Which Baby Are You? (Taken It From I-Love-EXO) - AUGUST!!!

Really cool ey. In orange are the exact truth about me. This is kinda like a summary to the people who wants to know me. If any~

August Baby-

Out-going personality.

Takes risks.

Feeds on attention.

No self-control.

Kind-hearted. (sometimes I think I'm kind but then...it all depends on how people see me about it)


Loud & boisterous.

VERY revengeful.

Easy to get along with & talk to.

Has "everything's peachy" attitude. (and I love peach juice ^_^)

Likes talking & singing.

Loves musics.


Easily distracted. (my span of attention is approximately 15 seconds or less)

Hates not being trusted.

BIG imagination.

Loves to be loved.

Hates studying.

In need of "that someone".

Long for freedoms.

Rebellious when withheld or restricted.

Lives by "no pain, no gain" caring.

Always suspect.



"Charming" or "Beautiful" to everyone. (oh wow I wish)





A fighter. (imma punch yo ! heh just kidding XD)

Repost this in 5 minutes & you will meet the love of your life sometime next month.


Isn't this cool? Try it! Find the list of all the months HERE. I wanna know more bout you guys too <3


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