
Sooooo......I might be going on hiatus for whoever actually cares to read either of my fics. Might be. A close friend of mine left for California this morning at 6:00 a.m. From there she's going to Tokyo, Japan. After that, she and her family will be flying to Okinawa, Japan. That's where they'll be living for the next two years at the least. For now it feels like my gaurd has dropped. I have yet to cry over her, and I feel like any small thing might break me. It hurt to say good bye to her....And now nothing seems real anymore. I'll still be reading...but unless you want some seriously depressing chapters, I won't be writing. This really . I remember losing an aquaintance earlier this year. I was sad to lose him, and we really weren't that close. But now, losing a close friend, Tiye (pronounced Tie) is her name, it hurts so much it's as if she died even though I know she didn't. It's as if when she left, she took the part of my heart that she'd resided in with her...So that part of me is missing. I know that if she were to read this..She'd say, "Shut up and stop being so sappy. We can still call, and email, and Skype!" even though I know that inside she wants to be here too. We had a group you see. It was me, Tiye, a friend of mine that I call Red, and another friend, Teresa. We were a group inside of a group you could say. In our shool, like in every school, there are the populars, you know what I mean right? Well, then there's us. The secondary populars. Were the people everyone knows, but not everyone likes. We're the ones in fandoms, some of us listen to Kpop (like the four of us), others listen to Punk Rock and Alternative and Screamo and basically everything. Some of us scream "ANIME" and others don't. We go around pulling derp moves and flailing and jumping in the halls. We get overly dramatic. We sing and we scream. We run wild like drunk idiots. I guess you could say the secodary populars are "those kids". We can break down into groups too. For example:

We have the:

  • Anime/Kpop/Asian Stuff Group
  • Post-Hardcore/Emo People
  • Fandom Members
  • Panic at the Disco Fans
  • Actress/Actor Guild
  • Singers
  • Band Geeks

etc... And Tiye was our leader according to EVERYONE. So her leaving just leave this huge gaping whole. It's a position no one else can fill.

Then there's simply me, Tiye, Red, and Teresa. We're inseperable. Tiye was our youngest, despite her height. We've all gone through so much together. So much that if I try and think about it all and describe it I'll be here for a lifetime. We've all cried together and laughed together and sat in silence together. And now she's gone. So I'm sitting here, a lump in my throat, alone in my room, telling you all of this. Let me sum it up 

A friend of mine named Tiye as moved to the other side of the planet and it hurts so much that I want to cry but physically cannot because nothing feels real anymore and I believe that I'll finally break down on Monday in first period because my mind will finally accept tha Tiye is no longer there to laugh with and cry with and scream with and run wild with and Red will be at my side trying to calm me down but I won't be able to because I realize that I've almost lost someone really dear to me. Even though I can still talk to her....It hurts so badly. And that pain is the only thing reminding me that all of this is not just a horrible nightmare.



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