☷ Run & Gun Residence — Ju Ai 。




☷ Empress_Jang  
☷ Lyn 

☷ 9 





BIRTHDAY + AGE  12/08/92 + 21
BIRTHPLACE  Seoul South Korea
HOMETOWN  Seoul, South Korea

•Korean- Completely fluent

•English- Basic learned in school



FACE CLAIM  Byun Ji Young

APPEARANCE Ai stands at a height of 159 cm and weighs about 52 kilograms. She possesses long jet black hair that stops mid back and is either down or pulled into a loose ponytail. She wears large thick black glasses which are indeed prescription due to the fact that she is blind as all get out. She has only one piercing per ear and and three beauty marks on her left hand that form a triangle shape. Ai has a couple of scars closer to her right ankle due to a few stupid childhood decisions.

STYLE  Ai's got an obsession with wearing hose with cute patterns and wears them everywhere. She usually goes around in one of her 3 pairs of wedges (black, white, or red) or her old black and white Converse. That is if she even feels like putting on shoes that day since sometimes she'll just go places without any. Over her pantyhose she usually has a pair of shorts, and up top she either wears a graphic t-shirt or a comfy knit sweater. At the apartment she walks around in hose, shorts, and one of the gray tank tops that she reserves solely for at home wear. Ai also likes to wear eyeliner often. 1 2 3



QUOTE  "Will there be food?"
BREAKDOWN  Diligent, creative, easily flustered, lame, fun loving.

PERSONALITY  Ai always tries her best to stay on task and focused on any job given to her no matter who it is that assigns her said job. when she starts working she immediately becomes serious, pushing down her usual personality. She likes to make sure others are on task as well and the only thing that can tear her away from work is food. Considering designing video games requires her to have ideas, she always carries a notebook around as well as a digital camera and can be found scribbling away in it whenever an idea pops into her head, which happens often. When she sees a person or object that she finds interesting or inspirational she'll often take a picture of it. Ai also used to have a bad habit of taking pictures of people without asking first. 

Despite how serious she gets when working she's really one of the lamest people you may ever meet. Ai has a vast collection of books ranging from manhwa, to novels, to encyclopedias, and most importantly, her joke books. She's got tons of them and often carries one around with her notebook and likes to read them to friends. She's a lame joke machine and can dispense the cheesiest things you have ever heard then begin to laugh hysterically at them. When she tells a joke that she finds to be especially funny her eyes light up and a huge goofy smile is plastered onto her face. After delivering the punch line she either begins to laugh or points at you and expects you to lose your with her. Ai likes to read books before bed but you can always tell when she's reading a joke book when you put your ear up to her door and hear her giggling like a school girl. 

You can't exactly call her really nice but she won't bite your head off unless you're being an . she doesn't handle rude people very well and can get really violent on occasion. Ai's also not afraid to embarrass the heck out of you in public if you upset her. Got a nickname you're embarrassed about? She'll gladly call you it while you're out and make sure to put extra emphasis on it. Hate being babied? She'll call you little dumplin, pinch your cheeks, tell you to hold her hand so that you don't get lost, and speak to you very slowly to make sure you understand. However, when she's not trying to embarrass you she ends up doing it on accident when she starts talking to herself, making really obvious statements, or when she gets excited about something and suddenly starts fist pumping.

She doesn't have much of a background with guys so when faced with a handsome man she spouts a bunch of embarrassing nonsense until she gets her chance to awkwardly waddle away from the situation. Despite how awkward she is around attractive men, she'll call Sungyeol or her sister and immediately start talking about how the cute guy she just ran into was a god and that she wishes she wasn't such a mess. Ai can be chatty with people she's comfortable with and how fast she gets comfortable with you depends on your personality. If you're quiet and seem to be nice she'll likely become friends with you quicker than she would if you were an arrogant loud mouth. She likes to have lots of fun new experiences and is slightly fond of the club scene but her best friend won't let her go anymore because she's an absolute mess. She can't take more than 3 shots without passing out or getting insanely loud and rash. 



BACKGROUND  Ai grew up in a wealthy home. Her family wasn't drowning in money, but they certainly had quite a bit of it. She grew up with one younger sister and brother. Ai grew up playing games and she would constantly sketch pictures  of games she wanted to make herself one day and hang them on her wall. Her parents, who never took her seriously when she said she wanted to create games when she grew up, just played along. Eventually they regretted that decision when Ai graduated high school... and announced to her parents that she didn't want to go to college. Her parents tried again and again to convince her that college was a good decision but she ignored them and locked her self away in her bedroom stating that she didn't need a college degree for her profession.

Ai spent a year cooped up in her room ignoring her parents as she and her best friend created an indie pixel art game by the name of "When the Sky Cries", which became popular. Around the time that she completed the game and was ready to make a second, her parents demanded that she take a break and move out of their home. They even offered to send her money for rent and food. Her mother secretly hoped that sticking her in a place so close to a college campus may get her thinking about dropping her silly dream and actually doing something with her life. She also had her fingers crossed that while she was at it, her daughter would meet a nice boy like every other girl her age. Ai was reluctant to move out of the house but told her parents she would think about it.   

After a few days Ai announced that she would move into the Run and Gun Residence and wanted to go to college. Excited, her mother asked what she wanted to major in. The twinkle in her eyes suggested that she was hoping for something along the lines of Biological Science or Psychology. Pfffft nope. Ai proudly announced that she was majoring in video game design. Ai's mother was about to lose her mind, but her husband calmed her down and the two sent her off to R and G and college anyway.

FAMILY Ju DuHo | Father | 50 | Ai's father is the owner of a fashion label and the two were extremely close when she was little and she even got her sense of humor from him. They used to spend all day together laughing and coming up with silly songs and jokes since Ai was more of a daddies girl. As she grew older her relationship with him still remained strong. in all honesty he doesn't care what Ai chooses to do in life as long as she is happy.

Ju MaeRi | Mother | 49 | Ai and her mother were never as close as she was with her father but she still loved her daughter a lot. She had a lot of tolerance for her husband and Ai when they used to goof off and not get any chores done. She really wishes Ai would do something other than make video games for a living and out of the two parents she was the one that tried to push Ai away from gaming the most.

Ju MiCha | Sister | 15 | MiCha is InHo's twin sister and the two twin's stick to eachother like glue. MiCha likes to call Ai all the time to ask how she is doing and the two will talk for hours. MiCha likes to visit when she gets the chance, and usually drags InHo with her. It's safe to say that she loves her big sister but she really wishes she would stop telling such awful jokes.

Ju InHo | Brother | 15 | InHo is MiCha's twin brother who follows his sister around to keep her out of trouble. He doesn't talk much and is extremely protective over his twin. As for his relationship with Ai, he's very close with her as well and actually enjoys visiting her a lot. Despite how much he acts like he dislikes Ai's jokes, he actually finds them very funny.

OTHER CHARACTERS  Lee Sungyeol | Best friend | 22 | The two of them met back in elementary school art class. In the beginning Ai couldn't even look at him without blushing horribly, but Sungyeol was very persistent about getting to know her. After  a few months of bugging her all the time when she was trying to draw she yelled at him for being so annoying. That was when he admitted that he only bothered her so much because he wanted to be friends and of course she felt like a horrible person for yelling at him after that. The two did however become close friends afterwards and still are.  They dated for a little while back in high school but decided that they preferred being just friends. Sungyeol considers himself Ai's number one fan and is very supportive of her dreams. He was the friend who worked with Ai on "When the Sky Cries" back in high school. Sungyeol likes to visit her and due to their inability to drive, Ai's siblings usually bug Sungyeol to drive them over. He's a hyper active sweet heart that likes to take Ai out to cool places for a fun day. He pokes fun at her sometimes though and because he knows how jumpy she is, he likes to scare the living daylights out of her all the time. He's always trying to get her to take a break and come have fun with him and his friends, who seem to like having her around as well. Of course he never takes her clubbing. Ever. The two have been know to be very loud when together and laugh like a couple of hyenas. Sungyeol has just as many bad jokes as she does and they love exchanging them.

ACADEMICS  Ai Is majoring in video game design despite protest. She doesn't want to give up on her dream and is working hard in school to ensure her parents that she has everything under control. Her grades are a mix of A's and high B's and her parents are currently paying for all of her schooling but think she should maybe pick up a part time job. Ai's usually referred to around campus as, "that girl that hangs out with Sungyeol and his friends all the time". Ai is a hungry participant of the World Food Club and god does she love it.



•Video games


•When people don't laugh at her jokes
•When there's no internet connection
•Rude people


•Talking to herself
•Scratching her jaw line when bored
•Staying up way too late

•Doesn't care about getting cuts and scrapes
•Used to jump out of wagons speeding downhill when she was in elementary with Sungyeol
​•Always has a pack of Oreos somewhere
•Will cut you if you touch her food
•Has a weird love for apple pie
•Likes to play Magic the Gathering
•Based the main character of When the Sky Cries off of Sungyeol
​•On a mission to bake every pie listed on Wikipedia's List of Pies
•Isn't very organized
•Hates to repeat herself
•Refers to rude people/people she doesn't like as turd balls or turds
•Is a Loki fangirl
•Owns 7 Loki shirts and 4 posters.
•Favorite color is green
•Has seen Thor 8 times and Thor 2: The Dark World 10 times




BACK UP LOVE INTEREST   Kim Jongin or Kim Minseok 

PERSONALITY  At times this guy can be the epitome of suave. He glows with confidence and the swagger in his step and his bewitching way with words capture hearts everywhere. He can talk his way out of any situation as well as being able to talk himself into a girls pants with that dazzling smile. He's a social butterfly with an easy-going "whatever happens, happens" attitude. However, when he's not raking in ladies he can be an absolute turd ball. Especially when he gets together with a couple of mischievous friends. He's loud, obnoxious, and a tad self centered. Not to mention he's a troll that pranks and teases people constantly. He's caused the residents of Run and Gun quite a lot of stress and anger. He'll pester you all day and loves to distract Ai from her work. Ai always tries her best to ignore him but even she flies off the handle and puts down her work after enough of his crap. The only time Ai can actually tolerate him is when Jongdae is in a gaming mood and asks her if she wants to play a few video games with him. He does have a computer geek side and when not annoying the heck out of everyone around him, can be found online playing games. Even though he's a jerk sometimes he still has a little patience for Ai and her jokes which she often bugs him with. He'll sometimes buy her new joke books  and offers a little bit of friendly advice when she asks his opinion on some of her character designs or game plots. 

RELATIONSHIP — The two of them first met when Sungyeol was helping Ai move into Run and Gun, and the two posted up in the living room to play a few video games before Sungyeol went back home. Jongdae arrived back at level 7 after pestering Yifan and greeted the two, who had been laughing like mad men in the living room. Finding him attractive, Ai kept tripping over her words and blushing terribly before she just up and excused herself to her room, leaving Sungyeol and Jongdae in the living room. Sungyeol apologized on Ai's behalf and described her as, "a bit of an awkward mess" and told him to, "just keep bugging her until she talks to you. It worked for me." Afterwards Sungyeol said his goodbyes and left, leaving Ai to wallow in her own stupidity and inability to interact with members of the opposite . Jongdae figured he would hold off on pranking her for a little and tried to strike up light conversation through her locked door. It didn't work very well but you can't say he didn't try.

They didn't talk and Ai avoided any interaction with him until the day that he found his new roommate to be entirely too boring and decided that he would no longer hold back on annoying her to death. He then proceeded to play loud music whilst banging rhythmically on the door. This didn't go over very well with Ai who immediately opened the door and told him to "QUIET THE DOWN" for she was trying to concentrate on her coding. Jongdae proceeded to waltz past her and into her room, then sat down at her desk and inquired about what she was working on. When she explained she was running a test  on the coding for her next game, the two launched into a long conversation about video games, Ai's major, and their favorite game companies. Ai figured that perhaps living with Jongdae wouldn't be too bad.

Of course she was horribly wrong. Yes, she could now communicate with him without sounding like a complete idiot and all it took was a shared interest. However, from that day forward Jongdae pestered her and pranked her like all the other residents and took great delight in her anger whenever he did so. Jongdae would do something to make her upset and she would either scream at him or do something to embarrass the little nuisance. Their daily schedule consisted of bickering until they resigned to their rooms or one left the apartment all together. Yet after they had both cooled off one would go to the other and ask if they would like to play a game and the two would play for hours before they sat down the controllers or shut off their laptops, and Ai would run to her room to grab a joke book and tell all of her favorite ones to him.

It was during those calm moments when he wasn't being a turd ball that Ai began to develop feeling for him. It got to the point where even when he attempted to annoy her, she liked having him around, and liked receiving his attention. Maybe, just maybe she had a thing for that little twerp. It was around that time that she became annoyed by the girls he sometimes brought by or distraught when he left to go on a date with a charming young lady, so she would invite Sungyeol over to keep her company. This was something that originally did not bother her when she moved in, because she couldn't have cared less about his love life. Now things were different. And on nights when Jongdae didn't come home, Sungyeol would stay with Ai and comfort her, for he knew exactly how his best friend felt about Mr. Kim.

Now a days, things are a still quite the same between the two. They bicker, they make up, they have fun together, and when he leaves and Ai' feels like he won't ever think of her as anything more than a roommate, Sungyoel is there with a shoulder for her to rest her head on. 




"WHAT'S YOUR REASON FOR RENTING?"  "My parents wanted me to move out of the house, plus it was close to my campus."

"AFTER MOVING IN, HOW DID YOU FEEL?"  "Well... I definetly found him very attractive but it wasn't love. There was this one time where I really wanted to kill him because he was goofing around on my laptop and deleted the tile map i'd been working on for forever. Oh man I was so ready to throw him out of the window! I haven't had too much interaction with anay of the tenants aside from Kyungsoo and Sehun. Kyungsoo is really nice and I like to exchange recipes with him. Sehun likes to come over to level 7 and faff around with Jongdae. Other than that all I can say is that, Run and Gun seems to be really nice but... why are all the guys here so attractive?..."

"BESIDES YOUR ROOM MATE, WHO'S CLOSEST TO YOU?"  "Like I said before, Kyungsoo and I are kind of close and we like to bake together and exchange recipes. He's really a fantastic cook!"

"WHO DO YOU HATE NOT GET ALONG WITH?"  "Oh my god can I please murder Oh Sehun. He's one of the rudest turd balls I have ever met in my entire life, and I hate it when he comes over to hang out with Jongdae. Little twit is always disrespecting me and eating my snacks."

"WHAT'S YOUR ROLE IN THE HOUSE?"  "I help with cooking and keeping Jongdae preoccupied with video games."



COMMENTS/FEEDBACKS  At last I have finished! //insert maniacal laughter
SCENE REQUESTS   Perhaps a scene where Jongdae makes Ai promise to have him be the main character in her next game.



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