Rebellion: Park Nara

Park Nara 


APPLICANT. xoxohistoryxoxo
ACTIVE RATE [1-10]. 7

PLOTLINE. The brain
FULL NAME. Park Nara
NICKNAMES. Mastermind, kid-mastermind (some people call her that due to her innocence and childishness) 

Age: 19, 20 


Park jae nam | 38 | VERY CLOSE | nara's father, alive, but paralyzed

WON SORA | 37 | VERY CLOSE | nara's mother, alive, but in a coma for many years already

-Experiments for new inventions
-creating new things
-slight obsession with her hair
-hanging out with vixx 
-having company (ex. having friends with her)
-Reading (learning) 
-searching for new materials 
-Joking around
-being all alone
-seeing people sad (will try to cheer them up) 
-death (not afraid of the pain, but more like the fact that she won't be able to live to create new things) 
-being imprisoned 
-scared of becoming mute (loves talking) 



    Park Nara was born into an average family. Her parents are both technology developpers. They aren't the brightest ones out there, but they're not too shabby as developpers. Nara wasn't involved in the technology development at a young age, because her parents wanted her to have a fun childhood (despite the situation). They wanted their child to laugh and smile. Little did they and she know, she was one of the brightest people in the district. She has a great hidden potential of weapon and technology building. While her parents were at home working on new creations and weapon improvments, she goes to school and that is where she met a few members of Vixx. Because of her carefree childhood, she is always smiling, and optimistic that things will be alright in the end. 

    When Nara was ten years old, both parents got taken away to be used as human guinea pigs for experiments. Nara was a bit young at that time, so she wasn't really sure what was happening, and she didn't know that her parents were being tested on ridiculous creations and stuff. Since she wasn't fully capable of taking care of herself, N, her best friend, 's family took her in and took care of her and told her that they'll take care of her until her parents come back (though they kinda think they will never come back, but they didn't want to break her child-like pure heart). When living with N's parents, she gradually started learning things about technology and weapon creations, and practically everything related to science. Her full potential didn't show yet. Three years later, Sora and Jae Nam were sent back home, but they aren't the same anymore... Jae Nam got tested in a experiment and became paralyzed, as for Sora, she's in a coma. When Nara saw them, she didn't cry at all, she thinks that she can find a way to 'fix' her parents with the new knowledge she learned. N's parents and N felt sorry for Nara, because they know that the odds of curing her parents are zero to none.  She also wears glasses most of the time, but her glasses aren't because she has bad vison. Her glasses (she invented them) has a mini built in super computer installed in there. When wearing those glasses, they can help her analyze the usefulness of any materials she encounters, and at the same time, it can also analyze  a health problem someone has, and will determine the possible existing cures. She has a child-like nerdy face when she wears her glasses, but when she takes them off, she looks more of her age and she is absolutely gorgeous and looks a bit more serious. (see link 3-4-5 in the face claim #1) 


    Nara has always, and will most likely will the most positive girl in the room. Despite the things that happened to her parents, she is still optimistic that things will be alright in the end. When she sees that someone is unhappy, she will try the best to cheer them up. In a way, Nara is quite childish despite her age; it's due to her optimism and positive thinking. Some people find her annoying in such way. She is also very talkative and will try to fill up the silence. She is also afraid of being all alone and she is claustrophobic because when she was at school once, she hid herself in a locker when she was playing hide and seek, and got locked up for an entire night until the next morning, someone opened the door for her. Since that day, she can't stand being alone or being in a too stuffy. She also cries easily when someone talks bad about her personality, but that is the only reason she usually cries. If some bashes her about the way she is, she will burst into tears, but if someone bashes on her creations, she's okay with that. It's like a critique. It helps her improve the knowledge she ahs. 

    Nara is very playful girl and loves to joke around, even when she works! While she creates weapons, or does experiments and such, she still loves to chat around with Vixx and jokes around, but you can not deny the fact that she is very productive and creates great things in short amount of time. When it comes to work, she is a determined girl who never gives up no matter what obstacles people throw at her. She is still struggling to find a way to turn her parents back to the way they were. Despite her sometimes childish behavior, she is indeed the smartest of the rebellion: she has great weapon designs, plans for the rebels to go through... Ask her a question or ask for her help, you will never come back empty handed. And she's also left and right handed. 


Nara joined the rebel group because of N, she saw him less and less since he and Vixx joined the rebellion. She felt lonely, so she asked if she could join him. N let her in with the condition that she doesn't go to battle. She has no problem what that condition because she has never, and probably never kill someone. Vixx already knows her really well since they knew each other since they were children. With her as the brain, Vixx managed to develop new technology and scientific discoveries which becomes really useful for the Alliance. 

In the alliance, in the beginning, people wanted Nara out. They thought she was too childish, but she was able to stay when they finally got to see her intelligence through her work and plannings. Some have trouble handling her personality and bubbliness, but they understand that the Alliance really needs the Mastermind (nickname that Vixx will give her and also the nickname people in the alliance call her by) 

AGE. 20
RELATIONSHIP. one way friendship. exact opposites. 
Daehyun is a bit dark and he is most of the time in a bad mood. he always thinks about ways to overthrow the golden city. because of living in the burden district, he was practically never happy in his life, and he is determine to change the harsh world he is living in. he can't stand happy viruses, but nara is determined to turn his frown upside down. she considers him as a friend, but daehyun doesn't. 


They met at the Alliance. Daehyun had to go see Nara for new weapons, at first sight, he disliked her guts so badly. He was so annoyed when she was always talking and talking while fixing and improving his gun and knife. He was having such a bad headache at that moment that he was going to snap at any second. When she hands him back the weapon, he is surprised of her good work, but is still annoyed of her. 


-Daehyun crashes reality down to Nara (like tell her to open her eyes and stop being so damn happy all the time) Even tells her that there is no hope to save her parents 

-Daehyun makes Nara cry when he yells at her for being so happy all the time

-Vixx defending Nara when some people want her out of the Alliance  

-Nara has never killed anyone in her life, and maybe at some point, she needs to try to shoot someone in order to save her teammate? 

-Daehyun or Vixx or anyone in the Alliance saves her when she's being attacked (she is so defenseless, easy target) 

-Nara gets injured badly (survives I hope >.<) and people trully understand how important she is in the gtoup. Daehyun feels sorry of all the times he snapped at her

-Daehyun is mesmerized by Nara's mature face when she doesn't have her glasses on. 

-I hope you don't mind this character. I was thinking maybe a more innocent and bubbly girl would be  good touch to the alliance ^^? I mean I'm assuming a lot of characters are all emo-ish and dark due to their past? 


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