Shoved Out Completely And Possible... Liking?

Hey... So... Remember I told you guys I was gonna talk to my exbestfriend in school and it went horribly. I walked up to him and he asked coldly 'what?'. It was scary. I mean, he gives me this cold stare with so much hatrid... But... In his eyes... I seem to see love in it. It looks like he's being forced to hate me. The way he looks at me is cold and hate but he looks hurt to say mean things to me. I can see it. So... I was gonna talk to him when his (y) gf came up and shoved my shoulder. She said 'Dude, just get over it. He hates you. Now go away you !' she said to me and I felt horrible. But when I look at him... I can feel he doesn't like it by the way his face looked. He looks at me and shows a super super small smile at me and my heart just... Flutters... I smile at him but then his gf stepped in front of him. 'Are you deaf?! I said leave!' she shouted at me. I looked at him one last time before running away. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there and cried. But... Then I remember his small smile which made my heart beat quickly. Do I like him? Guys... What do I do?


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LittleNobody317 #1
I guess you can only watch him from afar for now... from what I read it seems he doesn't really hate you, it must be coz of his possesive gf, I hate girls like that.

You should confess if you really do like him, maybe you'll feel like you'll break his relaionship with his gf, but its his decision to breakup with her or not.