another pointless post for no particular reason other than writing down my thoughts

Wow, I'm doing these a lot lately. Anyway,

I'm finally starting to feel anxious about my age... I'm only 20, and it's only been, hm, two months? Anyway, it's not about the number. It's seeing people comment on songs I consider recent, but they consider so long since it came out! For me 2011 was just three years ago, so why does it seem like 10 years to them? 

(((wow I was 15 when I used to love this omfggg now I'm 17 !!!1)))


On another note, I passed all my first semester finals, which I was really really really worried about.... I'm happy, but still I'm losing motivation at a constant rate, and its dropping so low I almost can't get up for the morning lectures anymore. I need a job or something to distract me during all the free time I have between college and studying because internet is getting boring (unbelievable!). My mam says I should get a boyfriend ------- ha. haha. no tnx.



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lvllaby #1
you with a boyfriend would be something amazing to see. AND CONGRATS.