Gay Rights (Re-Blogged~)

I'm sorry, but I just can't relate. So apparently it's ok for Kim Kardashian to have a 72 day marriage costing over ten million dollars and it's not ok for two people the same who truly love each other to even get accepted. What makes people think homouals are different? 

We're all human.


We all bleed red.

We all breathe in oxygen.


We all need water to survive.


We all have a mother and a father.


We all care about at least one person


We all own a heart to love someone with.


These are what all human beings have and need including homouals. I hope this post has changed some people's thoughts on homouals. Although this is short, it has a lot of meaning in it.


Please re-post if you believe in gay rights


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tbh i'm a gay and it is not really common here for gays to get married, in fact people will hate u if you're gay, sigh
I'm glad there are many supporters~ I really want them to accept them and treat them like actual humans.
seoksbaby #3
well, i live in nyc
and gay marriage is pretty well accepted here

excusing the elderly because they grew up traditionally
elderly meaning 65+
however, most people accept gay marriage and gay love.

did you know that Massachusetts (a rly small state in the united states) was the first state to legalize gay marriage?
im still looking for a gay best friend. it's a must have for a girl in some point of her life. lol. i totally support it. the first reason why most of my fics are gay-based.
Amen. I don't see why it's so wrong for homouals to be married. Yes I know it goes against my religion, but I won't condemn someone just because they like the same gender. I still love and respect people who are especially if they've done nothing wrong. You can't control a thing like love, it's not a choice.
Honestly speaking of it, everyone is free to do what they wish for as long as it doesn't offend people physically. Marriage is a wonderful thing. It's like the next form of a relationship between people who truly love each other. You can built your "own company" called family, no matter if the children are adopted idk.

We should give them a chance. I don't even understand why people are against homoual relationships and most of all marriage. It's like you're forbidding a straight couple to adopt babies.
lovelyme23 #7
I respect homoual people because i have a gay best friend and a gay cousin....but i don't think this have to do with marriage. A man is created for woman, and vice versa. Marriage is not just about love. It's also creating a family, with a mother, a father and a child.

There's this one homoual i know (he is a famous DJ here in our city) that doesn't believe in marriage between gay people. because he believes the same thing i stated above.

I don't mean to offend gay people out there. again, i respect them. I'm not stopping them to love whom they want to love....but in marriage? -_-