Another haitus because of school

Hello everyone.

I just writing this to let you all know (especially my subscribers and friends ) that I have exams in the next 2 weeks or so and so I won't be updating sadly. :(

A few of you would probably have realised this since I haven't updated "I Got Married To An Idol?!" For awhile since I've been working on my other fics aka "It's Valentine’s Day" which I have also stopped updating lstely because of school.

Aish. School exams take up so much of my time even when I really want to update but I can only write the chapters in bits and pieces. Boo. Such a pain to be studying instead of writing... 

Hopefully, I'll be able to update as soon as I finish my tests as a sort of celebratory occasion for completing all my exams. *crosses fingers* and make the chapters extra long or doubke update. Haha.

I love you all too much. ♥

Well, good luck to me. And hope I survive. Adios. Until we meet again! (If I'm still alive that is)



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Shereen_JiaYi #1
Good luck for your exam !! I'm having exams too ^^
YongNa #2
All the best for your exam! And I'm suffocating in my college life too :'(
Gosh,this super fast-paced living T_T