Reverie ⇀ Yoo Dam Bi

Yoo Dambi
applicant. _Kawahiro_
active rate [1-10]. 9
nickname. Shayla

full name. Yoo Dam bi
nicknames. bambi
Stage name. bambi
birthdate. 1/13/1992
birth place. jeju island, south korea
hometown. jeju city, jeju island
nationality. Korean
ethnicity. Korean italian
languages. Korean -fluent, italian -conversational
ual orientation. panual
position. lead dancer, vocalist, rapper & face of the group

face claim:
backup face claim:
Dambi has her lip pierced in spider bite fashion as well as ten piercings in each ear. Dambi also has a tattoo along her shoulders. She is not overly tall, maybe standing at 5'2. She is not overly heavy either, possibly weighing 107lbs. she wears colored contacts.
Danbi does for a more cute and y style, she is alwyas going for some appeal.

Dambi lives in the world of ideas and strategic planning. She values intelligence, knowledge and competence, and typically has high standards in those regards that she continually strives to meet. To a lesser extent she has the same expectations of others. Dambi focus's her energy on observing the world, to further her understanding and application of many different concepts. She is extremely organized and rather insightful, making her a great "scientist". Danbi is able to put her knowledge into an easily accessed form, allowing others to learn from her. However, it is very difficult for her to express her internall images and her thought process. Her cognitive processes are highly individual, hence the difficulty in expressing her thoughts to others. So instead of just speaking her mind she thinks about how she can explain it in a simple way understood by many. 

Naturally Dambi is a leader, however, she doesn't typically take the reigns until she feels it necessary to do so. When she is placed in a role of leadership she is able to effectively overcome obstacles because she can see the reality of the situation and then change whatever isn't working well without fear of failure. She is a strategist, always scanning for ideas and concepts that can further her development and counter issues. Dambi is very concious of other people and somewhat judgemental and doesn't hesitate to make a judgement outwardly towards another person. She is an ambitious, self-confident, diliberate, long-ranged thinker. She is meant to accomplish great things.

Dambi spends a lot of time in her own mind, always concerned about her own life, because of this she rarely considers the thoughts and feelings of other people, which could very well be considered her biggest fault. She is not able to express herself well and that causes lots of misunderstandings. Dambi is set off by disorganization and messy settings, she has to be in control of certain things and she over works herself to do so. Being overworked, Danbi becomes stressed, she begins to act out poorly. She starts to over indulge, something very rare for her well organized life. She starts to do menial tasks repeatitively and loses track of time. She is often stressed so it results in odd behavior and harsh treatment towards others. 


In the "EXPECTED WORLD" Dambi is known to have grown up with her older bother, living with their grandparents in their vactation home. Their elders were quite wealthy and are able to support them well. In Jeju the two kids went to the most prestigious schools, both were forced to do well. Dambi knew that her education meant her future, so she focused heavily on her schooling. Despite her amazing work ethinc that would seem to take up most of her time, she had quite a few friends. Dambi was not popular by any means, just an average student. Her whole school career was like this, when she was 18 she graduated high school and when to the university of Seoul, her grandparents bought her brother an two bedroom apartment there and she moved in with him. He was going to a music college there. Dambi on the other hand persued a degree in bio-medical engineering. Something that had always interested her. Some of her friends moved to the city of Seoul as well and she met knew ones. Dambi got a job at a cafe down the street from her apartment and has been working there since she was 19.

In the "IDOL WORLD" Dambi had a very similar life to the expected world, she went to school, got good grades... All of that. Exept she had picked up dance classes and joined the vocal group at her school. She became heavily interested in the music career track and took that up instead. She does still live with her brother though. 

love interest
love interest. kim seok jin (BTS JIN)
age. (jin -- 12/04/1992) (xiumin -- 04/26/1990)

IDOL WORLD. Seokjin is a very interesting guy, sweet, but not too sweet. He is a very shy guy who laughs a lot.  He doesn't let the world around him get to him, he is doing what he loves and therefore is happy. He doesn't like when the spot light is directly on him though, he gets a bit too nervous and has a bit of an awkward giggle and smile when being intereviewed. When on his own or just with his close friends he is a rather bubbly and fun loving guy. He is always chatting about what he did that day or what he should do, he always jokes about how he is a flower boy, making him the visual of BTS. He is a really kind person, but does get impatient easily and that leads to a bit of a fiery temper, it isn't something that shows often but when it does... RUN. He is also very emotional, like if something good or bad happens he is likely to have a couple tears in his eyes.

How they met: They were asked to do a duet together by their companies. 

How they act together: Danbi liked him based off of the first impression, having known him from the other world because of working with him she was not surprised by his actions and was already very familiar with him. However for Seokjin it was the opposite, he didn't know her so he was extremely nervous, but upon Dambi asking for his number and eventually becoming friends that would frequently go out for lunch together. Dambi began to get very strong feelings for him, ones that she didn't have before in the expected world. She fell in love with him. She  confessed this to the other members of her group and the opinions were mixed, "Do it." "But what if it causes a scandal? We can't have that so early."  Ultimately she told him trhrough a phone call where she explained that she really liked him and he said that he felt the same but was to worried to say anything. They agreed to date very secretly, only seeing eachother at the very late hours or when they were less likely to be spotted. When they were able to visit eachothers dorms they were very cuddly and joked a lot.

EXPECTED WORLD. Seokjin is a very sweet but awkward guy, he is able to make the atmosphere either really nice or super awkward. He is very silly when he is comfortable around someone, he makes jokes, faces and does most anything to make you laugh. He is a very bubbly guy when he feels safe around a person, he is always smiling and is somewhat talkitive. He is however impatient and gets upset easily. He does have a temper but it isn't quick to act upon it, he does get frustrated but not out right angry. He is an emotional guy that isn't afraid to express his feelings. He is a bit of a cry baby. Seok jin is pretty smooth if he tries to be, but if he tries to hard it is just really funny. 

How they met: They work together at the cafe.

How they act together: Having worked together for a few years Seokjin and Dambi are really close. They hang out outside of work, they go out to karaoke bars and watch movies together. Dambi would easily say that Seokjin is her best friend and vise versa. Dambi trust Seokjin with most everything and he tells her everything as well. Seokjin had feelings for Dambi that Dambi was completely unaware of. Dambi liked him too but was not very sure of her feelings and always pushed it aside for the sake of friendship. Seokjin will do anything to make her happy, a true romantic. He brings her flowers and buys her sweets. He spoils her and in return she treats him like gold. He is the main person Dambi really trys hard to understand.

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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