❛〈 Stella。 Kim Jae In 〉❜


 Kim Jae In

Personality: Jae In is the kind of girl who never leave her bedroom without a smile. Smiling and being happy is a must for her. If she has problems, she'll simply hide them behind her sweet smiles. As mush as possible, she doesn't like to share her problems to others since she doesn't want to burden them and it's kind of awkward to open up to them. She takes life lightly thoug so problems rarely make her break. She also doesn't cry very easily but it's very easy to make her laugh hysterically. 

She's a very loving girl to her loved ones. Even though she's not good at expressing her feelings through words, she simply explain them well enough with her actions. She may have different ways of showing her love (like being clingy, sweet, or even teasing them) but she tries her best to make them feel loved in her own ways.

"Giving up" is not a part of her dictionary that's why she always works hard to get the best. But being a perfectionist she is, she tends to forget to take care of herself which worries everyone.

February 20, 1995
Korean & English
Seoul, South Korea
19 years old
Nickname: Jin (Kai) | Jae (Stella Members) | Jae-jae (family & close friends) | Jai (EXO members & other SM artist)
Current Relationship with Lover: close friends | both of them knew each other for a long time because of her brother, Kai. He's her closest guy friend. Both might have feelings for each other, they just don't realize and admit it yet.
Lee Taemin
Zhang "Lay" Yixing
Family & Friends
   -- Park Hwa Young | fashion designer | mother
   -- Kim Daejung | lawyer | father
   -- Kim "Kai" Jongin | EXO/EXO-K | both of them like to tease each other about their different flaws or any embarrassing stuff. they actually care for each other a lot but they don't want to obviously expess it since it's awkward for them. they actually have the love-hate siblings relationship but their love for each other never wavered. Kai is actually protective over Jae In especially when it comes to boys.
   -- Choi "Sulli" Jinri | f(x) | best friend | these two are the most clingy and sweet towards each other. they practically have unending skinships. they know each other a lot up to the point that they don't have to utter a word for the other to know what they feel or think. they always do things that will be the best for the other.
   -- Jung "Krystal" Soojung | f(x) | best friend | they are the shopping buddies. anything related to fashion, they would be the best combo. these two are not really that sweet towards each other, they actually love to tease each other but once they started to be sweet with each other (which rarely happens) it will make everyone go "aww~". just like Sulli, they also know each other the best. 
Password: LOVE&UXOXO
-- fashion (galaxy-designed, studs, animal pirints, unique designs)
-- music especially the ones that she can easily dance to
-- amusement parks and arcades
-- children
-- going on a trip (especially with friends)
-- milk and hot chocolate 
-- skinship
-- doing household chores &cooking (no idea how to do them)
-- bothering her sleep for some trivial and senseless reasons
-- being compared to others
-- borrowing and looking through her closet without permission
-- committing many mistakes and not getting anything right
-- horror movies or anything scary (she easily gets paranoid)
-- frogs and balloons bursting 
-- dancing and studying new choreographies
-- shopping
-- updating her SNS accounts
-- designing clothes
-- taking 3 deep breaths before performing
-- running her hands through her hair when bored
-- bitting her lower lip when thinking and supressing emotions
-- ruffles hair with a groan when frustrated
-- getting really restless when impatient (tapping feet/ fingers,etc)
-- smirking when she's fully confident (usually when dancing)
-- the sensation of falling down from a high place
-- dark places where there is zero-visibility
 -- height: 160cm | weight: 50kg | blood type: type A
-- nicknames explanation: Kai calls her "Jin" since it's the shortened and "manly" version of her name. ever since he was young he wanted to have a brother that's why he calls her like that since it sounds like a guy's name. Meanwhile, other SM artists especially EXO calls her "Jai" since its a pun from Jongin's stage name, Kai. since she's his sister, Jai=Kai.
-- called as the "versatile muse" since she can pull off any concept. once she's on stage, she can be different and goes totally according to the concept of the performance.
-- Jae In loves to borrow... or snatch clothes from Kai's closet since she loves to play with it until she ends up having an amazing & unique style. if she can, she'll borrow even from her guy friends.
-- when she was a trainee she was already caught in a scandal. a year after her brother's debut, fans saw them going out the SM building together. Kai's arms were around her shoulder and he was carrying her bag. not to mention that she's wearing his hoodie that he wore before that's why the fans recognize it. this pictures immediately circulate the net and states that it's definitely Kai's girlfirend. since Jae In was not out in the public yet, people don't know they are siblings. this issue was immediately cleared out and it always make the two siblings laugh whenever they remember it.
-- Jae In started to dance after she saw Kai dancing for an event on their school. after that both of them took lessons on ballet and other forms of dance. just like her older brother, dancing will always be her first love.
-- in the futue of her carreer, she wishes to have a sub-unit together with Kai and Taemin and they would do cool and catchy songs with an epic choreography.
-- she and Kai became a trainee together
-- even though they're siblings, they don't look a like so before when they where high school, they sometimes make the other one pretend that they are girlfriend-boyfriend when they want the ones hitting on them to stop.
-- went to the same high school with Sulli and Krystal and graudated together.
-- she owns a pink instax which she always brings and the pictures she captures will be pasted on one of her bedroom walls in their dorm to form a collage.
-- one of her fear on debuting is to be comapred to her brother.
Jae In
Versatile Muse
Visual + Main Dancer
Park Hyemin
Bae Suzy
Son Naeun
 Blush (#ff6699


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