Almost time!

It is both sad and exciting but my friend will be headed back to Japan next week.

This past month with her has taken me back to all of our adventures we've shared over the years.

She was one of the only people who treated me the same as everyone else. She said that even though I have blonde hair, my Japanese is naitve speaker level because I was raised in the Japanese school system, so I'm just like everyone else. She never saw me as different and she always defended me. I am so glad to know her.

When she leaves, it'll be back to my carefree happy go lucky day to day which means MORE TIME TO WRITE! No more tour-guide Barbie! I'll be back to eating at home which means: Clean eating, working out and saving money!

Block B is coming to America. I am so excited--I cannot even handle it! So back to saving so I can spend it all! 

BBC--Follow me!


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