I'm Pretty Sad For My Friend...

You see. My friend complains about a person in the orchestra team in twitter.

She didn't post the person's name.

She posted about how she acted during the orchestra practice. Her personality.

Even I don't like her. 

I only have two person that I don't like.

One is that person and another is one of my classmates *whoisannoyingasf*ck*

But somehow, one of my classmates read her tweets and thought that she was talking about her.

Yes. I get it. It's partly my friend's fault but that doesn't mean that my classmate should tell everybody in class to ignore her and bash her on twitter and saying that she didn't belong here.

She cried man. She cried last week and they don't know what they're doing to her.

I don't know what to do to help her.

She even told her mother but she isn't doing anything about it and said that my friend should ignore those tweets.

Well, how is she suppose to ignore it when every tweet directed to her is saying mean things about her.

My classmates even told other people in other classes to bash her.

Like what the hell man. 

Is it not bad enough that she's isolated from the rest of the class?

Now you want her to be isolated from the whole grade?

Why don't you try to be in her shoes?

Would you like the feel that no one is there for you?

That no one cared about you?

Before you judge other people, why don't you judge yourself and your doings first before judging anyone else...


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sometimes its better to keep your hatred towards someone else to yourself, or at least not to post it on twitter. that's like a baaaaaad place to start a gossip. people can mistaken themselves to be a party of that gossip and this is what happens. but what those people did to her in the end was just the worse way of approaching this matter. bashing her doesn't solve a thing.
We really should be more careful with our words. I hope those kids stop picking on her :( It's not right to bully others no matter what was said or done. Two wrongs don't make a right. I think, for the time being just stick by her and help comfort her.
Oh my and it started from her angry tweets orz This teaches to be careful with our words. What comes around, goes around. I bet she learned her lesson but I just hoped it didn't come to that. Isolating her was really mean of them. That's bullying :3