My Old Fanfics

So my sister got me into 2pm fics again tonight... Yeah. And I realised just how much I missed them! 


And because of that, I began looking into my old fanfics that I wrote when I just started here which actually mainly consisted of 2pm and U-Kiss xD


and omg, my writing was actually rather horrible. Not like, the language and all but the use of words and grammar. For example, I kept on using the word 'yous', which isn't even a word. In case you didn't know, the word 'you' is actually plural already so, I hate when I see it D:


another thing, I miss writing those simple and original fics about bands that aren't exo and that aren't just ones. 


an idea I had was to re-write my old fics, varnish them - if you must, and besides, maybe this way others will actually get inspired to read other fics that aren't exo and not have to go two years down the tags.


So yeah, just a though blog :)




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I understand.
Last time, I checked on my old fanfics because I got bored. I still remembered, I was like "ew- wtf am I writing here." and I felt like deleting them all so there's no trace that I am an author of that weird piece of writing.

But then I realized that back in the past, I was so proud of my writing.
I decided to keep it ene.
I hate it so much though.
yeah, sometimes I look at my old fics and I cringe and I just want to delete everything. I still keep them around because it shows where I started and it's also clear evidence of how much I'm improved since then (I have deleted a couple of things on here because I was so embarrassed by them that I didn't even want to be associated with them).
Never heard of it. ><
waahhh, i want to read it! xD
K-pop1017 #5
Yeah I would love to read maybe a ukiss or something like that. The less exo and angst ones, I want to read something without angst god dammit!
bookworm2305 #6
That's a great idea! There's too many EXO fics out there, so it would be nice to read some non-angst, non-EXO fics once in a while ^_^
This should be made into a movement actually lol
This is true
I do admit that I miss my TVXQ fics from as far back as 7 years ago.
I wish I coud find them~
Alishaaye #9
This is actually kind of inspiring. I've been too caught up in the Exo era. Thanks author-nim.