What Matters Most

The previous post came as a shock, right? I surprised myself too. It wasn't my intention to deceive you. A friend sent me a private message: "Save me!" So impulsive Keeper to the rescue! 

The point?

Biodata is irrelevant here in AFF. We don't have to fit certain criteria to be accepted. Gender, age, color, size, educational attainment, annual household income, etc. ... should not be the basis whether you'd talk to that person or not, believe that person or not.

To have a friend, one must simply become a friend. Character trumps them all.

You need not know the personal details, unless it was freely shared in their profiles or blogs.

Here in AFF, we are equals. All barriers and borders are broken. 



Thank you for the words of kindness. It's pretty obvious I need not make drastic measures since most of you hit the bull's eye. It shouldn't matter. Hurray! I really didn't expect you to believe that post though ^^; I'm a girl, I can't even tone it down lol

- Keeper


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Agreed! And wow, good one! I fell for it XD
*smashes head into keyboard*
I don't even know anymore, Keeper, that was a good one. But you know, like you said- gender doesn't really matter here. We're all authors, reviewers, readers, writers, and individuals in this giant family of ours called AFF. Even though we have some users here who we like less than the third aunt on our father's side twice removed (just made that up, don't kill me-), we're still family. Yeah.
Don't even know half of what your biodata consists of K.

Heh, doesn't that just speak words? :')
That previous post totally trolled me. I believed it for a second. XD
But your posts do give more of a girl vibe. :) Though gender shouldn't matter. ^^
I knew it!

Nonetheless, you're still a sweet friend. :D ♡
Haha I thought so :P
Ah I knew you were female but whether you were or not never crossed my mind ^^ It's kind of like how I don't care if you're of a certain race or not ^^ I believe everyone should be accepted no matter what race, orientation, gender etc. You're still a great person regardless of what gender you are :3
I second what chunlocked said *smile*

I knew it.

No other gender can complain like this.

i know you are a girl from your previous posts. i doubt it at first. well i guess im right.
Yeah I was pretty surprised and skeptical about that little announcement. Either way, you're awesome regardless of gender :)
"To have a friend, one must simply become a friend." Wise words from a wise person :D and it's true, why should any information about gender or or anything like that matter in order to become friends with someone?

you just screamed that girl's aura when we talked about infinite the first time haha
and well guys are usually ignorant about stuff, but you are not .. wow
I admit I was a bit shocked lol but whateva. I think what got me is that when we chat I always imagine you in a high pitched voice...gotta tone it lower now hahahaha