Tell Me

Lately in my rp's I have been using these words.
Like a lot. LIKE REALLY OMG.
These are the words I use LOL
1. WEEHEE ( that word I made up /ithink/ and like omg )
2. YEHET ( yehet wHEEZES. ) 
3. Kkaebsong ( Kkaebsong in the streets yehet in the sheets- /slapped. )
4. frickle frackle. ( got this from one of my close best friends in a rp LOL. )

So tell me.
Out of these two words.
Which one do you use often????!1!!



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stephani_bap #1
beefbros #2
(Kkaebsong in the streets yehet in the sheets-) I choked on myself. This line is too precious O_O
YEHET tbh ;