Recent news

So hey guys

I didn't want to take up so much space for my other account,

so I moved it here.

I've recently been having problems with my breathing under my lungs and near my ribs.

The doc said it was fine the other day we went, but I don't the least bit fine..... =____=+


And haha, just posted this conversation I had with my mom the other day when we went to the hospital:

 we went to have the blood level like the high and low check
Monitor Beeps: 114, 58 (high/low)
My mom: 114?! That's too high! It's abnormal if you get 120
Me: what's yours mom?
Mom: 120-ish
Me: O.O""
*Goes to find another monitor*
New result 104, 64
Mom: hi, isn't it abnormally high if you get 120 or so for this
Helper: which?
(blood pressure(?) i think)
Helper: No it's 140-ish
Me: stares intently at mom
Mom: dry laugh (sort of out of relief)
ohhh....I was thinking something else
Me: =_____="" (literally almost had a heart attack because of that)


And so, I might be less active on Asianfanfics until my condition improves. x(



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-.- Moms who make you freak out for mom does that a lot XD
Actually maybe it's the other way around...Like she was saying "It's okay to eat any kind of moldy cheese!" And my sister was like "NO IT'S NOT OH MY GOD HOW DO YOU GUYS EVEN SURVIVE WITHOUT ME" XD
Feel better!