We must Unite!!!

Girls' Generation's 'I got a Boy' MV has surpassed 20 Million Views in just 120 hours. Still the fastest in the history of K-Pop Music videos on Youtube.

SNSD Mr Mr has now 3.4Million views in just 36 hours .
can we make the views increase by 5M views in a day?
and if it reaches in 5 days (120 hours) we can surpass the IGAB record right?
sounds impossible?
but there are 6 Million Sones all over the world,if everyone watch it even once or twice a day we can break that record,

Sones! Spread this 


#소녀시대미스터미스터 <------- also use that hashtags to help SoShi win in music shows.....:DD


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So, my phone is not kidding me, eh?
It's just really 3.4 million. What happened?
I thought it had already passed 20million?
Or have I been too confused with what's happening? xD