Paradox :: song yikyung → y。





--kandarella | cherry | 4

                      - BASICS -
Birth Name — Song Yikyung
Other Name(s) — n/a
Nickname(s) —
:: Kyungah used by her late parent, she doesn't allow anyone else to her that.
:: Yi → used by almost everyone who know her personally, an informal way of calling her.
:: Smiley → used by the two love interests, because of her always smiling exterior.
:: Kitty
→ used by fans, because they claimed that she looks like a cute kitten.
Date of Birth — March 13, 1993
Age — 21
Birthplace — Busan, South Korea
Hometown — Busan, South Korea
Ethnicity — Korean
Nationality — Korean
Languages — 
:: Korean → native, she speaks in Busan dialect
:: English → basic, trainee and idol stuff

Bloodtype — O
ual Orientation — Straight
              - MIRROR, MIRROR -
Face Claim — Bang Minah
Gallery — love

Back-up Face Claim — Kim Jisook
Gallery — love

Height — 165
Weight — 52

Style — She’s one kind of pretty girls with black straight hair and pretty and innocent looks . Pretty, cute, y, she just got that all! She is in the “Girlish” Style. It simple, because the way she looks, the way she walks, the way she act! But is she stylish? She has her best and worst time. Sometimes she looks spectacular while on the other time, she looks like she went through the clearance racks. Occasionally and training wise, she prefer sweater, plain tee, shorts, jeans and hats. She loves to wear something white but putting pale her in a white outfits is possibly the worst stylistic choice she could make. While pale skinned women always look good in pastel colors, white pushes the paleness to the edge. But thanks to her interest in trenches, blazers and coats in various lively colors, they're doing wonders for her. Airport and Formal wise, she prefer pleated dresses and skirts[1,2,3] in light colors. She loves to wear nerdy glasses for fun and has that signature eyesmiles and angelic smiles of her.









                                              - TELL ME MORE -
Personality — 

The cover; Underneath the “girlish” image she has, she’s an adorable immature girl with a childish sense of humor that sometimes has others facepalming. But while yes, people do see what a funny girl she is, they sometimes wonder what kind of pain is hiding under such a seemingly carefree girl.

The plus; She has a lively disposition and is forthright and uninhibited in nature. She is attractive and active. She has an easy manner. If she is at a party, she will have a good time. She enjoys the company of men and she can make them feel free and easy, make them enjoy her company. She never hide her feelings. she is honest, tender, generous and humorous at the same time. She is broad-minded and quick to action. She is very devoted on her work. Once she gets into her job, she forget all other things, even breathing. You can say she does everything with all her energy. Perhaps because she is a happy-go-lucky person, she is fearless. She shows contempt for the things with which she disagree. She is always eager to show herself off, and this is one of her most distinct characteristics. She never give up no matter how frustrated she may become, or how severe are the misfortunes she meet. Even if there is only one spark left, she will try to make it fire her live. Her spirit never die out, her live never end. There is no need to show sympathy for her, and she does not need sympathy. If she is allowed to lead a life according to her choice, she will find endless happiness.

The minus; But there is another aspect to her characters. She is full of suspicion, and sometimes will take hasty action. It is interesting that the two main features of her character are rashness and hesitation, a pair of contradictions. Her rashness is shown when she has to deal with her work, since she is devoted to her job to the point of over doing it. She always eager to finish it off, to show others that she can do it by herself. While this is a good point, it can be bad too, rashness might make the whole project that she is working on mess up as she might not have enough time to make the right judgement, she should have take few breathes before continuing. Apart from that, her other character is hesitation. Her hesitation is shown when she has to deal with helping hands. Overall, she is known to be cute and friendly but this cutie can be tough and distant too. Close but far, she always shown hesitation when others want to help her and even when she accept it, believe me, she won't be that happy. She is selfish by nature. If her self-motive is brought into question, then money, honor, and power will mean nothing to her. When she suffers setbacks, she can become very mean. The desire for revenge drives her to do anything. She can't bear being ignored or looked down upon. Although she can keep calm on important matters, she can lose her temper in such situations. When she is under pressure, she wants to depend on someone else. But she still gives people the impression that she is in control. Since she is full of enthusiasm and sentiment, she shows too much desire for possession when she is jealous. She bipolar when you get to know her closer. She can laugh happily one moment, and cry the next. At one moment she will be optimistic but at the next she will lose her heart totally. She has every sensitive feeling.

The stage; She is the group's choding. She looks immature, childish, innocent and playful and like a 5 year old trapped in a grown’s body. Some people may find her immaturity a turn-off, others find it endearing. Other find it adorable about 80% of the time. The other 20% sitting there wondering what the real her is like. What she’s like when she’s serious, when she’s upset, when she’s genuinely happy.

Background — 

Yikyung came from a high-class family and was an only child. Her father worked as a professional photographer while her mother was a professional model. Both of them have an amazing talent regarding music and thus Yikyung inherited her family’s artistic skills and has extraordinary achievements in both music and art. Ever since she was little, it was already her dream to shine and be discovered by other people. Unfortunately at one time, a tragic accident happened when she was 11 years old. The family involved in a car crash and she was the only survival. In a blink of an eye, her loved ones immediately disappeared and left her with nothing but only memories.

After the tragedy, Yikyung live with her aunt and grandfather. Her grandfather acted indifferently, while her aunt wanted Yikyung to think of her as her mother. She strived hard to move on to what just happened by keep on smiling because it may provide a positive effect and that’s what her parents want to see from her. Still, even if she became an orphan at such a young age, it didn’t stopped her from continuing reaching her dreams to become a famous musician for people to view her as a role-model or inspiration. She often went to Busan Music Centre after school. It is a place where young people in Busan comes together to perform and enjoy their love for music. She was attracted to the dance field. Watching people dance, she always admiring good dancers.

During a trip to Seoul in early 2004, when Yikyung was twelve years old, she was spotted by talent agency, SM Entertainment, which earned her a lead role in a CF. The agency saw potential in her and offered her singing and dancing lessons, opting to professionally train her in a singing career. However, the offer was turned down by her grandfather, reasoning that she was too young, instead the company contacted her aunt to discuss about Yikyung. In 2006, Yikyung began appearing in television commercials. She first appeared in a commercial. In 2008, her grandfather allowed her to join SM Entertainment.

Likes —

:: eyeglasses → especially nerdy glasses
:: hats → it's her other favorite accessory
:: something tasty and spicy → food ofcourse
:: animals → she is fond of animal, shen even feel pity for stray dogs and cats
:: greenery
→ she loves green places, it makes her mind calm
:: takuya kimura → it's his favorite idol
:: social Networking → she is social network whizz
:: babies → she has a soft spot for babies
:: cats → cat is her favorite animal
:: roses → rose is her favorite flower

Dislikes — 

:: getting nag at → who likes?
:: weighing scale → she hates it, she is afraid if the scale shown that she gain any weight
:: non spicy food
→ she thinks it is blunt
:: animal abusers → she is fond of animal, shen even feel pity for stray dogs and cats
:: people that destroy greenery → she loves green places, it makes her mind calm
:: slow internet → it's normal for someone who love online like her
:: illa → a kind of a wild flower, no reason for that
:: sasaengs → which idol likes?
:: playboys → which girl likes?
:: /yuri → she is a straight person,
she is not comfortable with the whole idea of homoual relationship in general

Hobbies — 

:: watching movies → she loves the action and romance genres
:: listening to music → she loves the upbeat music
:: taking selca
→ she loves making various facial expression in her selca, even the ugliest

Habits — 

:: making facial expression → especially when she knows her photo is taken, she naturalling making faces
:: acting cute → she acts cute when she wants something
:: impersonating people's way of talking
→ she has the habit of impersonating people whom she is close with, there's no rude intention
:: sleeping → hard to sleep at night and harder to get up in the morning
:: plays with her fingers → she does this when nervous or scared

Trivia — 
:: Her favorite color is white.
:: Her favorite food is her ddukbokki.
:: Her favorite number is 25.

:: Her favorite movie is Bruce Almighty.
:: Her ideal type is a guy who has sense and listens.
:: Her role models are Beyonce, Lee Hyori, and Kim Dongryul.
:: Her motto is “You get what you put into it“.

:: The self proclaimed physically strongest member of the group.
:: Despite her sweet girlish image, she is actually naughty.
:: One of their biggest prankster.
:: One of their biggest eater.
:: She is a fan of Takuya Kimura.
:: She claimed that she has more confidence in modelling and dancing rather than singing.
:: She wants to be taller
:: She don't think she has jinx because it's depend on each person
:: She enjoys listening to hip hop songs.
:: She oftens goes to Busan Music Centre after school.
:: She wants to be close with 93 liner idols


                                         - I LOVE YOU (OR HATE) -
Family —

Father| Song Hyunjae | 33 when passed away | Professional photographer | protective, contained, steady | By glance, Yikyung and Hyunjae share no similarity but their smiles. Knowing them, these two complemented each other. Like a total opposites, Yikyung is innocent and bubbly while Hyunjae is contained and steady. But whenever these two were together, they would all but acting like a couple dorks.

Mother | Song Jimin | 33 when passed away | Professional model | down to earth, easygoing, agreeable | It’s true that sometimes Yikyung always obeying Jimin in public nor at home. That increases Jimin’s affection to Yikyung. As a mother she was, she would be there to make sure that she takes a good care of her daughter, even  kept up with her immaturity. Extreme immaturity.

Aunt | Bae Jihyun | 38 | Cafe employee | pampered, kind, optimist | Yikyung and Jihyun are really close to each other. They're a weird aunt- niece couple with weird tics and habits. After her parent's death, Yikyung used to run to Jihyun whenever she had a problem and in return Jihyun tried to fix her troubles away like a good mom would. These aunt- niece relationship are loosen up a bit during her trainee years. But Jihyun openly become Yikyung's fan and keep on supporting her.

Grandfather | Bae Soobin | 67 | University professor | leader like, head strong, independent | Yikyung and Soobin have an exact opposite of personality- cover wise , as strong Soobin and weak Yikyung. Since Jimin and Hyunjae got married without his blessing, Soobin never does his duty as a grandfather for Yikyung. Soobin puts up the facade of being cold and rude towards Yikyung although in reality, he deeply cares for her. The depth of his feelings for her is revealed in such a way that he secretly become Yikyung's fan. Ah family is love~ <3

Friends —

Bestfriend | Seo Jihye | 21 | University student | motherly, quick witted, demure | Met in elementary school, they were seatmate, studying in the same school since elementary till high school, both were in the school's music club. | Jihye is supportive of Yikyung. It’s true that sometimes Jihye momhandles Yikyung in public. But that doesn’t lessen Jihye’s affection to Yikyung. Jihye would be there to make sure that she takes a good care of her bestie, even occasionally offering her handkerchief to wipe her sweat and keep up with her problems. Extreme problems. Jihye just can't deal with Yikyung's longer arms. Yikyung sometimes buttslapping Jihye. This dynamic is perhaps very much influenced by their age similarities.

Friends | Kim Jaekyung | 27 | Rainbow | charming, ocassional critical, grouchy | They met at Yikyung's high school when Jaekyung visited the school after her debut. Jaekyung is the senior who graduated from her school. | Jaekyung isn’t close of expressing her interest over Yikyung. Since they came from the same school, Jaekyung would love to see her junior succeed in the same field. Some fans even thought, Yikyung is Jaekyung's sister, pre debut's rumor.

Friends| Kim Joonmyeon [Suho] | 24 | EXO | self conscious, calm, smart | It was Yikyung's first day as a trainee, she talked to one of trainer at the hallway when Suho greeted the trainer. The trainer introduced them. | They has trouble when making friends at first most likely because Suho doesn’t open up to new people that easily.. But they grew closer through the trainee years as Yikyung look up for him as her sunbae.

Rival —
Son Naeun | 20 | A Pink | dull, quiet, introvert | Met when Naeun visited SM to see Taemin. Taemin who were talking to Yikung then introduced them. | Naeun has a special feeling to Taemin while Taemin just think of her as his variety show partner. Off- camera Naeun and Taemin pretty close and once Taemin spilt out that he has a crush on a girl from SM. He didn't tell who, but having been with Taemin, spending time with him, she could tell from his action that the girl is Yikyung. | They are awkward when with others and more when left alone. They try to throw away that uneasiness feeling real hard. But always fail and fall in a deep silence.


             - NUMBER ONE LOVE -
Love Interest — Lee Taemin
Age — 21
Occupation— SHINee
Personality — From the beginning, what caught our eye about him was how genuine he is in all his efforts. Another great thing about him is his sincere love for what he does. He doesn’t let possible embarrassment get in the way of having a good time.  He is confidence, his confidence is phenomenal, but he also has very down-to-earth tendencies and he has hinted at being more interested in the simpler things in life. He responds good-naturedly when people make jokes about him. It’s likely that he prefers his personal environment to be simple. Likewise, when it comes to ideal types, his is someone he can hug and who is comforting - and if you’re the sort of person who prefers to wear jeans and a white t-shirt then you’re in luck because he would find that alone to be beautiful, along with a bright smile. He may not think that he’s the funniest member in the group, but don’t let his calm exterior fool you-- he can be very playful when you least expect it. Behind that charming smile is a dorky laugh. Think he’s 100% normal? Think again. Although he may be one of the more quieter personalities in the group, he definitely has a cheerfulness that comes out in some rather unexpected but pleasantly surprising ways. He even knows how to turn on the charm in both sweet and somewhat embarrassing ways, like providing people with his aegyo that has both cute and charming elements. He being the “balance” of the group: you may find that he is a source of stability in both personality and talent. He doesn’t try to outshine the other members, but others soon find that this what makes him shine to them.
Their Story — That night, Taemin went out to the street, strolling around without any plan. He kept looking around, searching for something to do, to unleashes his boredom. His hope vanished in an instant when he saw Yikyung walked by and trying to cross the street hurriedly without looking right and left. Like a crazy person, Taemin ran towards her in the speed of light. Perfect timing, as about a car was close enough to hit her, Taemin pulled her away and embraced her. Then, Taemin realized he was hugging a girl who didn’t know him. So he let go his arms. “Sorry,” He said while looking down, feeling awkward. Yikyung bowed and smile awkwardly too. “Thanks, you saved my life.” Taemin smiled in relief. “That was nothing. Are you hurt?” “I’m fine. Are you free at the moment?I want to pay you back.” “No need for that actually” Taemin stopped his word and scratched the back of his head. From the very beginning Taemin has made a strong impression on Yikyung, as he saved her life on their first met. They became friend quite quickly later during their other meetings. They often taking the ride back together in the same subway. As later, they known that their dads' were friends. So it’s no wonder that they end up being friends. The way Yikyung’s so comfortable around Taemin, the way Yikyung letting Taemin her neck, are just some of the examples that show how close Yikyung is to Taemin, and vice versa. The way these two flirts. Uh. So unlike the innocent Yikyung.

Status — Friends since trainee years. The drifts apart when Paradox can't get along with other idols of SM.
Back-up — Kim Jongin [Kai]









             - NUMBER TWO LOVE -
Love Interest — Lee Eusebio [Alexander]
Age — 27
Occupation— Soloist
Personality — Describing Xander's personality could be the easiest thing to do... or it could be the hardest thing to do. Like so, he is very two-faced and extremely contradicting. Because his celebrity life began at such an early age, his parents made extra effort to make sure that the boy was raised right and with manners. For that reason, he was loved by many of his seniors. However, as he grown up as a teenager and to adulthood, his inner personality changed drastically though he learned to keep it to himself. He is often sarcastic though is sly about it, leaving the other to think about whether the boy had complimented them or called them a stupid . He is smart and knows how to use his intelligence well; he knows how to use words to his advantage to assist him whenever he is dealing with people, especially women. He could seriously tell someone to go jump off a cliff and they would do it because he would say all the great stuff about it as possible to convince them with his boyish charm and smile, along with his soft and sweet melodic voice. He loves messing with people and with their minds and rest assured, he is very good at it.
Their Story — They first met when Yikyung was thirteen; they were chosen to be partners for the CF Xander's mother had him audition for. Due to their dynamic even when it's their first time work together, the producer considered them a pair and always featured them together in his commercials as the time passed, insisting they won't cast one without the other... so they saw each other a lot. Xander's last string of innocence and purity is held by Yikyung, whom he grew closer with and cares deeply for like a little sister. He is aware of her visible affection and romantic feelings for him though thinks nothing of it. She is almost his only exception to his thoughts of all women being the same and wanting the same thing. He has a soft spot for the girl and his genuine smiles, if he shows any, are usually always only shown when he is with Yikyung.

Status — Sibling zoned; one sided love by Yikyung
Back-up — Kim Kibum [Allen]










                                                - STAR POWER -
Trainee Years — 7 years 11 months
Former — n/a
Trainee History — The agency enrolled her in dance classes, including hip hop and jazz. During her year in SM, she didn't play but make it into her real business. She had been independent since her childhood so living in a trainee dorm isn't a problem for her. She can talk to others, gaining some friends. Her problem is the girl group diet that all girl trainees was forced to follow to have that dream body. Last but not least, she is a bit impatient regarding her debut, as a trainee she always had been thinking when and how will he debut be. As one of SM best dancers, Yikyung has improved to such a distinct point. The girl can m o v e. And combined with her body makes for a very happy audience. That point aside though, Yikyung really is good. Compared to her early trainee days, she moves with a lot more power now, and there is a lot more fluidity in her movements. She’s definitely a natural, and seems a bit more versatile than Hyoyeon even. The trainer once joked that Hyoyeon should most wary of Yikyung in the company, claiming that she was catching up to her fast in terms of dancing. This is definitely noticeable. At this point, the only real thing separating Yikyung and Hyoyeon is Hyoyeon’s years of experience versus Yikyung’s couple years of stepping it up. This only proves to us what a natural Yikyung is.

Stagename — Y
Position — Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
Back-up Position — Triple Threat
Persona — The Choding Kitten [due to her choding nature and fans claimed that she looks like a cute kitten]
Fanclub Name — Kitties
Fanclub Color(s) — #ffccff - blush white

Social Networking —
:: Facebook → Song Yikyung
:: Twitter
→ @yikyung93
:: me2day → yikyung93
:: line → yikyungsmile
:: kakaotalk → yikyungsmile
:: Instagram → @misskittyy
:: Snapshot → songyikyungy

Activities — 
:: Commercial
→ 2006 CF Teun Teun English
→ 2009 CF Sanyo batteries Eneloop
→ 2011 CF Yejimin Pad
→ 2012 CF Clean & Clear
→ 2013 CF ‘Clean & Clear’ (with Kim So-eun)
→ 2014 CF‘Innisfree‘
:: mv

→ 2011 MV SHINee – ‘Replay (Japanese ver.)’
:: acting
→ 2008 Daily drama KBS ‘You Are My Destiny‘ (as Jang Sae-byuk)
→ 2009 Drama MBC ‘Cinderella Man‘ (as Seo Yoo-jin)
→ 2013 Drama Parody ‘The Heirs and Master's Sun‘

:: mcs
→ 2012 MC M!Countdown (for 11 months)
:: variety shows

→ 2011 Variety We Are Dating (with Xander)
→ 2011 Variety Oh! My school (as quest)
→ 2013 Variety Running Man (for 6 months)

Singing Twin — Girls Day's Minah
Rapping Twin — n/a
Dancing Twin — Miss A's Min


                                                     - BYE BYE -
Comments — Hope you like Yikyung, my latest chara! Do point out my mistakes nae, I am quite careless so I am sure there will be some mistakes. I tried my best to keep the layout ;; Lol nice to meet you again xD Goodluck and Hwaiting dear <3

Scene Suggestions —
→ Taemin and Yikyung go to Namsan Tower together
→ Taemin and Yikyung fighting over something that he said, she leaves him before he can say something else
→ Taemin and Yikyung go to their old memorable place together, reminiscing old memories
→ Yikyung kissing Xander on cheek
→ Yikyung confess to Xander but ends up by getting reject
→ Yikyung go to a pet shop with Xander 

→ The group as guests in Star King with SHINee

Song Suggestions —
→ Girls Day's Expectation
→ Girls Day's Female President

Password — Always Contradicting


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