❛LTL :Livin' the Life. ┄ AJ

                             (  AJ  )

( Everything About You )

Full Name : Ahn Jae Seok 
Nicknames: AJ -- Everyone, hardly anyone but her parents call her by her real name
                    Kitten--by her boyfriends
Stage Name: AJ 

Birthdate and Age: 24
Ethnicity: Korean 
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea 
Blood Type: A
Languages: Korean (birth language), Japanese (conversational), a few words in Chinese and English nothing to make conversation just the typical words like Hi, What's Up?, How are you?, You're cute! 


( Story Of My Life )

       AJ has three sides to her that allow her to live her life as she does.

The Queen.

       AJ is cold, calculating, regal, independent, a woman that some look to as a shining example of how a single woman should be. She is wealthy, she has her world together, she has her own company, she is just simply put together. She never lets anyone in, she smiles a perfect smile, and she says all the right things at all the right times.


       If you want wild you got wild. Kitten is outrageously flirty, she loves men, woman, and everyone. It’s hard to hate Kitten, she is funny, simple, and she is fun! She loves to party, she probably knows where the good parties where.
       If there is a male around she probably has her eyes on him. Kitten eats men up and spits them out. One week she has one man the next she has another. She sees them as arm candy, a bit of jewelry that she wears to one party but not the next. She’s not mean to men, unless the prompt her to be mean. If she’s with a boyfriend she will openly flirt with another, it never matters to her men are all expendable and they are there for her to play with.
       Woman like her enough because she attracts men and parties, but hate her in the same because she uses men and takes attention from them. She counts no one as her friend and is likely to turn her back on you even if moments before she was sweet to you.

AJ just AJ

       For the most part AJ is a down to earth girl, when she’s not prowling around she’s easy going laughs often and jokes around. She doesn’t make friends easy because of a fear she has that people only want her for her money or looks, so she keeps people away. But once you break her Queen’s shell she keeps you close as she dose Donghae. She is a momma bare and will go to war with anyone who hurts those close to her, though she has no one she has gone off the deep end countless times over Donghae.
       If she does make friends in the band she will be ferly loyal and try and protect them from everything. Though it’s hard to make friends with her because she is off putting, acts selfish and spoiled most of the time.

Traits: regal, haughty, spoiled, composed, cunning, independent

       Born Ahn Jae Seok in Mokpo she is the only child of Beauty Company CEO Ahn Myun Bin. Jae Seok or AJ grew up in a very rich home, there was nothing she didn’t want for, aside maybe friends. Her mother didn’t like people around, she was a very much introverted woman and felt that because AJ was such a pretty child that someone might take her daughter from her.
       AJ was a very open girl, she liked to meet and talk to new people and loved to work with her father. She is and always will be a daddy’s girl, she does as she’s told or did as she was told. There was nothing she wouldn’t do as a child for her father, she wanted to work at his company she wanted to be around him and do what a good girl would do.
       Then her mother afraid she was going to lose her daughter asked a childhood friend of hers for a favor. That was when AJ met Lee Donghae. AJ thought that she was given her own little friend her mother told her that he was a prince that was going to marry her, even if he comes from an upper-middle-class family. AJ and Donghae didn’t hit it off right away, they argued and bickered, they even pushed each other a lot, and there was nothing they could do together without both of them ending up in tears.
       Then one day it just stopped, both of them can’t remember and no one is quite sure how they stopped just hating each other maybe it was that they were ALWAYS around each other and just got used to it. Kids are kids their parents figured and let it go.
       AJ was the ring leader, she dragged Donghae around to a million and one things. They both had each other’s backs through everything. In school they got the same grades they were in the same classes, they ate together.
       Whereas Donghae was quite popular AJ wasn’t, it was her haughty personality that kept those away from her. Only Donghae could get close and no one else tried. When other girls tried to get near Donghae AJ would freak out and throw a temper tantrum, she even resulted in voice a few times where she and a few girls got into fist fights. In AJ’s world Donghae was hers and no one else’s.
       In High School AJ and Donghae got into a fight, they can’t recall what it was. But they didn’t talk or go near each other for a whole two years. In this time Donghae joined SM to get away from AJ and the pressure of his family wanting him to marry her. AJ developed her ‘Kitten’ personality, she figured if she didn’t have Donghae she was no one.
       AJ started to make friends, she started to hang out with a bunch of people. But she was depressed, it was once Donghae left for Seoul that AJ really got wild, starting to go to parties, clubbing, dressing in her own manner. Her father and her started to heads and he got mad at her, the first time in her life she was yelled at by her father.
       At that AJ left home and found Donghae, who blew off the fight…because neither could remember why they were mad to begin with. Since then they have been almost inseparable. Even if AJ didn’t have ‘friends’ like he did she still had her ‘people’.
       AJ decided once she got out of school she wouldn’t live off her father eve again. So once she graduated she moved to Seoul got a job as a model, paid to go to school and got a fashions degree. She opened up her own online fashion company that she models for herself and makes quite a bit of money doing it.
       When Donghae decided that he was going to be an idol he started to learn to sign and dance, he made AJ practice with him and she found she liked it. So she practices all on her own most of the time and decided that she might want to become an idol when asked by a company or two.
       But her personality drove her out of all companies, her inability to keep a clean social life as well drove her away. Kitten seemed to get the better of her but AJ wouldn’t get rid of Kitten because it was her only defense against Donghae and her family.

Way of Life:
       AJ’s day starts early every day, no matter what. She’s up before dawn, dressed, ready and off on her way.
       All morning she’s at work running her company getting things going right dealing with the ins and outs of her company.
       By lunch she goes to lunch with her latest favored boy toy or Donghae it depends on the day.
       From there the afternoon is dedicated to her dancing, her modeling, dating more men, getting her picture taken.
       Nights, she is either at a party, eating out, enjoying the night life of Seoul. She’s a social butterfly and always prowling for a new man.

Social Networking Sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc.: twitter @ladyred, instagram queenofyourworld, tumbler the red queen
       ✗ shopping, this girl will shop just to pass time 
       ✗ parties, she likes attending and throwing them 
       ✗ dancing, the music starts bumping she starts moving
       ✗ photo shoots, being in them and taking the photos herself
       ✗ reading, she doesn't let most see her it's a at home snuggley thing, she likes romantic                 books and the kind that make you ooze sweetness
       ✗ food, this girl loves to eat out, loves to eat good food, and will go out of her way to find               the best food joints out there.
       ✗ flowers, getting them actually, her 'admires' all know that to get on her good side send               her flowers, she LOVES that.
       ✗ Gossip columns, magazines, papers, web pages, people, oh she loves to gossip.
       ✗ Action movies, things blowing up, fast cars, fighting scenes, she likes to get the pumped             up feeling.
       ✗ cars, if she had it her way she would own all her favorites

       ✗ Twitter, she will use it to post pictures but she does't update what she's doing and follows           nearly no one
       ✗ Animals, she does't like them at all, doesn't pet them, doesn't go near them, they don't                 like her she don't like them.
       ✗ People that complain about life, her opinion you don't like your life well change it.
       ✗ SUPER sweet girls, they just feel fake to her.
       ✗ to serious people, no she can't stand them because they take her too seriously.
       ✗ clingy guys they just make thins too complicated
       ✗ woman who flaunt money and riches when it's not their own.
       ✗ when her closet get's full...it's a big closet and that means she needs to loose her                         wardrobe.
       ✗ drinking, she's not one to drink more than just a sip of something.

       ✗ clubbing, she dose at least four times a week
       ✗ photography, she loves taking pictures
       ✗ modeling, professional and nonprofessional
       ✗ going to the nail salon and getting her nails done once a week
       ✗ running her company, it makes her very happy
       ✗ flirting, she loves to flirt
       ✗ dancing she goes to the studio almost every day
       ✗ listing to music, she loves all kinds

       ✗ she is always raking her hands though her hair, there is a lot of it and she likes to mess               with it.
       ✗ examining her nails, she does this almost all the time.
       ✗ staring people in the eye when she talks to them
       ✗ buying things even if she doesn't need them
       ✗ rolling her eyes...she rolls them at everyone
       ✗ acting as if she is queen, it gets on some peoples nerves
       ✗ putting off the like I care attitude
       ✗ buying drinks for everyone, even if she doesn't have one herself.

       ✗ she owns her own on line shopping mall, it's very popular
       ✗ she models for her company
       ✗ she owns two cars a
Ferrari 250 GTO and a Lamborghini Gallardo
       ✗ she pays for her own apartment and hates the idea of living with someone, no ones ever             been to her place
       ✗ she has two phones one for work and family the other for men
       ✗ she gets what she calls, flowers of the day, she doesn't know where they come from but               every day she gets new flowers
       ✗ she has one nasty temper
       ✗ wishes she had siblings
       ✗ she loves to dance and practices every day examples :

       ✗ she's trained in signing though she wans't good in the beginging she likes to think she's             gotten fairly good over the years:  

       ✗ if a man gets too clingy
       ✗ her fathers rage
       ✗ her own rage
       ✗ loosing her wits
       ✗ marriage, attachment, after about three weeks (at most) she drops her boy toy and                       wonders off.
       ✗ loosing her BFF again

Position in Group: lead dancer, sub vocals

Plot Line: kitten
--There are a lot, these are just guys she's dated for a week to three weeks no longer never any longer than three weeks-- 
       ☢ (SME) Yunho
• Changmin •Jaejong • Junsu  Leeteuk • Yesung • Eunhyuk  Siwon  Kyuhyun  Kibum •  Henry • Zhoumi • Minho • Key • Kai • Kris • Tao • Lay • Suhun • Lu Han • Sehun • Brion Joo 
     ☢ (YG) VI • Taeyang
     ☢ (JYP)  Rain• G.O. • Joon • Thunder •Jinwoon •Jo Kwon •Nichkhun • Junho • Taecyeon • Jay Park • Jin • Namjoon •Jungkook
       ☢(CUBE) Doojoon • Hyunseung •Yoseob • Gikwang • Minhyuk • Hyunsik 
       ☢ (StarshipE) K.Will • Donghyun • Youngmin • Minwoo 
       ☢ (Pledis) JR • Baekho • Ren
       ☢ (NHM) Soohyun • Eli • Kiseop • Hoon • Alex • Allen (Kibum) 
       ☢ (DSPE) Hyunjoong • Jungmin • Kyujong • Youngsaeung • Hyungjun • Hyojun • Hyeongkon
       ☢ (FNCE) Jonghoon • Wonbin • Hongki • Jaejin • Minhwan • Younghwa • Jonghyun • Minhyuk • Jungshin 
       ☢ (TS) Bang Yong Guk • Him Chan • Daehyun 
       ☢ (Seven Sesons) Kyung • P.O. • U-kwon 
       ☢(Actors) Lee Minho • Jang Keunsuk • Choi Woo Shik • Lee Jung Jin • Kim Bum • Kim Jae Wook • Seo In Guk • Kim Shi Hoo • Kim Jae Won • Nam Goon Min • Gong Yoo • Dong Wook • Lee Eun • Hyun Bin • Yoo Sang Hyun • Lee Jong Suk  
                            --- A lot more this list goes on and on these are just a few---

Persona: Lady of Hearts 
How does she act: she actually spurs it on, she doesn't mind that everyone sees her as a man killer or a woman with a lot of men because she likes men and she doesn't like attachment so why mix the two?
Fan club name and color: Queens and crimosn red


( Up All Night )

Face Claim: Seo Seri  
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Face Claim: Ahn Su Kyung
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Height: 168 cm 5'6''
Weight: 120lbs 55kg
Other: nope just her ears pierced.

Your Clothes: tight clothing, dresses, pants, heels always heels!
 (( if you need images look to the ulzzangs but a sample ))
          informal  |   
         dorm  |   
         training  |   
         casual  |   
         airport  |   
        ((really i picked the ulzzang half because of thier style so what they where mostly ))


( What Makes You Beautiful )

       Ahn Myun Bin // age // father // 5 // owns a makeup company
       Ahn In Suk // age // mother // 4 // moldes for make up company

      Lee Donghae // 27 // 10 // Donghae and AJ always talk, at least twenty times a day, if they can't see each other they call before bed, other than that it's all texting all day long. There is nothing they don't know about each other.
Friends: she really doesn't have any 


( Kiss You )

Desired Partner's Name: Lee Dong Hae 
Age: 27
       They are very close, most think they are dating. Though they aren't. They've known each other sense they where so little so they can finish each others sentences they know just at a glance what the others thinking. They are always touching, always laughing, it seems like they turn into kids together. Most however think they are fighting, their joking sounds like it. Always arguing about nothing, (ie: It's cold today, oh it's not that cold!, or This song is awesome! Not really I mean it's over played a lot...)

Relationship Before: best friends 
Does he know about your character's 'plot line': yes, who doesn't know about it...
If so, how do they feel about it: oh he hats it, he complains about it over and over and over, she just shrugs him off.
Desired Ending: how ever you see fit!


Back Up Desired Partner's Name: Cho Seung Hyun (TOP) 
Age: 26
Personality: At first they don't know what do to around each other. Seunghyun is a very free going guy and jokes around a lot and even if AJ does as well they can't tell if the other person is being serious or not.
Relationship: they've chatted a few times but other than that not much.
Does he know about your character's 'plot line': yes, he learned abou tit from his band mates
If so, how do they feel about it: he's not sure, he think's its mostly rumors


( Little Things )

Comments: feel free to do as you wish with her
Scene Request: nope
Anything Else?: i didn't know if you wanted talents but i put them in there anyway. 



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