Long ago, the lands was ruled by a King and Queen. Wars broke out, famine struck, the poor rebelled against the rich- but then the King decided to split up his land, giving each of his sons a quarter of his Kingdom and leaving a piece for him and the Queen to watch over them. He named the new collection of lands, the Four Kingdoms. Each land was governed differently, and they each had their own strengths and weaknesses, but they could not live without each other. The North- skilled in strategy, the South- skilled in agriculture, the East- skilled in sea travel, and the West- skilled in technology. Will you become the next King or Queen? Or will you rule from your towers as a Prince or Princess? No? Maybe you'll fight like a Knight instead? Ah, I get it, you just want to live your life as a citizen? Whatever you want to do, you can do it here, at the Four Kingdoms, where , YURI, and your own history awaits you.


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