It's been a while so I'm just gonna rant k? 

To start, may I rip my hair out?? Or can someone do it for me pleeeaaasseeee?? I am about to go insane. 
My Japanese teacher is getting on my wits end. So I had a Japanese speech contest Saturday where I had to give a speech in Japanese in front of fancy people's. 4 other people and I went and they did great (my friend Blake got 1st place) and I am totally happy for them. I never thought if do good anyways. 
But what bugs me is that my Japanese teacher stood in front of my entire class today and freaking was congratulating them and saying how wonderful those 4 did. That's all nice and stuff, but then he started talking about how bad I did. In front of everyone, he was talking about how I screwed up and ruined the whole thing. 
So yeah, I was pretty ing pissed off. Like ing hell, who wouldn't be?? 
I was just gonna fume by myself and do my work, but I had to use the bathroom. So I got up and asked if I could. And yep, of course he starts up again. In front of the entire class again, like I wasn't embarrassed enough, he starts getting mad at me because I'm mad and that I have no right to be mad at him and that I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. 
Ill have him ing know, I DONT feel sorry for myself. I KNOW it was my fault that I screwed up and I'm learning from that. Next year, I'm gonna ing rock at the competition. And I DO have a right to be mad. He ing embarrassed me in front of everyone while he praised everybody else, saying how proud he was of them. 
He told me the reason I screwed up was because I have no confidence. WELL WHO'S FAULT IS THAT?? He was the one that the week before the competition was yelling at me nonstop about how complicated I was making things and how I was screwing stuff up and wasting everyone's time and interrupting people and blah blah blah. He expects me to have confidence after that the entire week before. Yeah right, my confidence drained completely last week. And it's still not back yet because I ing started crying in class while he yelled at me. And he still wouldn't stop even when I could see the whole class just staring at me. Thanks 'Teacher'. 
But the good thing was that after class everyone in my class came and asked if I was okay and that out teacher was an and that no one likes him (as sad as it sounds, it really true) and we have our reasons too.
There's a lot more to it than just what happened today. 

Anywho, on a happier note, I'M GOING TO JAPAN THIS SUMMER!!!!
I get to go to school with Japanese people and stay with a host family and go to all the different places and I'm SOOOOOOO excited. I CAN'T WAIT!! 
And the best yet worst part (bitter sweet really) is that I'm leaving on May 29 so that means I'm gonna miss the end of school because school doesn't get out until June 10 (thanks snow days. We were supposed to get out May 20.) I don't get back till June 12, so I'll miss the last 2 weeks of school. Again, bitter sweet. 
And I got to leave school early to get my passport, so I decided to rant to you guys! 

I think I'm done now, haha, bye-bye!! ^-^


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