I Need All you Guise' Opinion..

Okay guys so there was something up on twitter that I am contemplating about and I really want to know your guy's opinion because I really don't know and it's making me depressed...also, if this is the first blog you've read of mine, then welcome :) unfortunately this blog will not be on good terms :(

Okay so I'm a really huge fan of this fanfic writer on AFF /I forgot her username, sorry I'm not good with names >< I have a bad memory in general, I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't a fanfic writer and mixed her up with someone else LMAO/ because you know, she makes amazing fics so obviously I would be a fan of hers. Her username is @chas on twitter, that I know for sure. I'm sure a lot of you will know her because she's fairly popular and awesome~

So you know, I'm doing my typical routine of scrolling through my newsfeed on my personal tumblr account, and going on her account to check out her posts because our fandom can be really funny. But then I came across one of her posts which was a screenshot of a fanfic reference which was strange to me because it just seemed that I've seen it before which is weird considering I can have the worst memory at times but then it struck me, because it was a line from my own fic...

I was surprised of course, mainly due to the fact that she came across my fic but then I read what she had captioned...in my interpretation, I guess she was 'questioning' my choice of words when it came to writing the fic and I guess laughing it off which I'm not going to accuse her of doing because that is absolutely not fair on her whatsoever. I'm not going to lie, I was really hurt when I read that. I admit I am not a good writer whatsoever, but to have someone you respected so much and in ways, 'backstab' you publicly and dig in the fact really, really hurts.

I don't want to be so upset over something so pitiless so I just tried shrugging it off, but then I found it that I wasn't the first time that she had made a reference to my fic...I know she may have been unintentionally insensitive with her words without even realising that the person that wrote that fic was actually a fan of hers and ends up finding out.

 I really, really don't want to be so worked up and sad about it and I don't blame her at all. After all, it's usually just my insecurity speaking and I don't really cope well with public humiliation. It's already bad that people had favourited and retweeted her tweet. I'm just not sure how to feel...I'm going let it go /frozen reference haha~/ and completely forget about what she said and still follow her fics and twitter. It's not like I'm going to scurry away from her amazing baekyeol fics just because the girl obliviously hurt me >//< but yeah let me know what you guys think! Tia is confused :(

Links to her posts and twitter-


https://mobile.twitter.com/chas/tweets /her posts about my fic is recent, you can see her questioning my use of g-spot which I had no idea I put in but I editted it so it's all good now I hope./


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Omggg tia i've read her comment abt 'g-spot' twice and i immediately thought that that was your fic! It's ok tho as long as it's a critic that can make your fic better :) your fic is good alr despite the gspot thingy but its still good to hear a critic from someone right, esp the one you like so much hehe. cheer up and make better fics again ok! ;)
Hey dont be sad. U're English is really good. Its words that are just so hard to pick ^^ Cheer up. We're here 4 you
intan0395 #3
hey! awww dont be sad bb. i've seen before she also criticized the use of 'gspot' word. but as i know, gspot term is for girl (ok i used to read boyxgirl ), and for boy it's 'prostate'. and she said so...
so i think it's ok to make your fics better we need critics right? i know it hurts when people we respected do that kkk but dont worry bb we love your fics anyway.
im one of her followers too and i also think shes awesome, but if you followed her long time ago, i'm sure you undrstand how her personality is...witty and say what she want to say. and i think its quite cool lol.
so dont be sad anymore okay;) keep writing!!^^