
First things first, I truly apologize for my hiatus. School is driving me insane. It's my junior year and I'm trying really hard to do well for college! Speaking of which, I'm taking my SATs this weekend (sobs quietly to self).

How are you all? I hope you're all well and are enjoying yourselves :). If not, then please do feel better soon!

I'll hopefully be updating my stories as soon as finals are over (next weekend) since I haven't updated in two months. Two months is a bit ridiculous :| and again, I apologize. I have about three more stories in mind and hopefully I can update them much faster than I am updating now. Once senior year comes and my college apps are filled out, I'll probably (no promises) have more time to write more chapters and update more often. =] I'm predicting that my senior year won't be too bad.

But yeah, school is stressful and takes too much time away from me to delight you guys... which makes me sad zzz

Okay, that's kind of all. Going to write an essay now zz

Love you all =]



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