe exploded. (i hope not because my friend was on that plane.)

4. Fall . In this case the plane might fall into the ocean/sea/whatever it is. but No worries if it fall into the ocean,because the seat was sponge and my teacher told me that the plane,when it slowly crash into the sea, it would break from parts to parts, so the seat will float.

Let's just pray for them to be founded.
I was in school and i just know about this while watching news..thank god i turn on the news..Malaysia is trending #PrayForMH370
This is not the first thing that happened to MAS (if its missing then yes this is the first time). MAS was hijacked at the year 1977(if I'm not mistaken) and crashed at Johor killing all the passengers on board including the crew.