I don't know if this already happened to any of you, but all of a sudden my account seems completely messed up!
And by messed up I mean, I can't see any layout properly, there's no color, everything seems out of place and it happened all of a sudden. Yesterday it was completely fine. Every applyfic I try to see looks horrible, the layout is messy ! Once I do a log out everything looks good again, but when I log in with my account doesn't work.
IDK if you guys are understanding or not, but I'll just leave a print of a random applyfic: this is what it looks like.

If you are an applicant for this applyfic you can clearly see that this is not the real layout, the real one has color and looks completely neat, but this....looks horrible.
I don't know how this happened and idk if any of you will be able to help me, but if you know a way to fix this, I'll gladly ask you to tell me, THANK YOU ((:;


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